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electric spikes immobilizing radio and electric VSI

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 6:39 am    Post subject: electric spikes immobilizing radio and electric VSI Reply with quote

On 22/04/2014 13:03, Christoph Both wrote:
Dear Europa community:
I am experiencing a strange electrical phenomenon:
After engine start (Rotax 912ULS) and showing up usually
at first higher RPM (run up or later, during cruise), my
MGL V6 radio freezes. I first thought it is a radio
problem but on the ground, engine OFF it works great, and
for extended period of time. Frozen means frequencies
dialed will show on LCD screen but pushing any buttons
will not work and radio is incapacitated. It remains in
this state until engine is OFF. I am operating a handheld,
same frequency which does NOT show any distorted reception
or TX problems while VX is frozen. The V6 does not RX and
TX when frozen.
I have a good set of headphones and hear no unfamiliar
background noise either. However, I discovered that on my
GRT Glass, engine monitor graphic analyzer, formerly
drawing smooth curves for all 4 EGT and CHT sensor
temps,all 4 parallel temp curves have now sharp steep
triangular positive and negative �spikes�, approximately
every second or so, in irregular patterns +/- and
different amplitudes. At higher RPM the amplitudes
increase, at idle they are hardly visible. But, no
clicking or noise in the headphones.
I have a straight forward EXP-2 Bus system which worked
flawless from day #1 until 65 hours FT.
What really got me confused, and the radio suspect
questioned is that my electric VSI is now freezing as well
or freezing at alarming altitude data display (23,000feet
last time). Where is my oxygen mask?
I have talked to ROTAX Canada but they had no clue yet.
Just in case, I ordered a new rectifier unit and capacitor
in the hope of remedying the problem this way. Parts have
not arrived yet.
Any ideas what the issue can be or how to trouble shoot this?
Christoph Both
75+ hours, Waterville, Nova Scotia, Canada

I thought I would add my two pennyworth to this.

My Ducati failed at 175 hours.

I have an ammeter and a voltmeter. The ammeter isn't
damped and the voltmeter is.

I tried a total of four new Ducatis and every single one
vibrated the ammeter needle at 5 cycles per second,
between 2 and 10 amps in the cruise. Two of the four came
from the UK - two from Lockwood.

I assume that the damped voltmeter wasn't able to show the
vibrating voltage at 5 cps, but that it was giving maybe
14 - 16 volts 5 times a second.

My original Ducati did not vibrate my ammeter needle - nor
did two other people's Ducatis. The difference was that
these Ducatis were earlier models.

I beleve that they changed the circuitry, so that the
problem appeared around 2006 - although I would have to
look up the date.

A digital ammeter would not have shown this vibration; I
suspect that others have no ammeter.

Anyway I bought a GR6 and it has happily run for 500 hours
since then, with no ammeter needle vibration.

The GR6 does need a few more revs to get going - 2500 -
and I believe its stated max is 16A rather than the
Ducati's 19A. However as the GR6 has far superior cooliing
fins I am sure the GR6 wil be much more long-lived (I
cover that by having a spare on board - guarantees
non-failure !)

Of course Schicke won't send GR6s to the USA, but there
are ways round that !

By the way the AC output from the stator can get up to 30
volts !

Richard Holder
Europa G-OWWW

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Joined: 28 Jul 2011
Posts: 142

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:14 am    Post subject: electric spikes immobilizing radio and electric VSI Reply with quote

Had the same trouble with Ducati and changed it for a Silent Hektik which is
fully compatible, throw the Ducati away and put the SH one in place and it
runs since. By far more performing and stable...

Max Cointe
F-PMLH Europa XS_TriGear
Kit #560-2003 912ULS/AirmasterAP332 490 hours

F-PLDJ Dyn�A�ro MCR 4S
Kit #27-2002 912ULSFR/MTProp MTV7A 1600 heures
-----Message d'origine-----
De�: owner-europa-list-server(at)
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server(at)] De la part de Richard Holder
Envoy�: mardi 22 avril 2014 16:39
��: europa-list(at)
Objet�: Re: electric spikes immobilizing radio and electric VSI

--> <richard.holder(at)>

On 22/04/2014 13:03, Christoph Both wrote:
Dear Europa community:
I am experiencing a strange electrical phenomenon:
After engine start (Rotax 912ULS) and showing up usually at first
higher RPM (run up or later, during cruise), my MGL V6 radio freezes.
I first thought it is a radio problem but on the ground, engine OFF it
works great, and for extended period of time. Frozen means frequencies
dialed will show on LCD screen but pushing any buttons will not work
and radio is incapacitated. It remains in this state until engine is
OFF. I am operating a handheld, same frequency which does NOT show any
distorted reception or TX problems while VX is frozen. The V6 does not
RX and TX when frozen.
I have a good set of headphones and hear no unfamiliar background
noise either. However, I discovered that on my GRT Glass, engine
monitor graphic analyzer, formerly drawing smooth curves for all 4 EGT
and CHT sensor temps,all 4 parallel temp curves have now sharp steep
triangular positive and negative �spikes�, approximately every second
or so, in irregular patterns +/- and different amplitudes. At higher
RPM the amplitudes increase, at idle they are hardly visible. But, no
clicking or noise in the headphones.
I have a straight forward EXP-2 Bus system which worked flawless from
day #1 until 65 hours FT.
What really got me confused, and the radio suspect questioned is that
my electric VSI is now freezing as well or freezing at alarming
altitude data display (23,000feet last time). Where is my oxygen mask?
I have talked to ROTAX Canada but they had no clue yet.
Just in case, I ordered a new rectifier unit and capacitor in the hope
of remedying the problem this way. Parts have not arrived yet.
Any ideas what the issue can be or how to trouble shoot this?
Christoph Both
75+ hours, Waterville, Nova Scotia, Canada

I thought I would add my two pennyworth to this.

My Ducati failed at 175 hours.

I have an ammeter and a voltmeter. The ammeter isn't damped and the
voltmeter is.

I tried a total of four new Ducatis and every single one vibrated the
ammeter needle at 5 cycles per second, between 2 and 10 amps in the cruise.
Two of the four came from the UK - two from Lockwood.

I assume that the damped voltmeter wasn't able to show the vibrating voltage
at 5 cps, but that it was giving maybe
14 - 16 volts 5 times a second.

My original Ducati did not vibrate my ammeter needle - nor did two other
people's Ducatis. The difference was that these Ducatis were earlier models.

I beleve that they changed the circuitry, so that the problem appeared
around 2006 - although I would have to look up the date.

A digital ammeter would not have shown this vibration; I suspect that others
have no ammeter.

Anyway I bought a GR6 and it has happily run for 500 hours since then, with
no ammeter needle vibration.

The GR6 does need a few more revs to get going - 2500 - and I believe its
stated max is 16A rather than the Ducati's 19A. However as the GR6 has far
superior cooliing fins I am sure the GR6 wil be much more long-lived (I
cover that by having a spare on board - guarantees non-failure !)

Of course Schicke won't send GR6s to the USA, but there are ways round that

By the way the AC output from the stator can get up to 30 volts !

Richard Holder
Europa G-OWWW

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Europa XS #560 F-PMLH
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