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Timer circuit for led array
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:00 am    Post subject: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

At 11:30 AM 2/8/2014, you wrote:
Apologies for not properly defining the issue ....the unit consists
of four superbright LEds in a unit and is 12 v ready. So i want to
take more than one of these units and create a flashing beacon light.

Okay, we're mulling over the options for producing
a white flashing beacon not unlike those sold as
strobes. This brings to mind an array of lamps
that is flashed about 60-90 times a minute
with a duty-cycle on the order of 10%. The
cool thing about the short duty cycle is that
you can drive the lamps with greater than
their continuous rated current without overheating
them. This lets you get brighter flashes than
might otherwise be secured with simple
on/off flasher circuits.

Doing the flasher for controlling 12v to the
lamps is pretty simple. The venerable 555 timer
has been incorporated into dozens of light
flashing circuits over its 50+ market life.

At the same time, you might want to consider
removing any resistors in the light assemblies
and driving them with a constant current power
supply specifically tailored to LED driving.

Sorry, there's not a satisfying 'short answer'
to your question. To confine a response to simply
flashing the off the shelf fixtures you're
working with would produce an outcome that's
far short of the best we know how to do.

Bob . . .

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Eric M. Jones

Joined: 10 Jan 2006
Posts: 565
Location: Massachusetts

PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 7:29 am    Post subject: Re: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

Some years ago I published the attached regarding the use of LEDs for beacons. I was gratified to know it was pretty much right on because Whelen called me to make a minor correction. They said their engineers love it and use it. It is a companion piece to the LED article also attached which was written for Kitplanes...but remains unpublished.

It is easy to make bad LED lighting, and there's a lot of it on the market. Be careful. Some day the FAA might introduce a ramp-check lighting standard. This will happen after a well-publicized accident caused by homemade LED lighting.

Now, on timer circuits: (the pertains to Wig-wags, but the same would apply to single pulse units) The difficult problem with using a 555 timer is figuring out how to avoid the 150% first pulse. (I.e. the first pulse is 1-1/2 times as long as the remaining pulses.) I know a couple ways to do this but finally decided the easy way was to ditch the 555 and use a CD4060 14-stage binary ripple counter. The 150% first pulse problem is still there but it is now divided by it is not noticeable. Various pulse times are just a matter of switching resistors. The circuit is the size of a postage stamp and needs no heat sink.

I have sold these in single pulse units for beacons and single landing light aircraft with the output timing 375 ms ON/OFF.

I am still working on a system for my own airplane that would consist of half-a-dozen or more synced LEDs instead of a beacon sticking into the breeze. I think this is FAA legal (Bob?). The FAA historically loves red beacons, although white strobes are common, big red LEDs make a heck of a beacon.

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Wig-Wag D6d Schematic.pdf

 Filename:  Wig-Wag D6d Schematic.pdf
 Filesize:  73.68 KB
 Downloaded:  389 Time(s)

LED_Lighting_ Article Draft 13May08..pdf

 Filename:  LED_Lighting_ Article Draft 13May08..pdf
 Filesize:  232.54 KB
 Downloaded:  410 Time(s)


 Filename:  aircraft_beacons_using_leds.pdf
 Filesize:  57.57 KB
 Downloaded:  441 Time(s)

Eric M. Jones
113 Brentwood Drive
Southbridge, MA 01550
(508) 764-2072
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:34 am    Post subject: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

At 10:29 AM 3/10/2014, you wrote:

Some years ago I published the attached regarding the use of LEDs for
beacons. I was gratified to know it was pretty much right on because
Whelen called me to make a minor correction. They said their
engineers love it and use it. It is a companion piece to the LED
article also attached which was written for Kitplanes...but remains

Pretty heavy reading for a Kitplanes subscriber . . . I'm wrestling
with the 4th installment on batteries with a focus on lithium . . . and
trying to peel back the layers on the physics onion without getting
too deep . . .

If you wish, I'd be pleased to post both articles to

It is easy to make bad LED lighting, and there's a lot of it on the
market. Be careful. Some day the FAA might introduce a ramp-check
lighting standard. This will happen after a well-publicized accident
caused by homemade LED lighting.

Not seeing much risk here . . . the fact that one of the
airplanes involved had 'unapproved' lighting goes only
to the sanctity of number published by those-who-know-more-
about-airplanes-than-we-do and little to do with known
facts for cause-effect.

The vast majority of airplanes attempting to occupy
the same airspace had 'approved' lighting on them. Whether
the lights were even ON is not generally a provable
condition. But in some cases, as many as four pilots
had their heads down . . . no doubt getting an update
from the moving map . . . or pouring coffee . . . who

I thought I had the NTSB docs on this incident but
can't find them now. NTSB monthly index doesn't
cite it either . . . Hmmmm . . .

But the idea that putting any kind of requirements
on lighting characteristics will have a quantifiable
effect on accident rates is unsupportable.

Now, on timer circuits: (the pertains to Wig-wags, but the same would
apply to single pulse units) The difficult problem with using a 555
timer is figuring out how to avoid the 150% first pulse. (I.e. the
first pulse is 1-1/2 times as long as the remaining pulses.) I know a
couple ways to do this but finally decided the easy way was to ditch
the 555 and use a CD4060 14-stage binary ripple counter. The 150%
first pulse problem is still there but it is now divided by
it is not noticeable. Various pulse times are just a matter of
switching resistors. The circuit is the size of a postage stamp and
needs no heat sink.

Yeah, I went the software route . . .

I have sold these in single pulse units for beacons and single
landing light aircraft with the output timing 375 ms ON/OFF.

I am still working on a system for my own airplane that would consist
of half-a-dozen or more synced LEDs instead of a beacon sticking
into the breeze. I think this is FAA legal (Bob?).

You got me my friend . . . I'm not sure most of the
regulators have the tools and experience to know . . . the
safe thing to do is fall back on the regs and somebody
else's approvals that came from some desk in OKC.

The FAA historically loves red beacons, although white strobes are
common, big red LEDs make a heck of a beacon.

You bet . . . long stripes of lighting make for much
larger viewing angles . . . problem is getting them
embedded into surfaces that are the most critical to
flight characteristics . . . the stagnation line along
leading edges . . . where de-ice systems like to reside.
Bob . . .

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 6:19 pm    Post subject: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

I'm looking for a timer to shut off my cabin overhead utility light after about 10 minutes of operation. It's fed directly from the main battery buss and I would like to know that if I forgot to turn it off the timer would do it for me before draining the battery. Any ideas?  David Duperron
dapadup(at) (dapadup(at)

On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Eric M. Jones <emjones(at) (emjones(at)> wrote:
[quote]--> AeroElectric-List message posted by: "Eric M. Jones" <emjones(at) (emjones(at)>

Some years ago I published the attached regarding the use of LEDs for beacons. I was gratified to know it was pretty much right on because Whelen called me to make a minor correction. They said their engineers love it and use it. It is a companion piece to the LED article also attached which was written for Kitplanes...but remains unpublished.

It is easy to make bad LED lighting, and there's a lot of it on the market. Be careful. Some day the FAA might introduce a ramp-check lighting standard. This will happen after a well-publicized accident caused by homemade LED lighting.

Now, on timer circuits: (the pertains to Wig-wags, but the same would apply to single pulse units) The difficult problem with using a 555 timer is figuring out how to avoid the 150% first pulse. (I.e. the first pulse is 1-1/2 times as long as the remaining pulses.) I know a couple ways to do this but finally decided the easy way was to ditch the 555 and use a CD4060 14-stage binary ripple counter. The 150% first pulse problem is still there but it is now divided by it is not noticeable. Various pulse times are just a matter of switching resistors. The circuit is the size of a postage stamp and needs no heat sink.

I have sold these in single pulse units for beacons and single landing light aircraft with the output timing 375 ms ON/OFF.

I am still working on a system for my own airplane that would consist of  half-a-dozen or more synced LEDs instead of a beacon sticking into the breeze. I think this is FAA legal  (Bob?). The FAA historically loves red beacons, although white strobes are common, big red LEDs make a heck of a beacon.

Eric M. Jones
113 Brentwood Drive
Southbridge, MA 01550
[url=tel:%28508%29%20764-2072](508) 764-2072[/url]

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 2:11 am    Post subject: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

At 09:18 PM 3/10/2014, you wrote:
I'm looking for a timer to shut off my cabin overhead utility light
after about 10 minutes of operation. It's fed directly from the main
battery buss and I would like to know that if I forgot to turn it
off the timer would do it for me before draining the battery. Any ideas?

Are you wanting to DIY from scratch parts
or looking for a Plug-n-Play assembly?

There are dozens of ways to implement this
on-limit function. I have a micro-controller
that is configured to offer this functionality
but you have to wrap a few goodies around
it. It will eventually find its way into
a PnP product but for now, it's just the chip.
Bob . . .

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 3:00 am    Post subject: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

Thanks for the responses.
I bumped into a "heat seeker" in the electronics store who was playing around with LED light sequencing. When I aired my concept, he was only to happy to have me test his "oscillator circuit" as he called it. "12 V ready" to boot.

So I hooked it up and tested it, and found the time interval is dependent on the no of LED bars, and was very noisy on the radio. I then added the fat cap which silences the unit completely on audio. Probably overkill on the Cap.

Apparently it is easy to add sequencing and variable on off durations....might just try that out for a wig wag type setup.
A little video of the unit at work.

Bob Verwey

On 9 March 2014 18:59, Robert L. Nuckolls, III <nuckolls.bob(at) (nuckolls.bob(at)> wrote:
[quote] --> AeroElectric-List message posted by: "Robert L. Nuckolls, III" <nuckolls.bob(at) (nuckolls.bob(at)>

At 11:30 AM 2/8/2014, you wrote:
Apologies for not properly defining the issue ....the unit consists of four superbright LEds in a unit and is 12 v ready. So i want to take more than one of these units and create a flashing beacon light.

  Okay, we're mulling over the options for producing
  a white flashing beacon not unlike those sold as
  strobes. This brings to mind an array of lamps
  that is flashed about 60-90 times a minute
  with a duty-cycle on the order of 10%. The
  cool thing about the short duty cycle is that
  you can drive the lamps with greater than
  their continuous rated current without overheating
  them. This lets you get brighter flashes than
  might otherwise be secured with simple
  on/off flasher circuits.

  Doing the flasher for controlling 12v to the
  lamps is pretty simple. The venerable 555 timer
  has been incorporated into dozens of light
  flashing circuits over its 50+ market life.

  At the same time, you might want to consider
  removing any resistors in the light assemblies
  and driving them with a constant current power
  supply specifically tailored to LED driving.

  Sorry, there's not a satisfying 'short answer'
  to your question. To confine a response to simply
  flashing the off the shelf fixtures you're
  working with would produce an outcome that's
  far short of the best we know how to do.

  Bob . . .  

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:41 am    Post subject: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

At 05:59 AM 3/11/2014, you wrote:
Thanks for the responses.

I bumped into a "heat seeker" in the electronics store who was playing around with LED light sequencing. When I aired my concept, he was only to happy to have me test his "oscillator circuit" as he called it. "12 V ready" to boot.

So I hooked it up and tested it, and found the time interval is dependent on the no of LED bars,

Hmmmm . . . normally, one expects behavior of
'controls' to be independent of the nature
of 'loads' . . .

and was very noisy on the radio.

What was the nature of radio noise? Can you
share the schematic under discussion?

I then added the fat cap which silences the unit completely on audio. Probably overkill on the Cap.

. . . again, a schematic would contribute greatly
to crafting a common image amongst the readers.

Apparently it is easy to add sequencing and variable on off durations....might just try that out for a wig wag type setup.

I wasn't sure if you were setting out to craft
a beacon or wig-wag system. Beacons tend to be
high intensity, short burst, semi-spherical emissions
while the wig-wag adapts existing illumination fixtures
into a recognition lights system with attention
getting qualities only forward of the airplane.

If you're wanting to craft a wig-wag, you might
want to exploit the open source work we offered
here on the List about a year ago.

This link offers all the information to duplicate
or expand on the wig-wag project at any level.

I can offer programmed controllers for $5 each.

If you want a turn-key wig-wag controller, I have
those too.

By the way, any List readers who were monitoring
discussion and development of this project at
the time will recall that I was taken to task for
considering the addition of a HID warm-up delay feature
in the software. I was told that would violate a "patented"
wig-wag system currently offered to the OBAM aviation

I downloaded the patent cited for study.

This turned out to be a terribly written document
that is very broad and cites vague features like "current
manipulators". Further, it's a 'stealthy' attempt
to cloak an aviation wig-wag system in some other
design goal for 'extending bulb life'. The patent cuts a wide
swath with respect to variations on a theme. For example, on the
last page we read:


This says that any combination of on/off switches combined with
any sort of flasher will in violation of the patent whether the transition
from warm-up to flash mode is accomplished manually or automatically
by timer or software.

Hence, I could be considered in violation of this
patent were I to advise anyone that my AEC9012 wig-wag
controller can be used with HID fixtures by simply commanding
to both-full-on for a minute before moving the switch
to wig-wag function. In the interest of collegial harmony
amongst the OBAM aviation community, I hereby refrain
from offering such advice.

In short, the gentleman who owns this patent should hit
the attorney up for getting his money back. It's so vague,
broad and loaded with floobydust (boat load of cited
references with dubious relevance) as to be essentially
worthless as a guardian ideas cited in textbooks and
manufacturer's published data masquerading as original
intellectual property.

Bob . . .

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 Filesize:  136.94 KB
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:14 pm    Post subject: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

Bob,A PnP product would be ideal but I'm not opposed to building it if I have instructions (schematic) and can find the parts I will need. David Duperron    Thanks Bob
                              davedup10(at) (davedup10(at)

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 6:10 AM, Robert L. Nuckolls, III <nuckolls.bob(at) (nuckolls.bob(at)> wrote:
[quote]--> AeroElectric-List message posted by: "Robert L. Nuckolls, III" <nuckolls.bob(at) (nuckolls.bob(at)>

At 09:18 PM 3/10/2014, you wrote:
I'm looking for a timer to shut off my cabin overhead utility light after about 10 minutes of operation. It's fed directly from the main battery buss and I would like to know that if I forgot to turn it off the timer would do it for me before draining the battery. Any ideas?

  Are you wanting to DIY from scratch parts
  or looking for a Plug-n-Play assembly?

  There are dozens of ways to implement this
  on-limit function. I have a micro-controller
  that is configured to offer this functionality
  but you have to wrap a few goodies around
  it. It will eventually find its way into
  a PnP product but for now, it's just the chip.

  Bob . . .

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:21 pm    Post subject: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

At 09:11 PM 3/11/2014, you wrote:
A PnP product would be ideal but I'm not opposed to building it if I
have instructions (schematic) and can find the parts I will need.
David Duperron Thanks Bob

All the data to duplicate the effort
at any level is on the website. Look it
over and choose a level consistent
with your level of comfort/risk . . .

Bob . . .

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Joined: 28 Mar 2008
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Location: Riley TWP Michigan

PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 6:37 am    Post subject: Re: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

Searching for OFF Delay Timing Relay, these were found:
Depending on the relay, a momentary input signal might be required.

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Joe Gores
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 7:13 am    Post subject: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

There are dome light timer relays for cars

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Eric M. Jones

Joined: 10 Jan 2006
Posts: 565
Location: Massachusetts

PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 8:42 am    Post subject: Re: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote
I'm looking for a timer to shut off my cabin overhead utility light after about 10 minutes of operation. It's fed directly from the main battery buss and I would like to know that if I forgot to turn it off the timer would do it for me before draining the battery. Any ideas? David Duperron

I learned to fly in Cessnas, and as I recall leaving the beacon on was a certain way to avoid walking away from the airplane with something still on.
Perhaps the solution to your problem is just to have the cabin light on the same bus as the beacon.

Adding an extra gizmo is not the best way to go.

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Eric M. Jones
113 Brentwood Drive
Southbridge, MA 01550
(508) 764-2072
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 9:08 am    Post subject: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

True but ...

that overlooks the convenience of always-available cabin lighting without having the Master on.

The post earlier today that referenced an existing automotive delay relay looks like a great solution - cheap, designed for the purpose, plug-n-play, no re-inventing the wheel

- what don't we like about that
From: Eric M. Jones <emjones(at)>
To: aeroelectric-list(at)
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: Timer circuit for led array

--> AeroElectric-List message posted by: "Eric M. Jones" <emjones(at) (emjones(at)>
Timer circuit for led array  Reply with quote
I'm looking for a timer to shut off my cabin overhead utility light after about 10 minutes of operation. It's fed directly from the main battery buss and I would like to know that if I forgot to turn it off the timer would do it for me before draining the battery. Any ideas? David Duperron

I learned to fly in Cessnas, and as I recall leaving the beacon on was a certain way to avoid walking away from the airplane with something still on.
Perhaps the solution to your problem is just to have the cabin light on the same bus as the beacon.

Adding an extra gizmo is not the best way to go.

Eric M. Jones
113 Brentwood Drive
Southbridge, MA 01550
(508) 764-2072

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 9:23 am    Post subject: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

On 03/12/2014 01:06 PM, Jeff Luckey wrote:
that overlooks the convenience of always-available cabin lighting
without having the Master on.

Just food for thought, but how is it any more inconvenient to turn on
the master switch versus turning on the light switch?


Dj Merrill - N1JOV - VP EAA Chapter 87
Sportsman 2+2 Builder #7118 N421DJ -
Glastar Flyer N866RH -

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:21 am    Post subject: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

Just food for thought, but how is it any more inconvenient to turn on
the master switch versus turning on the light switch?

sometimes you may want to only turn on a light and not power up your
whole panel.


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:52 am    Post subject: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

At 01:20 PM 3/12/2014, you wrote:


>Just food for thought, but how is it any more inconvenient to turn on
>the master switch versus turning on the light switch?

sometimes you may want to only turn on a light and not power up
your whole panel.


We had this conversation many moons ago after somebody
noticed that some high wing airplanes offered under-wing
courtesy lights. Then some other readers hypothesized about
baggage compartment lights on low wing airplanes that
could be exercised even with the master switch off.

The on-limit timer allows one to park the airplane
and perhaps even button up the cockpit while using
lights on the ship's battery to take care of final
chores outside.

I sketched an on-limit timer for somebody who was
interested in adding the feature his airplane but
I no longer recall his exact application.

The notion of an on-limit timer was never to
replace the forgetful pilot's remembering to
turn it off . . . but to be able to leave the
light on for convenience and have it go off by
itself after the task needing illumination
was completed.
Bob . . .

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:25 pm    Post subject: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

Thanks for the reply Jeff. Do you have any more info on the automotive light delay relay? Dave Duperron  (davedup10(at) (davedup10(at)
On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 1:06 PM, Jeff Luckey <jluckey(at) (jluckey(at)> wrote:
[quote] True but ...

that overlooks the convenience of always-available cabin lighting without having the Master on. 

The post earlier today that referenced an existing automotive delay relay looks like a great solution - cheap, designed for the purpose, plug-n-play, no re-inventing the wheel

- what don't we like about that
From: Eric M. Jones <emjones(at) (emjones(at)>
To: aeroelectric-list(at) (aeroelectric-list(at)
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:42 AM
Subject: AeroElectric-List: Re: Timer circuit for led array

--> AeroElectric-List message posted by: "Eric M. Jones" <emjones(at) (emjones(at)>
  Timer circuit for led array    Reply with quote
> I'm looking for a timer to shut off my cabin overhead utility light after about 10 minutes of operation. It's fed directly from the main battery buss and I would like to know that if I forgot to turn it off the timer would do it for me before draining the battery. Any ideas? David Duperron

I learned to fly in Cessnas, and as I recall leaving the beacon on was a certain way to avoid walking away from the airplane with something still on.
Perhaps the solution to your problem is just to have the cabin light on the same bus as the beacon.

Adding an extra gizmo is not the best way to go.

Eric M. Jones
113 Brentwood Drive
Southbridge, MA 01550
[url=tel:%28508%29%20764-2072](508) 764-2072[/url]

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http://forums.matronics.comnbsp;                    =


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:35 pm    Post subject: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

Thanks for the tip DL, I will investigate further. Dave
On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 11:11 AM, D L Josephson <dlj04(at) (dlj04(at)> wrote:
[quote]--> AeroElectric-List message posted by: D L Josephson <dlj04(at) (dlj04(at)>

There are dome light timer relays for cars

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 8:56 pm    Post subject: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

In case you did not see DL Josepheson's earlier post, here is the link he provided:

I don't know anything more about the relay than what's shown at that link, but I imagine using the relay is pretty straightforward.  If you have specific questions, I and other listers will be happy to try and answer them.

From: David Duperron <davedup10(at)>
To: aeroelectric-list(at)
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Timer circuit for led array

Thanks for the reply Jeff. Do you have any more info on the automotive light delay relay? Dave Duperron  (davedup10(at) (davedup10(at)
On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 1:06 PM, Jeff Luckey <jluckey(at) (jluckey(at)> wrote:
[quote] True but ...

that overlooks the convenience of always-available cabin lighting without having the Master on.

The post earlier today that referenced an existing automotive delay relay looks like a great solution - cheap, designed for the purpose, plug-n-play, no re-inventing the wheel

- what don't we like about that
From: Eric M. Jones <emjones(at) (emjones(at)>
To: aeroelectric-list(at) (aeroelectric-list(at)
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: Timer circuit for led array

--> AeroElectric-List message posted by: "Eric M. Jones" <emjones(at) (emjones(at)>
Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote
> I'm looking for a timer to shut off my cabin overhead utility light after about 10 minutes of operation. It's fed directly from the main battery buss and I would like to know that if I forgot to turn it off the timer would do it for me before draining the battery. Any ideas? David Duperron

I learned to fly in Cessnas, and as I recall leaving the beacon on was a certain way to avoid walking away from the airplane with something still on.
Perhaps the solution to your problem is just to have the cabin light on the same bus as the beacon.

Adding an extra gizmo is not the best way to go.

Eric M. Jones
113 Brentwood Drive
Southbridge, MA 01550
[url=](508) 764-2072[/url]

Read this topic online here:

http://forums.matronics.comnbsp;   =


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Joined: 19 Sep 2009
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Location: Udall, KS, USA

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:59 am    Post subject: Timer circuit for led array Reply with quote

I haven't done a survey of the entire automotive world, but it seems as if every car today has convenience lighting that turns on the interior lights when the doors are unlocked and again when the car is turned off. On my 2006 Toyota truck, they turn off when the doors are locked, either with the switch on the door or with the remote. Perhaps a You Pick car wrecker would be a good place to grab a circuit whole for a relative cheap price.
Rick Girard
do not archive

On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 11:55 PM, Jeff Luckey <jluckey(at) (jluckey(at)> wrote:

In case you did not see DL Josepheson's earlier post, here is the link he provided:

I don't know anything more about the relay than what's shown at that link, but I imagine using the relay is pretty straightforward.  If you have specific questions, I and other listers will be happy to try and answer them.


From: David Duperron <davedup10(at) (davedup10(at)>
To: aeroelectric-list(at) (aeroelectric-list(at)
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: AeroElectric-List: Re: Timer circuit for led array

Thanks for the reply Jeff. Do you have any more info on the automotive light delay relay? Dave Duperron  (davedup10(at) (davedup10(at)

On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 1:06 PM, Jeff Luckey <jluckey(at) (jluckey(at)> wrote:
True but ...

that overlooks the convenience of always-available cabin lighting without having the Master on. 
The post earlier today that referenced an existing automotive delay relay looks like a great solution - cheap, designed for the purpose, plug-n-play, no re-inventing the wheel

- what don't we like about that
From: Eric M. Jones <emjones(at) (emjones(at)>
To: aeroelectric-list(at) (aeroelectric-list(at)
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:42 AM
Subject: AeroElectric-List: Re: Timer circuit for led array

--> AeroElectric-List message posted by: "Eric M. Jones" <emjones(at) (emjones(at)>
  Timer circuit for led array    Reply with quote
> I'm looking for a timer to shut off my cabin overhead utility light after about 10 minutes of operation. It's fed directly from the main battery buss and I would like to know that if I forgot to turn it off the timer would do it for me before draining the battery. Any ideas? David Duperron

I learned to fly in Cessnas, and as I recall leaving the beacon on was a certain way to avoid walking away from the airplane with something still on.
Perhaps the solution to your problem is just to have the cabin light on the same bus as the beacon.

Adding an extra gizmo is not the best way to go.

Eric M. Jones
113 Brentwood Drive
Southbridge, MA 01550
(508) 764-2072

Read this topic online here:

http://forums.matronics.comnbsp;                    =


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Zulu Delta
Thanks, Homer GBYM
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