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PolyFiber silver coats and their effect on radio signals

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:13 pm    Post subject: PolyFiber silver coats and their effect on radio signals Reply with quote

> Mike,
Your experiences directly contradict what they said, i.e. that the UV
damage will occur all over the plane and not just on top.



� My apologies to the aeroelectric list, since the topic has strayed from the effective blockage of radio waves from Poly Spray, to a wing's intregrity from sunlight blockage from P.S.

� James,

� My "experience" comes from from seeing countless thousands of things rot in the sun and rain.� An item NOT left in the sun and the rain seems to last a long, long, long time....compared to the same kind of item left in the elements!
� Whether it's a car, a board, a sheet of sheetrock, just about anything lasts longer stored inside.� My fabric covered plane will NOT ever sit openly in the sun, at least not as long as I own it.� I've seen too many airplanes just rot away, sitting on a ramp.� Not mine.� It will have a cover, or be in a hangar...period.

� Since the primary purpose of the Poly Spray is to block the sun's rays, I don't personally see much need for something to be thoroughly�"protected" that will never see�direct sunlight.� That's just me, I guess.� It's like getting travel insurance, and never going anywhere.

� Simple experiment:� take two pieces of fabric, any fabric.� Set one outside to see lots of sunshine and rain.� Keep the other one indoors in a dry place.�� Let them sit there for a few years, say 4-5.� That ought to do it.��� Look at the outside one.� Tug on it.� Look at the inside one.�� That's my "experience".

� Yes, I'm aware of the Miller's position.� They weren't as adamant last year, but whatever.
Considering their liabilty, how could they say anything else??�

� Another experiment:� find someone who is in bad need of a suntan.� Get a nice, hot sunny day.� Have this pale skinned chap sit underneath a nice shade tree all day.� How much sunburn did he get?�� Probably not a lot, I guess.

� I'm not trying to be argumentative, just use what I believe to be my own personal judgement regarding sun protection.

� Thanks for sharing your opinion.

Mike Welch

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:35 pm    Post subject: PolyFiber silver coats and their effect on radio signals Reply with quote

>This makes me wonder, does UV energy bounce off of the ground?��Jared

Aeroelectric list,

� Again, my apologies.� This will be MY last reply to this subject.� Any further discussion with me will need to be off-list.� I realize the subject matter has strayed from the aeroelectric lists intent.

� Jared,

� Yes, UV light does bounce off the ground!!� Of course!�

� Have you ever painted a house?� The gutters, trim, posts, etc, in direct sunlight need to be repainted about every 7-10 years.� Did you ever check out the underside of the eaves?� Darn near new!!� In fact, they usually only just get a coat of smoggy residue on them.� A simple wash, and they usually look as good as the day after they were painted.� Did they receive some of that bounced UV rays wear and tear?� Sure!!� How much?� I'm not too sure, but I'd guess about a twentieth (or a hundredth!) of the wear and tear the parts in the sun got.�
� If the outside paint lasts 10 years in direct sunlight, I'd be willing to bet we won't be alive when the underside paint wears out.

� This is my experience.� Others opinions may vary, and I'm okay with that.

� In answer to your other question, the wings and tailfeathers are A/C aluminum, the fuselage is chromoly tubing.� Plenty of Poly Tak to hold things together!!!

Mike Welch

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