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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 2:21 pm    Post subject: Puzzled Reply with quote

Is it me or does anyone else find it strange that the most belligerent
and rude person on this list hides behind a pseudonym for his identity.
Is there a reason he doesn't want people to know who he is?!!! Most
everyone else signs with their real name and is known to the group.
While the rest of us might disagree we don't find it necessary to insult
the other person by calling them stupid and other names when they don't
agree. Of course, as long as some others on the list encourage his bad
behavior, he will continue to feed on it.

Maybe after he sells his plane, he will evaporate from here!!!!

Terry - FireFly #95

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Joined: 10 Jan 2006
Posts: 1246

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 5:20 pm    Post subject: Re: Puzzled Reply with quote

tkrolfe(at) wrote:
Is it me or does anyone else find it strange that the most belligerent
and rude person on this list hides behind a pseudonym for his identity.
Is there a reason he doesn't want people to know who he is?!!! Most
everyone else signs with their real name and is known to the group.
While the rest of us might disagree we don't find it necessary to insult
the other person by calling them stupid and other names when they don't
agree. Of course, as long as some others on the list encourage his bad
behavior, he will continue to feed on it.

Maybe after he sells his plane, he will evaporate from here!!!!

Terry - FireFly #95


I always sign my posts, sometimes with my full name, sometimes with my first name. There has never been any hiding involved on my part, anyone that uses this list knows this. I do not appreciate you resorting to lies to mislead this group.

The last time things got ugly on this list, you jumped in with both feet posting some of the most objectionable things this list has ever seen. Almost everyone on this list has been able to move on from past ugliness, and let bygones be bygones. Why do you feel the need to post very objectionable statements at every opportunity ? Go read what you just posted... Having posted what you just posted, your statements make you not only a liar, but a hypocrite. I am sure everyone on the list will be thrilled to see that you are doing your best to turn things ugly again.


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"NO FEAR" - If you have no fear you did not go as fast as you could have !!!

Kolb MK-III Xtra, 912-S
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Joined: 09 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:46 pm    Post subject: Puzzled Reply with quote

Calling Terry a liar and a hypocrite is a perfect example of your
ridiculously short fuse!
His being put off by your consistantly rude and derogatory personal attacks
is most likely the reason he did not pick up on your real name when you use
it, he probably quits reading half way through most of your posts.
Take your own advise and reread what you posted. Your rude comments in the
past have really put a lot of us off.

Denny Rowe, owner of both wood and composite propellers that likes em both.
Also have destroyed both kinds (not on my Kolb) no fault of the props.



I always sign my posts, sometimes with my full name, sometimes with my
first name. There has never been any hiding involved on my part, anyone
that uses this list knows this. I do not appreciate you resorting to lies
to mislead this group.

The last time things got ugly on this list, you jumped in with both feet
posting some of the most objectionable things this list has ever seen.
Almost everyone on this list has been able to move on from past ugliness,
and let bygones be bygones. Why do you feel the need to post very
objectionable statements at every opportunity ? Go read what you just
posted... Having posted what you just posted, your statements make you not
only a liar, but a hypocrite. I am sure everyone on the list will be
thrilled to see that you are doing your best to turn things ugly again.


"NO FEAR" - If you have no fear you did not go as fast as you
could have !!!

Kolb MK-III Xtra, 912-S

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Richard Pike

Joined: 09 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 7:08 pm    Post subject: Re: Puzzled Reply with quote

Terry, it's like this: the only way you will ever get any relief from this problem of bad manners and rudeness is to give up on the list and find something else to do.

Guess how I know this?

Richard Pike
MKIII N420P (420ldPoops)

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Joined: 16 Mar 2006
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Location: Mishawaka, In

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:41 pm    Post subject: Re: Puzzled Reply with quote

Mr. Pike,

You're missed by at least some of us on the list. I look forward to seeing you and the rest of the Kolb gang at the Homecoming.

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Joined: 10 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 9:57 pm    Post subject: Re: Puzzled Reply with quote

Richard Pike wrote:
Terry, it's like this: the only way you will ever get any relief from this problem of bad manners and rudeness is to give up on the list and find something else to do.

Guess how I know this?

Richard Pike
MKIII N420P (420ldPoops)


The only way you will ever get relief from this problem is to not to try to start shit and rekindle bad feelings at every opportunity. If anyone should know this, it should be you... You are a pretty poor excuse for a preacher, you sure do not practice what the bible teaches when you support this kind of behavior by Terry. If you believe in God, one day you will have to answer to him for it.

Lets see here, Terry starts this shit again with multiple personal attacks, and then you bad apples criticize me for responding. Its obvious that you don't give a damn about right and wrong. There is not a one of you that would sit back and take something like Terry posted.

So if a few of you bad apples support this behavior by Terry, then don't complain when things get ugly. Don't post unwarranted personal attacks then cry like babies when things get ugly on the list. There are a lot of people on this list that see how you bad apples operate, you are only making yourselves look like the hypocrites you are. We have been down this road before.


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"NO FEAR" - If you have no fear you did not go as fast as you could have !!!

Kolb MK-III Xtra, 912-S
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John Bickham

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:19 pm    Post subject: Re: Puzzled Reply with quote

We have been down this road before.

Your right and your always the one in the middle of the road!

I try my best to stay our of this stuff (nice word version). Can't let you insult a good man like the Rev.

I wish you much success in selling your plane as soon as possible. There is a silent majority that has chosen not to post to or participate in this list because of this kind of stuff, of which you are the common denominator. I've been told this over and over by many people. A lot of them have (or had) a lot more to contribute to the list than you and I.

I do wish you the best. But I can't let you keep thinking most of us agree with you and your position.

Fly more, type less.

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Thanks too much,

John Bickham
Mark III-C w/ 912UL
St. Francisville, LA

I know many pilots and a few true aviators. There is a distinct difference that I have the greatest respect for.
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David Lucas

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 12:43 am    Post subject: Re: Puzzled Reply with quote


If a poll were to be conducted amongst all members, on a voluntary basis, regarding the incredibly strong way you respond to issues which have offended many on the list, would you accept the result ?

You may not set out to offend people in your own thinking, but, most surely, it is the result that I see.

David Lucas

Not a Kolb owner/flyer yet, just 62 years experience of life !

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 1:08 am    Post subject: Puzzled Reply with quote

If you believe in God, one day you will have to answer to him for it.>>

Good grief! If you think God monitors this list, man, do you have problems
Seems a little like overkill to start invoking the Diety when there is that
little key marked `DELETE` sitting right there on the keyboard.

Come off it


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 5:58 am    Post subject: Re: Puzzled Reply with quote

This entire thread has nothing to do with Kolbs or aviation. Terry authored this thread with lies, and with no other intention than to post a personal attack to stir up trouble and cause bad feelings. Those in the group that support this kind of behavior, shame on you. It shows what hypocrites and poor excuse of men you are.

When Reverend Richard jumps into this post to support someone that wrote a post with no other intention than cause trouble and hate, it puts him right in the company of Reverend Wright, Extreme Islamics, and other " religious " men that support this kind of behavior. Richards supporting of discord and hate might not be on the same grand level as Richards contemporaries, but he is taken his stand. Lots of bad " Religious " men out there, Richard Pike has shown what kind of man he is.


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"NO FEAR" - If you have no fear you did not go as fast as you could have !!!

Kolb MK-III Xtra, 912-S
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 10:16 am    Post subject: Puzzled Reply with quote

Hey Richard,Welcome back!
"All that is needed for the forces of evil to succeed is for enough good men to remain silent. "
Please do not do that again. Smile
With you here again, there is still hope for a better Kolb list.

On Sep 9, 2008, at 11:08 PM, Richard Pike wrote:
[quote] [quote][b]

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Ralph B

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:07 am    Post subject: Re: Puzzled Reply with quote

I've been on the Kolb list as long as it's been in existence. There is no reason to attack anyone or make remarks that hurt people. The purpose of the list is to promote the sport of building and flying Kolb ultralight and Light Sport Aircraft. I enjoy reading comments, but I sure don't like to read a lot of bickering and political agendas. Can't we all just get along?

Ralph B

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Ralph B

Kolb Kolbra 912uls
550 hours
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:13 am    Post subject: Re: Puzzled Reply with quote

Come on now! Was it necessary to start this thread? Was it necessary to respond to it? Rolling Eyes

I have a solution for you guys. Ya'll need to fly more and spend less time sitting around being bored and getting on the list starting these unnecessary conflicts.

I don't have a problem with anyone on the list. I feel all of you have valuable information to share. I am new to Light sport aircraft and I value the input from the list and I value differences in opinions between members.

The best way to smooth over this Hatfield and McCoy situation is to start ignoring the things said that get to you.

Now play nice! Very Happy

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John Hauck

Joined: 09 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 1:42 pm    Post subject: Puzzled Reply with quote

Preacher and others:

I find the best thing to do is ignore the bastards, both sides, and drive on. They ain't gonna run me off with a key board and monitor.

If they want to run me off, they'll have to do it in person. You know, eyeball to eyeball. The ones that woof the loudest on the Kolb List are usually the ones that are the meekest when you meet them in person.

Now.......let's get back to building and flying Kolbs. Now is one of the best times of the year to fly. The air will soon start cooling off and clean up a bit. Autumn colors are right around the corner. The Kolb Homecoming is next week. Get your sleeping bag and air mattress loaded in the Kolb and head for Labhart Field.

This Kolb List is ok if you ain't got nuthin' else. But the real Kolb experience is to load up the airplane, or yourself, and head out to the next Kolb Homecoming, MV, John Bickham's Nauga Flyin. Meet some of us old and young farts that fly these things.� Share some experiences eyeball to eyeball. Get to "really" know each other. That, to me, is what it is all about.

I have met some of the finest folks in the world through my Kolbs. They are, for the most part, life long friends.� Friends I enjoy visiting with, whether it is airplane, dirt bike, ATV, 5th wheeling, or whatever.

You guys need to knock this crap off.� Try to say something "nice" to each other once in a while. Don't look for stuff to pick apart. And.........don't be telling me what a dumb ass I am, or how stupid I am, for what I am doing. I bet I have been doing it a hell of a lot longer than a lot of you all. Wink

For the most part, I usually tell folks what and how I do it. I leave it up to you to decide what you want to do.� What you do and how you do it is your business.

Take care,

john h

Terry, it's like this: the only way you will ever get any relief from this problem of bad manners and rudeness is to give up on the list and find something else to do.

Guess how I know this?

Richard Pike


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John Hauck
hauck's holler
Titus, Alabama
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Snoopy Baxley

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:24 pm    Post subject: Puzzled Reply with quote

I agree with jhauck...... and That's my final answer !!

do not archive

Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:32 pm    Post subject: puzzled Reply with quote

Thank you, John. Well said. I learned long ago that if there was a difference of mechanical opinion to just remember the other person's point and keep it in the back of my head, even if I was certain he was wrong. He might have run into the exception to the rule- or I might have.

do not archive

Bill Sullivan


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Richard Pike

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 5:06 pm    Post subject: Re: Puzzled Reply with quote

What kind of man I am - Hmmm. All I did was check the list - like I do from time to time to see if there is anything "airplaney" on it that is interesting - and happened to read this thread. I don't know who's post I am supposed to be supporting, don't know any of the details, don't care.

All I did was say what was true. It was true nine months ago, still true now. If bad manners and rudeness are intolerable, then the list isn't an option.
Guess I made a good choice when I left.

PS to Mike: What made you think I was talking about you?

Richard Pike
MKIII N420P (420ldPoops)

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Joined: 10 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 5:44 pm    Post subject: Re: Puzzled Reply with quote

Mr Pike,

I don't think anyone should leave the list, the advantages to being here outweigh whatever we might not like about it. I would encourage you decide to come back and be active here.

Now that things have cooled down a little bit, here is what I had a problem with. Terry started this thread that had nothing to do with Kolbs, and was nothing more than a personal attack on myself. Your response was

" Terry, it's like this: the only way you will ever get any relief from this problem of bad manners and rudeness is to give up on the list and find something else to do. "

You chose to support terry and imply that he could get relief from this type of behavior when HE IS THE ONE THAT INITIATED THE BAD MANNERS AND RUDENESS. The more honest and appropriate advice would have been to tell him not to initiate this type of behavior if he did not like it. Your supporting Terrys abusive post and uncalled for behavior was wrong.

As a preacher, you of all people should not be supporting the person that initiates this type of uncalled for and inappropriate behavior. Instead, you support the attacker... You as a preacher should know better than anyone the difference between right and wrong. Terrys starting this ugly mess again with this thread was wrong. You supporting him doing it was wrong.


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"NO FEAR" - If you have no fear you did not go as fast as you could have !!!

Kolb MK-III Xtra, 912-S
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John Hauck

Joined: 09 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 6:01 pm    Post subject: Puzzled Reply with quote

Mike B:

Recommend you contact individuals you are having problems with back copy.

This petty crap has nothing to do with Kolb building or flying.

I, for one, am not interested.

I speak for myself, but probably echo the sentiments of many others on this
List that don't seem to have the same personal problems you are having.

Enough is enough.

john h
mkIII - Getting older every minute. Ain't got time to waste on mickey mouse


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John Hauck
hauck's holler
Titus, Alabama
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Joined: 10 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 7:22 pm    Post subject: Re: Puzzled Reply with quote

John H,

With all due respect, I agree with you when you say Enough is Enough. I put all this behind me the last time around months ago. You know very well that I have kept my posts clean and non abusive recently.

If you have a problem with what is going on the list, you need to be talking the individual that instigated this whole mess and wrote this abusive " Non Kolb " thread, not me.

At last count, there are 4 separate threads that were started here on this list that are nothing but rude and nasty attacks, and have nothing to do with Kolbs, NONE of them were started by me. The majority of rude and inappropriate posts on this list written since yesterday were not written by myself. Double standards do not work, chastising me in public for responding to attacks while not saying a word about the instigators will NEVER achieve peace on this list.

This continual mentality of everyone telling me to be quiet and take abuse form other members of this group only encourages repeats of what has been happening here in the past. If you want a clean list, then the same standards must be applied to everyone. It is very clear, that Terry, Michael Sharp, and others feel they have the blessing of the group anytime they want to write personal attacks. Given the response from this episode, it is clear they will surely feel they have the support to do this again and again.

Want a clean list, its time to tell your friends to clean up their act, not just me. You know as well as anyone that double standards will never result in peace here. The SAME rules and standards of conduct must apply to everyone.


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"NO FEAR" - If you have no fear you did not go as fast as you could have !!!

Kolb MK-III Xtra, 912-S
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