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Yak Stuck Out... It's a BAD relay!

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:01 pm    Post subject: Yak Stuck Out... It's a BAD relay! Reply with quote


�� Here is the answer as to why my Yak would not fire the booster coil or the Air Solenoid.�
The IGNITION RELAY�-TKE52- in the relay box at station 6 is BAD.�

�� The relay box is located behind the rear instrument panel.� I�disconnected the instrument air and power lines then removed the center instruments.��If you have not notice when you undo the two thumb screws at the top of the�instruments the panel will fold down and out.� Down on the left and right�hinges�that the panel rotates on, you will find that each has a�removable pin.� This will allow you to pull the complete instrument package out of the way,�with the exception of the heading compass. Just remove the three screws holding it in, and leave it there.

��� The relay box is located in the upper right hand side.��Has two cannon plugs on the�bottom, one large and one small, and lots of�Russian safety wire.��Remove the two cannon plugs, then remove the four screws holding the box to the bulkhead.��Take box out and cut safety wire.�Once you have done all of this, getting to the relay inside is easy.�

����After I sorted out what was what on the relay�I reconnected the cannon plugs and powered up the airplane.� Just as I expected�my multi-meter show that 28 V power�from the 10 Amp ignition breaker switch (the one down by the battery switch) was�feeding�into the relay and was ready and waiting to power the air solenoid and shower of sparks.

.� Next I checked that each starter button when pressed would send power to the relay and they worked fine.� From the bench check I did I suspected that the starter button power was not making it through the relay and in turn was not pulling the relay closed.� I checked�the�ground terminal to make sure that the wire had good continuity and of course it did.��

��� Only one thing left to due and that was jump the 28 V feed line to the air solenoid line.� When I turned on the battery and�flipped the ignition switch on�the air solenoid made that lovely�POP and sent air to�spin the prop.�

�� After having pulled this box, I would not want to�do�this in the field.� I will keep that extra booster coil with the pig tail handy.��Once you got the tool, its a quick fix.�


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