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6F1-1 and 6F1-2 too short (rear fuselage bottom skins)

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 11:37 am    Post subject: 6F1-1 and 6F1-2 too short (rear fuselage bottom skins) Reply with quote

After looking at the drawings, I see you have 3 options. The first
would be to call Zenith and request another
piece be sent to you. Likely they would and this only takes time. The
second would be to order materials and
make the part yourself and this also takes time. The third would be to
shorten the top skin the same amount and
keep the width given on the plans. This would permit you to continue to
build without lost time. This would, however
cause your rudder to be closer to the elevator and the rudder/elevator
travel might be inhibited just a bit. It's very close
and could become a problem. Recommend if you have the material, make
another one, but if you don't contact Nick
and he'll send you another one. Stay with the plans in any case for the
reasons mentioned.
Good luck,.

Larry McFarland - 601HDS at
John and Kim Lumkes wrote:



I am working on the "simple" step of joining the rear fuselage bottom and
end skin, 6F1-1 and 6F1-2 together, and 6F1-1 is 4 mm too short (2220 versus
2224mm). Not a big deal, except for that the two pieces are supposed to
overlap 20 mm for a 10 mm rivet edge distance, and the overall length is
supposed to be 2544, and I am only getting the 2540 with the 20 mm overlap.
I have contacted the factory and am awaiting their response as well. I see
my options as:
1. Buy material and make the part myself or order from factory. The smaller
piece 6F1-2 I cannot make longer as it would make the stabilizer mounts too
far apart or else comprimise the rivet edge distance.
2. Overlap 16 mm with an 8 mm edge distance; the longerons also span the
3. Leave it 4 mm short (not sure of problems later on with this).

Any thoughts or options?
John Lumkes

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 11:44 am    Post subject: 6F1-1 and 6F1-2 too short (rear fuselage bottom skins) Reply with quote

The factory will be the best source of info on this issue of course, but I think the 8mm edge distance is the best option. A second option would be to scribe the exact overlap of the two pieces and remove enough material form one or both of them so that they butt rather than overlap. Then cut a 20mm strip to joint them together with two parallel rivet lines instead of one. A third idea is to scuff the overlap joint area with 200 grit sandpaper (God forbid you might touch the area with the wrong color Scotchbrite) and dimple the rivet holes to nest together. Set the rivets with a flush nose piece using the 8mm edge distance, single rivet line with epoxy in the joint as you cleco them together and rivet. The dimples assume some of the shear resistance rather than depending only on the rivets. That's the basic technique for the Titan kits. Don't forget to clean the clecos with alcohol as you remove them.

Ed Moody II
Rayne, LA
601XL / wings


the two pieces are supposed to
overlap 20 mm for a 10 mm rivet edge distance, and the overall length is
supposed to be 2544, and I am only getting the 2540 with the 20 mm overlap.
I have contacted the factory and am awaiting their response as well. I see
my options as:
1. Buy material and make the part myself or order from factory. The smaller
piece 6F1-2 I cannot make longer as it would make the stabilizer mounts too
far apart or else comprimise the rivet edge distance.
2. Overlap 16 mm with an 8 mm edge distance; the longerons also span the
3. Leave it 4 mm short (not sure of problems later on with this).

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