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Firewall penetration

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:24 am    Post subject: Firewall penetration Reply with quote

Tony Bingelis shows how to make firewall penetration shields out of scrap firewall material, see "Firewall Forward", p. 66-67. I made a handful of the two-piece design out of left-over/scrap galvanized firewall material. Once you have a pattern, the process goes quickly. Dick Carden

On Mar 17, 2010, at 2:55 AM, AeroElectric-List Digest Server wrote:

[quote] *

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AeroElectric-List Digest Archive
Total Messages Posted Tue 03/16/10: 12

Today's Message Index:

1. 06:55 AM - Re: AeroElectric-List Digest: 8 Msgs - 03/15/10 (Lapsley R. and Sandra E. Caldwell)
2. 07:16 AM - Re: Continued: Preferred Method for Redundant Power Sources to Single Input (Robert L. Nuckolls, III)
3. 07:51 AM - Re: Running Big Battery Wire Through Firewall (John Grosse)
4. 12:12 PM - Z-19 question (Mark R. Supinski)
5. 01:56 PM - Re: Running Big Battery Wire Through Firewall (William Slaughter)
6. 02:29 PM - Re: Z-19 question (Sam Hoskins)
7. 02:29 PM - Re: Continued: Preferred Method for Redundant Power Sources to Single Input (jon(at)
8. 03:08 PM - Re: Running Big Battery Wire Through Firewall (John Grosse)
9. 03:27 PM - Re: Running Big Battery Wire Through Firewall (Richard Tasker)
10. 04:08 PM - OT: vacuum pump (ray)
11. 07:03 PM - Re: Running Big Battery Wire Through Firewall ()
12. 08:44 PM - Re: Running Big Battery Wire Through Firewall (Robert L. Nuckolls, III)

________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________

Time: 06:55:59 AM PST US
From: "Lapsley R. and Sandra E. Caldwell" <lrsecaldwell(at)>
Subject: Re: AeroElectric-List Digest: 8 Msgs - 03/15/10


It would be interesting if you could remember if you could remember id
the position of the flaps about blowing the fuse was fully up or down.

Also keep in mind that there have been at least two versions of the Flap
drive mechanism.

As to the clutch, if you operate the flaps without the engine running
you can hear the flap clutch slip at the fully up or down position (if
you don have any limit switches installed).


On 3/16/2010 2:55 AM, AeroElectric-List Digest Server wrote:
> Time: 04:53:31 AM PST US
> From: "Fred Stucklen"<wstucklen1(at)>
> Subject: : Re: Flap motor draw for Rv-7A
> Interesting. I've tried 5 AMP fuses on three different RV's to date, and
> all blew the fuses while
> Trying to deploy the flaps during the first flight. Installing a 10 Amp
> fuse always solved the problem.
> Frederic Stucklen

________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________

Time: 07:16:49 AM PST US
From: "Robert L. Nuckolls, III" <nuckolls.bob(at)>
Subject: Re: Continued: Preferred Method for Redundant Power
Sources to Single Input

At 07:18 PM 3/15/2010, you wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> Regarding this archive
> thread:
> <>
> I am interested to know the answer to the final question. It was
> also the first question that came into my head after reading your
> response. I'm not sure whether or not the answer matters but suspect
> that knowing the answer will answer that question!! Wink
> Gordon Smith wrote:
> "In this case when the two always-on sources differ by a volt or
> two, for whatever reason, Do the sources provide power
> proportionally to their voltage or will it be a 100% feed from the
> highest voltage source?"

The two either-or sources feeding a pair of diodes
need differ by only a few hundred millvolts for the
HIGHER of the two to pick up all loads downstream
of the diodes.

Bob . . .

________________________________ Message 3 _____________________________________

Time: 07:51:59 AM PST US
From: John Grosse <grosseair(at)>
Subject: Re: Running Big Battery Wire Through Firewall

I'm sorry, but I'm not understanding something. The devices below look
more secure to me than a wire through a hole in the firewall filled with
fire putty. I can see that the bolt could conduct heat from a fire, but
then so could a wire. The concept with these devices seems the same to
me as a bulkhead fitting for hydraulic lines which is apparently okay.
So could someone explain why these electrical fittings are incompatible
with firewall security.


John Grosse

Robert L. Nuckolls, III wrote:
> At 08:37 AM 3/10/2010, you wrote:
>> David,
>> I can tell you there is more than one way to skin a cat, but if you look
>> at one of the gazillion Piper Cherokees out there, the cable runs from
>> under the back seat along the left panel through the generally dry
>> rotted grand-daddy grommet to the contactor mounted on the firewall.
>> Size does matter but for 2 or 4 GA that won't make a difference. Good
>> enough for Piper...
> I don't think I've yet seen a commercial-off-the-shelf firewall
> feedthru where the insulating material would have stood off
> Jack Thermin's "puff the magic dragon" test. Electrically
> and mechanically, these critters function as advertised.
> The price is low and they seem adequately robust.
> However, if one subscribes to the notion of protecting
> firewall integrity with processes like . . .
> then devices like . . .
> Emacs!
> and . . .
> Emacs!
> Are incompatible with the design goal cited in the
> article. So if your design goals include attention
> to details of fire-wall integrity, then perhaps
> single fat-wires are best brought through grommets
> with fire-shields and application of fire-putty
> per Tony B's writings.
> Bob . . .

________________________________ Message 4 _____________________________________

Time: 12:12:12 PM PST US
Subject: Z-19 question
From: "Mark R. Supinski" <mark.supinski(at)>

Hello all-

I have implemented Z-19 (dual battery, redundant main and engine
busses) for my bird. I would like to add the ability to easily hook
up a float trickle charger to the aircraft to keep both batteries
topped up while sitting in the hangar. Due to the design of Z-19,
however, I can't see a simple way to accomplish this that doesn't
result in the batteries being tied together in what would likely be an
undesireable way.

Is there a straight-forward way to do this? (without having to float
charge the batteries separately, thus requiring 2 chargers).



________________________________ Message 5 _____________________________________

Time: 01:56:41 PM PST US
From: "William Slaughter" <william_slaughter(at)>
Subject: RE: Running Big Battery Wire Through Firewall

The plastic insulator portion would be incinerated within seconds, leaving a
hole in the firewall for the fire to pass through to the cockpit.


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