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ELT Antenna

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Dick Sipp

Joined: 11 Jan 2006
Posts: 215
Location: Hope, MI

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 8:01 pm    Post subject: ELT Antenna Reply with quote

Looking for some ideas on a location to mount the ELT antenna other than on top of the fuselage.
I am thinking about mounting on a corner plate where the top longeron meets the rear baggage bulkhead with the wire end secured in a cushion clamp.
Other ideas?
Dick Sipp

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 9:05 pm    Post subject: ELT Antenna Reply with quote

I put my ELT on the aft deck between the trim cables after I saw Vans' there. I have the antenna attached to the last bulkhead of the tailcone where the top skin ends, facing aft and protruding under the fiberglass intersection fairing. Works great, lasts a long time. Mark(40016) 50hrs

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:03 pm    Post subject: ELT Antenna Reply with quote

We have done this and I think a lot of others also, because we got the idea from Randy.  We mounted it on the tail under the fairing (the ELT, that is), and mounted the antenna in the rear bulkhead that the aft most tailcone top skin rivets to at the back.  The antenna then is completely hidden by the fairing and invisible.  Also, if the plan crashes, the tail is most often the part that is left in tact from what I have heard, so it will do its job better.
Jesse Saint
I-TEC, Inc.
jesse(at) (jesse(at)
I'm in Ecuador right now and should be back in the country by the end of May.  You may call me at 352-505-1899 and leave a message that I can check from down here.  Any I-TEC questions can be directed to the I-TEC office at 352-465-4545.

From: owner-rv10-list-server(at) [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)] On Behalf Of Richard Sipp
Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2006 10:58 PM
To: rv10-list(at)
Subject: ELT Antenna

Looking for some ideas on a location to mount the ELT antenna other than on top of the fuselage.


I am thinking about mounting on a corner plate where the top longeron meets the rear baggage bulkhead with the wire end secured in a cushion clamp.


Other ideas?




Dick Sipp


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PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 5:33 pm    Post subject: ELT Antenna Reply with quote

I have mine mounted horizontally under the empennage fairing. Lots of RV'ers do it that way.

(See )

Probably not ideal for signal propogation, but it turns out nothing is ideal, since any outside antenna has a chance of ending up under the plane and/or sheared off after the crash.

-Dan Masys
From: "Richard Sipp" <rsipp(at)>
Date: 2006/04/08 Sat PM 11:57:42 EDT
To: <rv10-list(at)>
Subject: ELT Antenna

Looking for some ideas on a location to mount the ELT antenna other than on top of the fuselage.

I am thinking about mounting on a corner plate where the top longeron meets the rear baggage bulkhead with the wire end secured in a cushion clamp.

Other ideas?


Dick Sipp

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 6:43 am    Post subject: ELT Antenna Reply with quote

I put my ELT antenna in the right aft corner of the baggage compartment. I riveted a small .063 plate with a hole in it onto the .125" aluminum angle. I attached the antenna to that plate. I glassed an AN3 bolt onto the inside of the canopy top just above and used this to bolt on a cushioned clamp that secures the top end of the antenna. Since my ELT is just behind the baggage compartment bulkhead there, the antenna wire run is all of about 3'.
Jim "Scooter" McGrew

Time: 09:01:47 PM PST US
From: "Richard Sipp" <rsipp(at)>
Subject: ELT Antenna

Looking for some ideas on a location to mount the ELT antenna other than on top
of the fuselage.

I am thinking about mounting on a corner plate where the top longeron meets the
rear baggage bulkhead with the wire end secured in a cushion clamp.

Other ideas?


Dick Sipp


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:02 am    Post subject: ELT Antenna Reply with quote

Might you have a picture or two of the install? 
John Jessen
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From: owner-rv10-list-server(at) [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)] On Behalf Of JSMcGrew(at)
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 7:41 AM
To: rv10-list(at)
Subject: ELT Antenna

I put my ELT antenna in the right aft corner of the baggage compartment. I riveted a small .063 plate with a hole in it onto the .125" aluminum angle. I attached the antenna to that plate. I glassed an AN3 bolt onto the inside of the canopy top just above and used this to bolt on a cushioned clamp that secures the top end of the antenna. Since my ELT is just behind the baggage compartment bulkhead there, the antenna wire run is all of about 3'.
Jim "Scooter" McGrew

Time: 09:01:47 PM PST US
From: "Richard Sipp" <rsipp(at)>
Subject: ELT Antenna

Looking for some ideas on a location to mount the ELT antenna other than on top
of the fuselage.

I am thinking about mounting on a corner plate where the top longeron meets the
rear baggage bulkhead with the wire end secured in a cushion clamp.

Other ideas?


Dick Sipp


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:49 am    Post subject: ELT Antenna Reply with quote

Attached is a picture of the antenna install. I just have a digest subscription, do pictures get forwarded out to the list?
-Jim McGrew
Time: 09:02:26 AM PST US
From: "John Jessen" <jjessen(at)>
Subject: RE: ELT Antenna


Might you have a picture or two of the install? 

John Jessen

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From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)
[mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)] On Behalf Of JSMcGrew(at)
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 7:41 AM
Subject: ELT Antenna

I put my ELT antenna in the right aft corner of the baggage compartment. I
riveted a small .063 plate with a hole in it onto the .125" aluminum angle.
I attached the antenna to that plate. I glassed an AN3 bolt onto the inside
of the canopy top just above and used this to bolt on a cushioned clamp that
secures the top end of the antenna. Since my ELT is just behind the baggage
compartment bulkhead there, the antenna wire run is all of about 3'.
Jim "Scooter" McGrew

Time: 09:01:47 PM PST US
From: "Richard Sipp" <rsipp(at)>
Subject: ELT Antenna

Looking for some ideas on a location to mount the ELT antenna other than on
of the fuselage.

I am thinking about mounting on a corner plate where the top longeron meets
rear baggage bulkhead with the wire end secured in a cushion clamp.

Other ideas?


Dick Sipp
Jim "Scooter" McGrew

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 Filesize:  22.13 KB
 Viewed:  290 Time(s)


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:57 am    Post subject: ELT Antenna Reply with quote

Looks nice.  Anyone want to comment on how well the signal can get through the cabin lid? 
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From: owner-rv10-list-server(at) [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)] On Behalf Of JSMcGrew(at)
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 2:49 PM
To: rv10-list(at)
Subject: RE: ELT Antenna

Attached is a picture of the antenna install. I just have a digest subscription, do pictures get forwarded out to the list?


-Jim McGrew



Time: 09:02:26 AM PST US
From: "John Jessen" <jjessen(at)>
Subject: RE: ELT Antenna


Might you have a picture or two of the install? 

John Jessen

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From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)
[mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)] On Behalf Of JSMcGrew(at)
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 7:41 AM
Subject: ELT Antenna


I put my ELT antenna in the right aft corner of the baggage compartment. I
riveted a small .063 plate with a hole in it onto the .125" aluminum angle.
I attached the antenna to that plate. I glassed an AN3 bolt onto the inside
of the canopy top just above and used this to bolt on a cushioned clamp that
secures the top end of the antenna. Since my ELT is just behind the baggage
compartment bulkhead there, the antenna wire run is all of about 3'.

Jim "Scooter" McGrew

Time: 09:01:47 PM PST US
From: "Richard Sipp" <rsipp(at)>
Subject: ELT Antenna

Looking for some ideas on a location to mount the ELT antenna other than on
of the fuselage.

I am thinking about mounting on a corner plate where the top longeron meets
rear baggage bulkhead with the wire end secured in a cushion clamp.

Other ideas?


Dick Sipp


Jim "Scooter" McGrew

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Dick Sipp

Joined: 11 Jan 2006
Posts: 215
Location: Hope, MI

PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:49 pm    Post subject: ELT Antenna Reply with quote

As posted last night, I talked to Airteck about this and they said there should be no problem with a vertically mounted antenna under fiberglass.  They were concerned that a horizontal mounting under the rudder, as many have done on RVs, would seriously degrade the antenna.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 6:36 pm    Post subject: ELT Antenna Reply with quote

Interesting. Who is Airteck?

Is your ELT 121.5 or 406 MHz?

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Dick Sipp

Joined: 11 Jan 2006
Posts: 215
Location: Hope, MI

PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:04 pm    Post subject: ELT Antenna Reply with quote

Ah, sorry for the typo. The company is Artex Aircraft Supplies Inc., a
Chelton Co.

The unit I have is the ME406 and is both 121.5 and 406.

Dick Sipp


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:27 pm    Post subject: ELT Antenna Reply with quote

That's a good data point - thanks. We are also planning a 406 MHz unit, so maybe we will copy your idea . . .

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From: owner-rv10-list-server(at) on behalf of Richard Sipp
Sent: Tue 4/11/2006 11:04 PM
To: rv10-list(at)
Subject: Re: ELT Antenna

Ah, sorry for the typo. The company is Artex Aircraft Supplies Inc., a
Chelton Co.

The unit I have is the ME406 and is both 121.5 and 406.

Dick Sipp


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 8:22 pm    Post subject: ELT Antenna Reply with quote

Correction...... http://www.artex.NET


Ah, sorry for the typo. The company is Artex Aircraft Supplies Inc., a
Chelton Co.

The unit I have is the ME406 and is both 121.5 and 406.

Dick Sipp


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 8:27 pm    Post subject: ELT Antenna Reply with quote

You Chelton EFIS guys should have an Artex ELT and an S-Tec autopilot, since they all belong to the Chelton family!

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From: owner-rv10-list-server(at) on behalf of Tim Olson
Sent: Wed 4/12/2006 12:21 AM
To: rv10-list(at)
Subject: Re: ELT Antenna

Correction...... http://www.artex.NET


Ah, sorry for the typo. The company is Artex Aircraft Supplies Inc., a
Chelton Co.

The unit I have is the ME406 and is both 121.5 and 406.

Dick Sipp


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:34 pm    Post subject: ELT Antenna Reply with quote

[quote]You Chelton EFIS guys should have an Artex ELT and an >S-Tec autopilot, since they all belong to the Chelton family! Tim, This is the second time you have made this statement, so I'm compelled to inquire. All my research indicates that the Chelton Group (Artex, Chelton Avionics, Comant, NAT, etc) and Meggitt (UK) Ltd. (Meggitt Avionics, S-Tec, etc) are NOT the same company. Also, D2A is NOT part of the Chelton group, they only have a dealer relationship with Chelton Flight Systems. Can you point me to the relationship between Meggitt (S-Tec) and Chelton? Chelton has the EFIS SV line of EFIS, and Meggit has the MAGIC line ( of EFIS. William Curtis

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 6:58 pm    Post subject: ELT Antenna Reply with quote

I may have been overcome by the fumes off the new office carpet when I wrote that . . .

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