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Transition Training

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PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 7:26 am    Post subject: Transition Training Reply with quote

I don't know of anyone in GA that does transition training.
The airplane flies so well I took it up without any transition training. I always think - what would the Wright brothers have done?
I'm a CFI and can give you training if you'd like to hop to FL in your Zenith. You can park it in my hangar, spend two days and we'll go fly 3-4 times. My RV is CS prop, but we can set it for a set RPM and simulate a FP prop - sort of. Mine has 210 HP so the power will be a little more, but the 180 is a strong engine, so the difference should be noticed only in the takeoff distance and climb. And with two people on board, we will be a little closer to your airplane solo. But, if you can handle my airplane, you will for sure be able to handle yours. I will put you in the rear seat for first flight and front seat for remainder.
You pay for fuel. Otherwise no cost.
Let me know if interested.
Stan Sutterfield

In a message dated 5/4/2011 3:06:21 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, rv8-list(at) writes:
Stan, I've written to you before on Van's AF about the MGL I have in my pl
ane. I'm nearing DAR time, probably this month, and looking for some trans
ition and familiarization flying time. I have a Zenith 601 XL-B I built an
d fly regular, but need some front or back seat in a RV- 8a. Know anybody i
n Georgia area or near by that can help?. My 8a has a FP prop and 180 HP 0
360 w/ carb and is BLUE all over. Look forward to any help or information a
nybody on this line can give, Bill Phillips


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