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Hidden oil door hinge

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 4:37 pm    Post subject: Hidden oil door hinge Reply with quote

Anyone put one of these hidden door hinges on their oil door yet? I'm wrapping up the little crap, I've had the door clecoed on for awhile and decided to install it as, a, um..."little" Sunday afternoon project...I have the McMaster Carr hinges and even fabricated a hinge based on Randy Phanzers (sp?) F1 rocket...the darned thing just hangs up like it's spring loaded in the opening and won't move off and away from the opening...I have made the opening very close tolerance by casting it in micro/flox using the door as a mold...very neat and precise fit...hacksaw blade gap. Well long story short....about 30 holes in the cowl and door from moving it back and forth with no luck, now 30 floxed holes...I can't get this thing to work...I know about the hinge from "justrvparts"...I'll buy it if I think it will work, I just think that even though I passed Algebra, Geometry and Trig I'm missing the correct location of the hinge line or something simple...I even clecoed two business cards to the hinge trying to understand it's operation while sitting on the couch last night...Even Sam Bucannan (RV-6 guru) sorta slammed me when I asked this on the VAF list..."A person who had made it this far building and RV would have no problem figuring out where to mount the hinge"..well Sam (at)#$% (at)!#!!! Anyone have some insight? Oh yeah......Sam %$#^ &^*!!!!

Rick Sked
Little crap

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Deems Davis

Joined: 09 Jan 2006
Posts: 925

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:15 pm    Post subject: Hidden oil door hinge Reply with quote

Well Buddy, I went to the log to see what I had done and here's a snip
from it :

/The rest of the day was spent cutting out the oil cover. I got a
'hidden hinge'
but had some difficulty in mounting it. I finally figured out that in
order for the hinge to"lift" the oil door the way it is designed to
that I would have to reposition the hinge. Advice to anybody doing this
is to do a test with a couple pieces of scrap alum to see
where the hinge placement should be in order to avoid binding when
opening the door. It's not intuitive and took some
experimenting on my part./

So, I guess that means I'm not as smart as Sam or the others. IIRC what
I did was use some alum .032 pieces and experiment until I got it right
then transferred the hole positions to the cowl and fiberglass.


Plane is at the painters, the garage is empty, my Honey do list has gone
from 'suspended' to 'active' and growing, Help, I need an OSH fix

Rick Sked wrote:

Anyone put one of these hidden door hinges on their oil door yet?
Rick Sked
Little crap

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:26 pm    Post subject: Hidden oil door hinge Reply with quote

I just put one of these on my SJ cowl on my 6A I'll try to dig up the

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:56 pm    Post subject: Hidden oil door hinge Reply with quote

Deems!!! My Man!!! Not to be confused with Otis Day and the Knights!! you have a lip around your oil door at the hinge side? If so...what width is it...I'm down to about 3/16" on the hinge side and don't want to go smaller (trail and frustrated error cut stuff away thing sorry I did maybe) And are we talking 3/32" margin left and right (starboard/port for you Navy guys) viewed from the cockpit or nose will make a difference in the hinge operation? I am soooo door fit looks like Ferrari made it...really....perfect, professional, close pains me to start drilling into all that again.

Maybe I should just wait till after next week when I'm calm.....I'm calm...Can't wait to make that drive from ORD next Sunday evening to good ol' OSH and Bonnies!!! I'm having a cheese curd meltdown and withdrawl!!

Rick Sked
Stinkin rotten oil door and all that other little crap!! Smile
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Deems Davis

Joined: 09 Jan 2006
Posts: 925

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:32 pm    Post subject: Hidden oil door hinge Reply with quote

Rick here's a link to an album that's got several pictures of the
install, start here and click forward. I don't have the plane handy to
measure for you , but I had about 3/16 - 1/4" backing for the door all
around the perimeter. One of the things I did was wait until I had the
hinge installed until filling everything with flox and sanding to final.

here's the link :


I got the rental car res today, so we're good to go direct (.......well
almost) ORD to OSH

Rick Sked wrote:

Deems!!! My Man!!! Not to be confused with Otis Day and the Knights!! you have a lip around your oil door at the hinge side? If so...what width is it...I'm down to about 3/16" on the hinge side and don't want to go smaller (trail and frustrated error cut stuff away thing sorry I did maybe) And are we talking 3/32" margin left and right (starboard/port for you Navy guys) viewed from the cockpit or nose will make a difference in the hinge operation? I am soooo door fit looks like Ferrari made it...really....perfect, professional, close pains me to start drilling into all that again.

Maybe I should just wait till after next week when I'm calm.....I'm calm...Can't wait to make that drive from ORD next Sunday evening to good ol' OSH and Bonnies!!! I'm having a cheese curd meltdown and withdrawl!!

Rick Sked
Stinkin rotten oil door and all that other little crap!! Smile
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Joined: 27 Feb 2007
Posts: 514
Location: Nevada

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:46 pm    Post subject: Hidden oil door hinge Reply with quote

It was a difficult job. but I just did not want those two didlies sticking up on the nice smooth cowl. I found that I had to put a bit of camber in the door to make it "go flat". I also ran a z-strip to rigidify the door at the closure side. The Hartwell clip (available at OSH) are well made and last forever. Get them at Osh on the cheap. Here is an inside view. Note - I am not flying so it is not a proven product yet.

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See you OSH '18
Q/B - sold.
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Lew Gallagher

Joined: 04 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:56 am    Post subject: Re: Hidden oil door hinge Reply with quote

Hey Deems,

"Emmersome" fine pics! Many hours, fine craftsmanship. Thanks.

Later, - Lew

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crazy about building
Fly off completed !
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:38 am    Post subject: Hidden Oil Door hinge Reply with quote

I’ve got the hidden oil door hinge from rvparts, but not installed it yet. I’d like to maybe be able to skip the Harwell latches and have a truly hidden system. I’ve seen other RVs with a cable release that runs up to the air intake area. Anyone got any other clever ideas? Some sort of magnetic-release latch?


Tim Dawson-Townsend
tdt(at) (tdt(at)
617-500-4812 (office)
617-905-4800 (mobile)


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:03 am    Post subject: Hidden Oil Door hinge Reply with quote

Here are a few links:
Rick Sked

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