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OFF-TOPIC: ATC question/ Add Language

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 3:47 am    Post subject: OFF-TOPIC: ATC question/ Add Language Reply with quote

Hello Michel.

I have a couple of questions for you.
In Norway, when contacting the tower at the local airport, Is the language used English? and is this international, meaning the same for all European countries?
If this is the case. Then someone learning to become a pilot must also learn the english language. And of course, the English pilot jargon. That has got to be difficult, as we know there are many books on the subject of radio communication (in English).

I know that all class B and international arrival airports must use the English language, so that all international arrivals communicate with control and tower in English. Much easier that way.

What is the Norwegian word for "information" ?
What is/are the Norwegian word/s for "in formation" ?

Off- topic but good topic as always Michel.
All the best. Eric.
Classic IV. Atlanta

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 7:44 am    Post subject: OFF-TOPIC: ATC question/ Add Language Reply with quote

Just as a side note, I expected more English in latin
America flying, but it is almost all Portugese and
Spanish down here. Problems arise. People hit

Lately the largest crash in Brazil history happened as
a corporate jet flown by 2 US pilots scrubbed the
bottom of a 737. The 2 corporate pilots are in jail.
Wrong altitude. The 737 crashed in the jungle.

I am thinking of bringing a tape recorder along to
copy some of the transmissions so unbeilevers can
listen for themselves. Often one controller is
transmitting on 2 radios on the same frequency to
cover a large area. Anywhere in the middle you get a
horrendous echo effect.

Europe is better!

Kurt S.

I want a sticker to put on the 767 saying "My other
plane is a KitFox!" John McB!!! Got any stickers?

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--- Ceashman(at) wrote:

Hello Michel.

I have a couple of questions for you.
In Norway, when contacting the tower at the local
airport, Is the language
used English? and is this international, meaning the
same for all European
If this is the case. Then someone learning to become
a pilot must also learn
the english language. And of course, the English
pilot jargon. That has got to
be difficult, as we know there are many books on the
subject of radio
communication (in English).

I know that all class B and international arrival
airports must use the
English language, so that all international arrivals
communicate with control and
tower in English. Much easier that way.

What is the Norwegian word for "information" ?
What is/are the Norwegian word/s for "in formation"

Off- topic but good topic as always Michel.
All the best. Eric.
Classic IV. Atlanta

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Joined: 10 Jan 2006
Posts: 966
Location: Norway

PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:59 am    Post subject: OFF-TOPIC: ATC question/ Add Language Reply with quote

On Oct 31, 2006, at 12:46 PM, Ceashman(at) wrote:
In Norway, when contacting the tower at the local airport, Is the
language used English?
Affirmative, Sir!

and is this international, meaning the same for all European
Negative, Sir!

What is the Norwegian word for "information" ?

What is/are the Norwegian word/s for "in formation" ?
I formasjon.

As you can see, Eric, the Germanic and Latin Europe has much words with
the same origin.

But, to answer your question about ATC languages, in Scandinavia
(Norway, Sweden, Denmark) and Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands,
Luxembourg) maybe 95% of GA pilots speak English. In other European
countries, it is not so, with probably France where they insist in
speaking only French. Their lost, really, because they feel very stupid
the day they want to cross a border.
Anyway, the Norwegian law, of which I can speak for, says that the
pilot radio operator license need to be in English. For those who
really don't master the language at all, there is a "limited license"
that can be obtained, in Norwegian, but that can't be used abroad, for
evident reasons.

So, all my ATC contacts are in English, and even on non-controlled
airfields, I declare my traffic pattern intentions in English. On very
small fields, some Norwegians use "Norglish" which is a mixture of the
two languages. E.g. "Lima, lima, tango, turning h�yre nedvind (right
downwind) three sixty." or something like that.

But, whenever I talk with other pilots, I stress how important it is
that ATC communication is understood and that, if in doubt, one can,
and should, speak Norwegian or any other language that would facilitate
communication, understanding and ultimately, safety.

Whether we like it or not, English has become the de-facto language of
ATC and VTS (Vessel Traffic Surveillance). The only place where you can
still use limited French is in SAR procedures like MAYDAY (m'aider) and
PAN PAN (panne).

My conclusion is: Fear makes you speak foreign tongues! Smile

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Kitfox 3 - Jabiru 2200
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Float Flyr

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Location: Campbellton, Newfoundland

PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:08 pm    Post subject: OFF-TOPIC: ATC question/ Add Language Reply with quote

This will only happen if the transmitters happen to be single sideband
suppressed carrier types.

FM or PM has what is known as a capture effect where only the strongest
signal is heard... Not used in aviation.
AM radio ( that's us) uses a carrier ( 50% of the power out put ) and two
information carrying sidebands. The problem is if these stations carriers
are not in exact sync all you will get every time the tower transmits will
be a loud squeal... Some times you will hear this when two pilots try to
contact the tower at the same time. The advantage of the AM. signal is
higher fidelity than SSB. and the tower will know immediately if two or more
planes try to call at the same time.



I am thinking of bringing a tape recorder along to
copy some of the transmissions so unbeilevers can
listen for themselves. Often one controller is
transmitting on 2 radios on the same frequency to
cover a large area. Anywhere in the middle you get a
horrendous echo effect.

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Noel Loveys
Kitfox III-A
Aerocet 1100 Floats
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Joined: 10 Jan 2006
Posts: 966
Location: Norway

PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:05 pm    Post subject: OFF-TOPIC: ATC question/ Add Language Reply with quote

On Nov 1, 2006, at 2:00 AM, Ceashman(at) wrote:
When up there alone, have you ever said out loud to yourself
"bugger... how could I have said that." Have you ever laughed out loud
to yourself!

Me? Pffff ... Never! ... ha, ha, ha! I know that the book says: Think
before you push the PTT button but ... I seldom do that. Smile

On Nov 1, 2006, at 5:08 AM, Noel Loveys wrote:
AM radio ( that's us) uses a carrier ( 50% of the power out put ) and
information carrying sidebands.

Hum, you can't hide the fact that you're a ham, Noel! Smile
You're right about AM and listening to two planes, though. Maritime VHF
is FM and I remember the day an idiot left his handset pressed on
something, on the bridge, and the channel 16 was jammed for more than
an hour with background noise and music.

73 de LA0HA, Michel

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Kitfox 3 - Jabiru 2200
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Float Flyr

Joined: 19 Jul 2006
Posts: 2704
Location: Campbellton, Newfoundland

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 6:07 am    Post subject: OFF-TOPIC: ATC question/ Add Language Reply with quote

I won't soon forget the day one of the ski patrollers at the local ski hill
had his transmitter jammed on as he was racing down the hill Smile

He caught you know what for that one

73 DE VO1 PL


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Noel Loveys
Kitfox III-A
Aerocet 1100 Floats
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