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Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th

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Larry Bowen

Joined: 09 Jan 2006
Posts: 802
Location: NC, USA

PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:12 pm    Post subject: Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th Reply with quote

In response to the email below, the following folks showed an interest back
in August:

Bill Repucci, Ron Schreck, Steve Glasgow, Denis Millsap, Dale Ensing, Paul
D. Franzon & Len Leggette.

We are less than a month away now. Is everyone still in?

I have a slight complication in that my conditional inspection is due by
then end of Oct, so unless I get cracking on it, my plane will likely be in
pieces in November.

Larry Bowen


Aug 5th:

I got a call from the FAA the other day. Before I could voice my alibi, he
told me it was regarding the Wings Weekend on November 4th at Goldsboro, NC.
He's looking for a couple volunteers to do presentation on the RV's and what
it takes to build and fly them. Sort of like the presentation Len and I did
for the Winston-Salem airport group a couple months ago. I told him I would
ask the group if anyone was available/interested. It would be a 40-50
minute presentation in a classroom type environment. Maybe a slideshow,
questions from the attendees, etc. I'm thinking 3-4 people who are well
into their kit or flying would be good.

Who would be willing to participate?


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Larry Bowen
RV-7QB in progress...
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:16 pm    Post subject: Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th Reply with quote

Yes, I'm still in. I should be finished traveling by then and will be

Bill R.


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Joined: 04 Aug 2006
Posts: 192
Location: Gold Hill Airpark, NC (NC25)

PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:18 pm    Post subject: Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th Reply with quote

I,m still in.

Smokey do not archive

From: "Larry Bowen" <Larry(at)>
Date: 2006/10/07 Sat PM 10:11:43 EDT
To: <rvsoutheast-list(at)>
Subject: Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th

In response to the email below, the following folks showed an interest back
in August:

Bill Repucci, Ron Schreck, Steve Glasgow, Denis Millsap, Dale Ensing, Paul
D. Franzon & Len Leggette.

We are less than a month away now. Is everyone still in?

I have a slight complication in that my conditional inspection is due by
then end of Oct, so unless I get cracking on it, my plane will likely be in
pieces in November.

Larry Bowen


Aug 5th:

I got a call from the FAA the other day. Before I could voice my alibi, he
told me it was regarding the Wings Weekend on November 4th at Goldsboro, NC.
He's looking for a couple volunteers to do presentation on the RV's and what
it takes to build and fly them. Sort of like the presentation Len and I did
for the Winston-Salem airport group a couple months ago. I told him I would
ask the group if anyone was available/interested. It would be a 40-50
minute presentation in a classroom type environment. Maybe a slideshow,
questions from the attendees, etc. I'm thinking 3-4 people who are well
into their kit or flying would be good.

Who would be willing to participate?


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 3:27 am    Post subject: Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th Reply with quote

Yes, Dennis is committed to this event...he had obligated himself to be there before the list discussion due to his connection through the university or the local EAA chapter (I don't know which). Anyway, he has already arranged to deliver his plane on Friday with me as ground crew, then pick it up on Sunday with someone else driving him down. Count on him to be there.
You can email him at millsapd(at) (millsapd(at) if you want to discuss specifics, or call him at work at 252-328-6597.

-- "Larry Bowen" <Larry(at)> wrote:
--> RVSouthEast-List message posted�by: "Larry Bowen" <Larry(at)>

In response to the email below, the following folks showed an interest back

Bill Repucci, Ron Schreck, Steve�Glasgow, Denis Millsap, Dale Ensing, Paul
D. Franzon & Len Leggette.

We are less than a month away now. Is everyone still in?

I have a slight complication in that my conditional inspection is due by
then end of Oct, so unless I get cracking on it, my�plane will likely be in
pieces in November.

Larry Bowen


Aug 5th:

I got a call from the FAA the other day. Before I could voice my alibi, he
told me it was regarding the�Wings Weekend on November 4th at Goldsboro, NC.
He's looking for a couple volunteers to do presentation on the RV's�and what
it takes to build and fly�them. Sort of like the presentation Len�and I did
for the Winston-Salem airport group a couple months ago. I told�him I would
ask the group if anyone�was available/interested. It would be a�40-50
minute presentation in a classroom type environment. Maybe a slideshow,
questions�from the attendees, etc. I'm thinking 3-4 people who are well
into their kit�or flying would be good.

Who would&n================================================ - The RVSouthEast-List Emaimany List utilities such as the Subscripti================================================ - NEW MATRONIC now also available via the Web Forum========================sp; - NEW&nbspnfo to the Matronics Email List Wiki!
_================================================ - List Contribution&p; � &nbs=======================================================

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Steve Glasgow

Joined: 10 Jan 2006
Posts: 674

PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:28 am    Post subject: Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th Reply with quote

There is an event for aircraft owners at JQF so I'm out.

[quote] ---

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Steve Glasgow-Cappy
Cappy's Toy
RV-8 N123SG
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 5:20 am    Post subject: Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th Reply with quote

Now that we are still "in", what would you like us to talk about and what is the format?

Since I'm still building I thought I could talk for about 15 minutes on the following:
- Selecting and setting up your shop
- Finding time to build
- involving your spouse and kids
- Selecting options and the impact to your budget (Time and $$$)
- Keeping motivated
- Safety precautions while building - Resources (Local help, books and web sites)
- Having fun while building
(That seems like a lot but it will go quick)

That will leave technical stuff to the Tech counselors.

Will you have an overhead projector and computer available? If not I can bring handouts to cover the bullet items listed above.

Bill R.


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Larry Bowen

Joined: 09 Jan 2006
Posts: 802
Location: NC, USA

PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 7:44 am    Post subject: Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th Reply with quote

We've sort of been given a blank slate as far as the format and content goes. We need to decide what to discuss and divvy things up accordingly. You list some great points below and we can build upon those. Another one I remember from when we first discussed this in August, is Paul's point of view as buyer rather than builder. Some others off the top of my head might be painting, ongoing maintenance, insurance, tailwheel/tricycle, liability when selling, etc, etc.

The link below is a copy of the slideshow Len & I gave to the Winston-Salem Aviation Assoc last year. It loosely chronicles my six years building. I sort of winged the verbiage behind each slide. The presentation was well received. We can use the format as a template, or not.

I plan to have a laptop there, and was told a PC projector will be made available as well.

All ideas and input are welcome.

Larry Bowen, RV-8 233 Hrs.

[quote] From: Bill Repucci [mailto:bill(at)]
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2006 9:21 AM
To: rvsoutheast-list(at)
Subject: RE: RVSouthEast-List: Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th

Now that we are still "in", what would you like us to talk about and what is the format?

Since I'm still building I thought I could talk for about 15 minutes on the following:
- Selecting and setting up your shop
- Finding time to build
- involving your spouse and kids
- Selecting options and the impact to your budget (Time and $$$)
- Keeping motivated
- Safety precautions while building - Resources (Local help, books and web sites)
- Having fun while building
(That seems like a lot but it will go quick)

That will leave technical stuff to the Tech counselors.

Will you have an overhead projector and computer available? If not I can bring handouts to cover the bullet items listed above.

Bill R.


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Larry Bowen
RV-7QB in progress...
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Larry Bowen

Joined: 09 Jan 2006
Posts: 802
Location: NC, USA

PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 7:48 am    Post subject: Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th Reply with quote

Another thing we did was show a Ed Hicks photo slideshow before and after the "feature presenation" (with his blessing). That went over well too....

Larry Bowen

[quote] From: Larry Bowen [mailto:Larry(at)]
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2006 11:44 AM
To: rvsoutheast-list(at)
Subject: RE: RVSouthEast-List: Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th

We've sort of been given a blank slate as far as the format and content goes. We need to decide what to discuss and divvy things up accordingly. You list some great points below and we can build upon those. Another one I remember from when we first discussed this in August, is Paul's point of view as buyer rather than builder. Some others off the top of my head might be painting, ongoing maintenance, insurance, tailwheel/tricycle, liability when selling, etc, etc.

The link below is a copy of the slideshow Len & I gave to the Winston-Salem Aviation Assoc last year. It loosely chronicles my six years building. I sort of winged the verbiage behind each slide. The presentation was well received. We can use the format as a template, or not.

I plan to have a laptop there, and was told a PC projector will be made available as well.

All ideas and input are welcome.

Larry Bowen, RV-8 233 Hrs.

[quote] From: Bill Repucci [mailto:bill(at)]
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2006 9:21 AM
To: rvsoutheast-list(at)
Subject: RE: RVSouthEast-List: Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th

Now that we are still "in", what would you like us to talk about and what is the format?

Since I'm still building I thought I could talk for about 15 minutes on the following:
- Selecting and setting up your shop
- Finding time to build
- involving your spouse and kids
- Selecting options and the impact to your budget (Time and $$$)
- Keeping motivated
- Safety precautions while building - Resources (Local help, books and web sites)
- Having fun while building
(That seems like a lot but it will go quick)

That will leave technical stuff to the Tech counselors.

Will you have an overhead projector and computer available? If not I can bring handouts to cover the bullet items listed above.

Bill R.


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Larry Bowen
RV-7QB in progress...
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Dale Ensing

Joined: 11 Jan 2006
Posts: 571
Location: Aero Plantation Weddington NC

PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:22 am    Post subject: Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th Reply with quote

Sorry Larry,
There has been a little change in my plans. I am now scheduled for surgery
on Nov 2nd. Will be in hospital 3 or 4 days then out of action for two
weeks. After that ????
Dale Ensing


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Dale Ensing
Aero Plantation
Weddington NC
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:55 am    Post subject: Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th Reply with quote

I hope to still make it. I will be in CA that week and my schedule is not finalized yet.

Paul D. Franzon
Alumni Distinguished Professor of ECE,
443 Monteith GRC
ECE, Box 7911, Raleigh, NC 27695
MRC 223, 2410 Campus Shore Dr., Raleigh NC 27604
paulf(at) (paulf(at) ,

From: owner-rvsoutheast-list-server(at) [mailto:owner-rvsoutheast-list-server(at)] On Behalf Of Larry Bowen
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2006 11:44 AM
To: rvsoutheast-list(at)
Subject: RE: Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th

We've sort of been given a blank slate as far as the format and content goes. We need to decide what to discuss and divvy things up accordingly. You list some great points below and we can build upon those. Another one I remember from when we first discussed this in August, is Paul's point of view as buyer rather than builder. Some others off the top of my head might be painting, ongoing maintenance, insurance, tailwheel/tricycle, liability when selling, etc, etc.

The link below is a copy of the slideshow Len & I gave to the Winston-Salem Aviation Assoc last year. It loosely chronicles my six years building. I sort of winged the verbiage behind each slide. The presentation was well received. We can use the format as a template, or not.

I plan to have a laptop there, and was told a PC projector will be made available as well.

All ideas and input are welcome.
Larry Bowen, RV-8 233 Hrs.


From: Bill Repucci [mailto:bill(at)]
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2006 9:21 AM
To: rvsoutheast-list(at)
Subject: RE: Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th
Now that we are still "in", what would you like us to talk about and what is the format?

Since I'm still building I thought I could talk for about 15 minutes on the following:

- Selecting and setting up your shop

- Finding time to build

- involving your spouse and kids

- Selecting options and the impact to your budget (Time and $$$)

- Keeping motivated

- Safety precautions while building
- Resources (Local help, books and web sites)

- Having fun while building

(That seems like a lot but it will go quick)

That will leave technical stuff to the Tech counselors.

Will you have an overhead projector and computer available? If not I can bring handouts to cover the bullet items listed above.

Bill R.


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Larry Bowen

Joined: 09 Jan 2006
Posts: 802
Location: NC, USA

PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 3:35 pm    Post subject: Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th Reply with quote

No prob, here's to a speedy recovery....

Larry Bowen

Dale Ensing wrote:

Sorry Larry,
There has been a little change in my plans. I am now scheduled for surgery
on Nov 2nd. Will be in hospital 3 or 4 days then out of action for two
weeks. After that ????
Dale Ensing


- The Matronics RVSouthEast-List Email Forum -

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Larry Bowen
RV-7QB in progress...
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Larry Bowen

Joined: 09 Jan 2006
Posts: 802
Location: NC, USA

PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:14 pm    Post subject: Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th Reply with quote

Great. Thx, Lori.

Larry Bowen

[quote] From: dwmillsap(at) [mailto:dwmillsap(at)]
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2006 7:26 AM
To: rvsoutheast-list(at)
Subject: Re: Goldsboro Wings Weekend, RV Seminar, Nov 4th

Yes, Dennis is committed to this event...he had obligated himself to be there before the list discussion due to his connection through the university or the local EAA chapter (I don't know which). Anyway, he has already arranged to deliver his plane on Friday with me as ground crew, then pick it up on Sunday with someone else driving him down. Count on him to be there.
You can email him at millsapd(at) (millsapd(at) if you want to discuss specifics, or call him at work at 252-328-6597.

-- "Larry Bowen" <Larry(at)> wrote:
--> RVSouthEast-List message posted�by: "Larry Bowen" <Larry(at)>

In response to the email below, the following folks showed an interest back
in August:

Bill Repucci, Ron Schreck, Steve Glasgow, Denis Millsap, Dale Ensing, Paul
D.�Franzon & Len Leggette.

We are less than a month away now. Is everyone still in?

I have a slight complication in that my conditional inspection is due by
then end of Oct, so unless I get cracking on it, my plane will likely be in
pieces in November.

Larry Bowen


Aug 5th:

I got a call from the FAA the other day.�Before I could voice my alibi, he
told�me it was regarding the Wings Weekend�on November 4th at Goldsboro, NC.
He's�looking for a couple volunteers to do�presentation on the RV's and what
it�takes to build and fly them. Sort of�like the presentation Len and I did
for the Winston-Salem airport group a couple months ago. I told him I would
ask the group if anyone was available/interested. It would be a 40-50
minute presentation in a classroom type environment. Maybe a slideshow,
questions from the attendees,�etc. I'm thinking 3-4 people who are�well
into their kit or flying would be good.

Who would&n======================= - The RVSouthEast-List Emaimany List utilities such as the Subscripti======================= �- NEW MATRONIC now also available via�the Web Forum========================sp; � - NEW nfo to the Matronics Email List Wiki!
_======================= - List Contribution&p; � &nbs==============================



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Larry Bowen
RV-7QB in progress...
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