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Zenith thrown out of plane
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Joined: 14 Oct 2012
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Location: CYOO

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:39 pm    Post subject: Re: Zenith thrown out of plane Reply with quote

I have saw and have purchased long before this incident, two tool box latches made from metal. I will close the canopy, then simply close the latches like a toolbox latch. Problem solved. Installing in the next few weeks! I'll post photos!
There will be one on each side. Mid canopy to side of fuselage.

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C-GYXQ. 912ULS. 601XL-B
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Tim Juhl

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 5:31 am    Post subject: Re: Zenith thrown out of plane Reply with quote

One thing to consider when designing safety latches is how they can be released from the outside. If you had an accident and needed to be extricated, how would rescuers be able to get at you? An unlikely situation but one that bears thinking about.

Many years ago a fellow I knew burned up in a Sea Fury when he wiped out on takeoff and rescue personnel couldn't figure out how to release the canopy. The plane hadn't been painted and he hadn't stenciled the emergency access markings on it.


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Joined: 14 Oct 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 6:17 am    Post subject: Re: Zenith thrown out of plane Reply with quote


A very valid thought that I've already considered. But you have to weigh the options and do a "risk assessment" on the idea. Having the canopy open in-flight seems to be a higher chance then a crash that is survivable yet results in a post crash fire. Also, based on the recent events in the news, it seems that the canopy opening in flight can be VERY dangerous. It doesn't matter what secondary method of canopy securment we use, none will be accessible from the outside. I'd think that the canopy could be smashed in a pinch if needed. Also, the canopy probably won't open with the structural deformity in the event of a crash anyways. My thoughts, not that they're correct, but my thoughts none the less. Just weigh the pros and cons and likelihood of each possibility.



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C-GYXQ. 912ULS. 601XL-B
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 9:16 am    Post subject: Zenith thrown out of plane Reply with quote

<?xml:namespace prefix="v" /><?xml:namespace prefix="o" /><![endif]--> An excellent point. We have spent many months, yea, many years, handling our canopies as gently as eggshells, lest we put the feared and dreaded chip or crack in them, and then forget that one good punch (from either side) will conveniently remove any obstacle to rescue.....

Paul R
[quote] ---

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Joined: 27 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:04 am    Post subject: Re: Zenith thrown out of plane Reply with quote

Lol Paul.....having crack my canopy on two occasions the last thing I am worried about is a rescuer trying to break through the canopy. A mere fart in the wrong direction should do the trick!

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:53 pm    Post subject: Zenith thrown out of plane Reply with quote

As an Owner/Builder of of a Zenith 650XL and a 601XL, from experience on
early flights of both airplanes, you cannot count solely on the canopy
locking mechanism to keep the canopy from opening in flight. Luckily,
we were in the airport traffic pattern when the canopy decided to come
unlatched and we were able to land without incident. The lesson learned
was that both of our planes are now equipped with tether straps and an
additional locking clip to prevent the canopy from opening more than
about 1". The tether also provides a means to reach up and close the
canopy without having to loosen your seat belt. My wife is unable to
even reach the canopy once she is belted in her seat. The incident in
TN with the occupant being thrown out of the plane is obviously a result
of poor choices by the student and instructor. It is unfortunate that
this incident will reflect poorly on the Zenith airplanes.

I you are interested in seeing pictures of my tethers and latches for the 601 and/or 650, send me an e-mail.

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Joined: 14 Oct 2012
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Location: CYOO

PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:23 am    Post subject: Re: Zenith thrown out of plane Reply with quote

Can you provide pics of tethers and clips?



[quote="pilotphyl(at)"]As an Owner/Builder of of a Zenith 650XL and a 601XL, from experience on
early flights of both airplanes, you cannot count solely on the canopy
locking mechanism to keep the canopy from opening in flight. Luckily,
we were in the airport traffic pattern when the canopy decided to come
unlatched and we were able to land without incident. The lesson learned
was that both of our planes are now equipped with tether straps and an
additional locking clip to prevent the canopy from opening more than
about 1". The tether also provides a means to reach up and close the
canopy without having to loosen your seat belt. My wife is unable to
even reach the canopy once she is belted in her seat. The incident in
TN with the occupant being thrown out of the plane is obviously a result
of poor choices by the student and instructor. It is unfortunate that
this incident will reflect poorly on the Zenith airplanes.

I you are interested in seeing pictures of my tethers and latches for the 601 and/or 650, send me an e-mail.

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C-GYXQ. 912ULS. 601XL-B
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 7:15 pm    Post subject: Zenith thrown out of plane Reply with quote

Maybe it has been mentioned somewhere on this list (I don't keep close track any more), but I came across another example of a 601 with a forward hinged canopy opening in flight.

This one was in the UK in May 2012.

" However, at about 1,200 ft, he encountered a �bump of turbulence� which the pilot likened to driving over �a speed hump too fast�. He heard a click and felt a draught in the cockpit which had not been there before. He immediately noticed that the canopy was displaced on the passenger�s side and that the hook on that side had popped out. As he was still only a few miles from Swansea, he decided to return and fly a gentle circuit to land and investigate. As a precaution, he put his left arm through the sliding window on his side in order to hold the canopy down in case the other hook on this side also unlatched, which it did shortly afterwards. Despite still having his arm hooked around the canopy, he could not prevent it opening about 12-14 inches, although he believes he was preventing it opening further. He states that he was surprised at the effect of the unlatched canopy on the aircraft�s performance and handling; even with full power applied, he was having to descend and also having to exert considerable back-pressure on the control column to prevent the nose from pitching down. "

The aircraft was landed, heavily, just short of a runway through a bush. Despite remaining on its gear, something had broken so the aircraft then burned. Pilot evacuated, no injuries.

Peter Chapman
Toronto, ON [quote][b]

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Joined: 27 Oct 2006
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Location: Fort Worth, Texas

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 7:00 am    Post subject: Re: Zenith thrown out of plane Reply with quote

When my canopy started to come open in flight, the first indication was a draft that hadn't been there before.

I was lucky enough to have made it back to the airport before it opened up entirely (just after turning onto final), and was able to land safely.

Do you guys know about the builder's site....?

- Pat

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