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RV6 Fuel dipstick

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:06 am    Post subject: RV6 Fuel dipstick Reply with quote

I made up my dipstick about 6 years ago. I used an acrylic tube for a cessna, washed / buffed out those markings and added mine. I kept it simple - I mark at 5, 10, and 15 gallons. It's quite accurate. If you don't get what you need, I'll measure mine next time I get to the airport and send them.

--- On Tue, 4/12/11, RV-List Digest Server <rv-list(at)> wrote:
From: RV-List Digest Server <rv-list(at)>
Subject: RV-List Digest: 11 Msgs - 04/11/11
To: "RV-List Digest List" <rv-list-digest(at)>
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2011, 2:59 AM


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RV-List Digest Archive
� ---
� Total Messages Posted Mon 04/11/11: 11

Today's Message Index:

� 1. 06:06 AM - RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings� (Doug Gray)
2. 06:28 AM - Re: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings ([url=/mc/compose?to=ronburnett(at)]ronburnett(at)[/url])
3. 06:29 AM - Re: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings (Bill Boyd)
4. 06:37 AM - Re: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings (Dale Ensing)
5. 06:46 AM - Re: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings (Scott)
6. 07:26 AM - Re: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings (Bobby Hester)
7. 07:26 AM - Re: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings (John Morgensen)
8. 07:41 AM - Re: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings (Richard Dudley)
9. 11:44 AM - Re: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings (Richard Dudley)
10. 02:56 PM - Re: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings (Doug Gray)
11. 03:10 PM - Re: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings (Linn Walters)

________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________
Time: 06:06:40 AM PST US
Subject: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings
From: Doug Gray <[url=/mc/compose?to=dgra1233(at)]dgra1233(at)[/url]>


Does anyone have a record of the measurements to make a dipstick for a
standard RV-6 fuel tank?

Doug Gray

________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________
Time: 06:28:16 AM PST US
From: [url=/mc/compose?to=ronburnett(at)]ronburnett(at)[/url]
Subject: RE: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings
I have been working on one with a paint stick and painted ruler, but
haven't finished it yet.
Ron Burnett
RV-6A Subaru owered
M71Greensfield, MO
On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 8:02 AM, Doug Gray wrote:


Does anyone have a record of the measurements to make a dipstick for a
standard RV-6 fuel tank?

Doug Gray

________________________________ Message 3 _____________________________________
Time: 06:29:30 AM PST US
Subject: Re: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings
From: Bill Boyd <[url=/mc/compose?to=sportav8r(at)]sportav8r(at)[/url]>

I could get them to you for a 6A. 6 will be different, of course, due to
pitch attitude at rest.

Bill B

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 9:02 AM, Doug Gray <[url=/mc/compose?to=dgra1233(at)]dgra1233(at)[/url]> wrote:


Does anyone have a record of the measurements to make a dipstick for a
standard RV-6 fuel tank?

Doug Gray

________________________________ Message 4 _____________________________________
Time: 06:37:53 AM PST US
Subject: Re: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings
From: Dale Ensing <[url=/mc/compose?to=densing(at)]densing(at)[/url]>
I have one but presently out of town. Will send info next week if no else responds.
Dale Ensing

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 11, 2011, at 6:02 AM, Doug Gray <[url=/mc/compose?to=dgra1233(at)]dgra1233(at)[/url]> wrote:


Does anyone have a record of the measurements to make a dipstick for a standard
RV-6 fuel tank?


Doug Gray

________________________________ Message 5 _____________________________________
Time: 06:46:58 AM PST US
From: Scott <[url=/mc/compose?to=acepilot(at)]acepilot(at)[/url]>
Subject: Re: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings

I use a chunk of 1/4" wooden dowel.� Start with empty tank, add gas in
your desired increments (ie 2 gallons, 5 gallons, etc.) and use a black
sharpie to mark a ring around the stick at each fuel measurement.

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 9:02 AM, Doug Gray <[url=/mc/compose?to=dgra1233(at)]dgra1233(at)[/url]
<mailto:[url=/mc/compose?to=dgra1233(at)]dgra1233(at)[/url]>> wrote:


Does anyone have a record of the measurements to make a dipstick
for a standard RV-6 fuel tank?

Doug Gray

________________________________ Message 6 _____________________________________
Time: 07:26:58 AM PST US
Subject: Re: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings
From: Bobby Hester <[url=/mc/compose?to=bobbyhester(at)]bobbyhester(at)[/url]>
Can't help with the measurements but,
I use a FuelHawk

Sent from my Verizon iPhone

On Apr 11, 2011, at 8:02 AM, Doug Gray <[url=/mc/compose?to=dgra1233(at)]dgra1233(at)[/url]> wrote:


Does anyone have a record of the measurements to make a dipstick for a standard
RV-6 fuel tank?


Doug Gray

________________________________ Message 7 _____________________________________
Time: 07:26:59 AM PST US
From: John Morgensen <[url=/mc/compose?to=john(at)]john(at)[/url]>
Subject: Re: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings

I am using a universal clear stick marked 1-14 on an RV4. The number
measured + 5 equals the fuel in the tank. In other words, it measures 10
to 11 when the 16 gal tank is full.

John Morgensen
RV4 - purchased
RV9A - soon

On 4/11/2011 6:02 AM, Doug Gray wrote:

Does anyone have a record of the measurements to make a dipstick for a
standard RV-6 fuel tank?

Doug Gray

________________________________ Message 8 _____________________________________
Time: 07:41:15 AM PST US
From: Richard Dudley <[url=/mc/compose?to=rhdudley1(at)]rhdudley1(at)[/url]>
Subject: Re: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings

Hi Doug,

I did tank calibrations for my RV-6A in the normal attitude on the gear.
It will be somewhat different for at tail dragger because of attitude.
Anyway, I have attached my plot in two different forms: as a jpg file
and as a pdf file. Hope it is of some use to you. It is a simple but
tedious process. At the same time, I calibrated a "Fuel Hawk" dipstick
which I used because of its convenience. It is a hollow plastic tube
with arbitrary markings that you can calibrate for your aircraft. It
works by dipping it in to touch the bottom of the tank holding your
thumb over the top open end to keep the fuel in and reading fuel level
on the calibration marks.


Rich Dudley
On 4/11/2011 9:02 AM, Doug Gray wrote:

Does anyone have a record of the measurements to make a dipstick for a
standard RV-6 fuel tank?

Doug Gray

________________________________ Message 9 _____________________________________
Time: 11:44:33 AM PST US
From: Richard Dudley <[url=/mc/compose?to=rhdudley1(at)]rhdudley1(at)[/url]>
Subject: Re: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings

Hi again, Doug,

Since my calibrations are sort of ancient history, I merely scanned old
copies. I have since found the originals and extracted them. They are
better copies. I've attached a pdf file of both the Fuel Hawk and the
inches calibration curves.



On 4/11/2011 9:02 AM, Doug Gray wrote:

Does anyone have a record of the measurements to make a dipstick for a
standard RV-6 fuel tank?

Doug Gray

________________________________ Message 10 ____________________________________
Time: 02:56:21 PM PST US
Subject: Re: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings
From: Doug Gray <[url=/mc/compose?to=dgra1233(at)]dgra1233(at)[/url]>

Thanks for the responses everyone. Dale, I look forward to seeing your

As noted the 6a figures would differ, but it is good to have the data in
the archive.

The normal fill and mark procedure is rather difficult at our local
airport because the delivery system resets according to its own rules.
Others have tried and given up. I can if necessary do the procedure

Doug Gray

On Mon, 2011-04-11 at 23:02 +1000, Doug Gray wrote:


Does anyone have a record of the measurements to make a dipstick for a
standard RV-6 fuel tank?

Doug Gray

________________________________ Message 11 ____________________________________
Time: 03:10:42 PM PST US
From: Linn Walters <[url=/mc/compose?to=pitts_pilot(at)]pitts_pilot(at)[/url]>
Subject: Re: RV-6 fuel tank dip stick markings

You could decant 5 gal gas cans into 5 milk jugs that you've calibrated
by marking the jug for a known gallon. I've used a 'turkey baster' to
fine tune the contents to the line. Tedious, yes, but you should only
have to do it once.

On 4/11/2011 5:52 PM, Doug Gray wrote:
[quote] Thanks for the responses everyone. Dale, I look forward to seeing
your figures.

As noted the 6a figures would differ, but it is good to have the data
in the archive.

The normal fill and mark procedure is rather difficult at our local
airport because the delivery system resets according to its own
rules. Others have tried and given up. I can if necessary do the
procedure myself.

Doug Gray

On Mon, 2011-04-11 at 23:02 +1000, Doug Gray wrote:
> Folks,
> Does anyone have a record of the measurements to make a dipstick for
> a standard RV-6 fuel tank?tp://" target="_blank">http://www.matrbsp; --> ; --> [quote][b]

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