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PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 9:41 am    Post subject: PWRgate Reply with quote


West Mountain Radio
makes a product call "Super PWRgate" that looks like a reasonable
device to support a two battery (one large - one smaller) environment.

My total load with lights etc. on is about 45-50A . . . critical load
< 20A . . . really critical load < 10A?

Please take a look and give your opinion.

Bob Christensen
RV-8 Bldr - SE Iowa

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 9:41 am    Post subject: PWRgate Reply with quote


West Mountain Radio
makes a product call "Super PWRgate" that looks like a reasonable
device to support a two battery (one large - one smaller) environment.

My total load with lights etc. on is about 45-50A . . . critical load
< 20A . . . really critical load < 10A?

Please take a look and give your opinion.

Bob Christensen
RV-8 Bldr - SE Iowa

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 4:26 am    Post subject: PWRgate Reply with quote

At 12:41 PM 8/23/2006 -0500, you wrote:



West Mountain Radio
makes a product call "Super PWRgate" that looks like a reasonable
device to support a two battery (one large - one smaller) environment.

My total load with lights etc. on is about 45-50A . . . critical load
< 20A . . . really critical load < 10A?

Please take a look and give your opinion.

The question to be asked/answered is: "How does this
product deliver a return on invesetment either for
cost or performance over the use of simple battery
contactors for each battery wired as suggested in Z-30."

The same question was explored on the topic of
battery isolators some years ago at:

It's not clear from the West Mountain Radio
instruction manual how this would be usef in
an airplane.

It's purpose seems to be for the "more accurate"
charging of one battery and to power some accessory
from either battery or AC mains as the situation
dictates. This is a bit different than the philosophy
offered for the installation and management of dual

Be wary of "bells and whistles" that seem to offer
some whizzy features. Make sure they first address
REQUIREMENTS you have established for how your system
needs to operate. Then evaluate return on investment
for the proposed product as compared with alternatives
with an eye on (1) parts count reduction - parts not on
the airplane are not going to break, (2) maintainability -
if it breaks in Podunk TN, how hard will it be to
get it fixed?, (3) weight - a pound of airplane saved
is a pound of payload earned, (4) volume - no airplane
has too much room to put stuff, (5) $time$ to install -
here's your "investment" and (6) operability - does it
increase workload? Does it demand special words in the
POH that your fellow pilots would have to stop and think
about. Finally (7) how does it affect your failure
mode effects analysis. How will you KNOW it's broke?
Are potential failures pre-flight detectable? Is a
plan-B procedure for failure called for in the POH?

This may seem like I'm making a mountain out of a
mole-hill but these are the rudimentary foundations for
systems design decisions on "real" airplanes that have
served us well for nearly a century. I've not been
made privy to an alternative philosophy that has proven
useful. In fact, failure to observe this recipe for
success has cost many of my clients and their customers
bucket-loads of money and $time$ wasted on ill-conceived
systems design decisions.

Your own return-on-investment study will determine
the usefulness of any particular feature under
consideration. Use this List as your critical design
review. It's a win-win. Either you shut off the computer
grinning ear-to-ear and run off to the store to buy some
whippy electro-whizzie or you keep a poorly considered
idea from going into your airplane.

Bob . . .

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