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testing missing pics and other weird stuff from email

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 3:23 pm    Post subject: testing missing pics and other weird stuff from email Reply with quote

I have noticed that sometimes I get emails from the list that are a reply but I never saw the original post.

I also have received emails that had a subject, but no text in the body. These always appear to be a reply to a previous email, which I may or may not have seen.

I sent my original email about Serenity with an attached photo using Outlook and sending it to the kolb-list email address. My email came back to me with an attachment of 189 KB, just as I had sent it.

However, while investigating this, I logged onto the forum web site ( and to my surprise, my original email was not there, but SOME of the replies were.

There seems to be a disconnect between the forum and the list serv. I don't understand it, maybe Matt can shed some light on this for us.

So, I am going to post this message from my email, and an identical message except for this last paragraph from the forum on the web.

Stuart (and Serenity)

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 3:37 pm    Post subject: testing missing pics and other weird stuff from email Reply with quote

OK, this is really goofy.

This email came back to me just fine, attachment intact.

However, when I look at the forum on the web, BOTH original messages show up, but my reply to the forum posted message, shows up under a new thread, not as a reply to the original message.

OOPs, just figured it out. My reply auto corrected my spelling mistake in the subject line, which forced the server to consider it as a new topic (thread).

Everything seems to be working as it should this evening. I still can’t explain some of the postings in the past.


From: owner-kolb-list-server(at) [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)] On Behalf Of Stuart Harner
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2014 6:22 PM
To: kolb-list(at)
Subject: testing missing pics and other weird stuff from email

I have noticed that sometimes I get emails from the list that are a reply but I never saw the original post.

I also have received emails that had a subject, but no text in the body. These always appear to be a reply to a previous email, which I may or may not have seen.

I sent my original email about Serenity with an attached photo using Outlook and sending it to the kolb-list email address. My email came back to me with an attachment of 189 KB, just as I had sent it.

However, while investigating this, I logged onto the forum web site ( and to my surprise, my original email was not there, but SOME of the replies were.

There seems to be a disconnect between the forum and the list serv. I don't understand it, maybe Matt can shed some light on this for us.

So, I am going to post this message from my email, and an identical message except for this last paragraph from the forum on the web.

Stuart (and Serenity)

- The Matronics Kolb-List Email Forum -

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