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PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:55 am    Post subject: AGM Reply with quote

Dear Members,
We had a successful AGM weekend at Popham but unfortunately the British weather meant that the number of Europas attending was down on last year (31 against 42 in 2010). However we had two intrepid visitors from Norway (Stephan Cassel (LN-STE � mono) and Svein Johnsen (LN-SKJ � trigear)) who started off last Tuesday and arrived Saturday morning. Also in attendance were 3 Dutch Europas who also made it on Saturday (in time for the pig roast!).

At the AGM I was elected to take over from Dave Bosomworth as Chairman and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dave for his sterling work over the last 10 years as Chairman and, personally, for the support he has given me and other members in the building and flying of our Europas.

Swift/Europa kindly donated a Fortnum and Masons hamper for the AGM and the prize went to Svein Johnsen - we hope that Svein was not overloaded for his trip back to Norway.

I hope to get more flying in over the next few months and hope to meet many of you in the course of these visits.

The Committee is very aware of our responsibilities to the members and we would like to hear from you as to what you want from the Club. We are also looking to develop the Overseas Representatives idea as a way to ensure that all members worldwide have a way to contribute and receive from the Club.

Our Editor, Tony Wickens is preparing the latest version of Europa Flyer and given the number of cameras on hand over the weekend could you all let us have some of your pictures to show what the weekend was like, for those that could not attend and for future EFs.

Best wishes and safe flying to you all.
Steve Pitt
G-SMDH Trigear XS


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