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A fantastic flight, and Week - Long, but positive

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:42 am    Post subject: A fantastic flight, and Week - Long, but positive Reply with quote

So how about a positive story!

Last week at OSH turned out to be fantastic all the way around
except for some sticky heat. You know, Wisconsin gets warm
in the summer, but it's a wet heat. Wink We got dumped on by
rain a few times, but the tent never got wet inside.

I can't believe how many of the people I met who were on the
OSH / RV-10 builders list. It was incredible! One night I
popped up the page and talked with Andrea and we looked
down the list one by one and checked them off as best we
could. I really feel bad that I still can't put a face to
the name on some of you, but your names stick out in my
head pretty well. Over time, the more often we meet,
I'll hopefully get better. The list ended up being over 1/4 of
the RV-10 population, and except for 1, all planes listed as
coming did show...the one that didn't was a wisely made move
to not fly a plane to OSH that had an issue that needed to be
addressed. There were also a couple that weren't on the list.
Thanks to those who took the time to send the info ahead. I
proved the reliability of this list to Jeff who parked us, by
showing that we had a very close number of actuals to expecteds.
They thought there would be a lot more....and actually, so did
I. I guessed 20 would happen. Well, next year I bet there's
no way we'll have less than 25. Lots of completions are just
around the corner.

RV-10 HQ was a pretty good success this year, due to the
wonderous works of Bob Condrey with his early arrival and
internet access for OSH updates. Gary also helped me out
a ton personally by allowing me to offload some of my camping
gear onto his motorhome so we could travel a bit heavier.
Every night people showed up...not in droves, but with enough
supply to keep the conversation going. We had some of the
best sites available in scholler, and are currently
contemplating how to make it work better next year to get
even more spaces, and good ones at that. Me being close, I
may be the guy to fly over there and stake some out well ahead.
It depends on how organized we get about it, as sites run $18/day
from the day you stake them out....but if we can coordinate
who's showing up and leaving, it may be a great way to get
some shaded spots near the -10 gang.

My RV-10 flights to and from were fantastic! We had an
hour of time almost on the nuts to go from KLUM to KOSH,
with just a little extension to that time for flying the
RIPON-FISK-OSH approach. We had a couple of noodleheads
in front of us on some of the approaches, as usual, but
despite their attemps, we lived through it fine. Wink For
those flying to OSH, please, read the NOTAM in detail
and you'll have a great time. I gave a couple people rides
on Monday, but have quickly decided that OSH is just not
the best place for that. The worst of it was the heat
and taxi getting in and out, but the FISK approach can
get you tied up as well, and it makes the whole thing a
bit rushed. Next year I'll just park and enjoy it for
the whole week, but we did have fun. My favorite approach
is the 18R stay above 1500' until you cross
9/27 and then they call your "blue dot" to land. When I
had Bob C. and Ed H. out for a flight, I didn't think I'd
be able to drop fast enough to make my spot, but by using
a nearly full rudder forward slip, it unbelievable came
out awesome. On Wednesday, I zipped home to get the
kids and did a quick turn with only 1.5 hours at home and
made it back before the show. Shot up through a scattered
layer on the way home, and was VFR on top in beautiful skies.
Punched the TruTrak altitude hold at 8510' and it never
swayed beyond 8500 or 8520'. On the way back, the cumulus
had started to build, and at 9500' we occasionally had
to do slight deviations to avoid a 10K' climber. Got
to shoot down through another hole in a broken area
at about 45 miles outside of OSH, and the kids just
thought it was beautiful seeing the puffy white
clouds appear just outside their window, slowly making us
feel small as we descended.

Once we were back on field for the show, parked up on
the front flightline, the field was overcome by torrent of rain,
which led to one of the funnier moments of the week (see
attached photos).
We scrambled under the plane, getting dripped on by
blown raindrops dripping off the airframe. Vic and Carol
quickly put the top cover on, and climbed under their plane.
People climbed under Debbie's plane as well. As we laid
there getting wet, I yelled out "Hey, why didn't we just
get IN the plane!?!?". Sometimes it's the little stupid
things that people forget to do. Wink

At the end of the week, we got a perfectly smooth trip
home. Intrigued by all the "Hot Tunnel" talk during the
week, we took our shoes off and felt the firewall, tunnel,
and everything else both high and low. The tunnel does
get warm, but I can keep my foot on it all day. Also,
I have almost no warmth at the top of the tunnel, just
the bottom, and if you move 6" to the left or right
of the tunnel, it's not very warm at all. By the time
you get to the front seat area, it's cool. I think
the issue still deserves some diligent thinking, but
I can't see why after taking a few small steps, this
issue can't soon die. That should be encouraging.
One side note is that my exhaust was shorter than Jesse's
and Vic's. Vic has his extended. Jesse has a newer FWF
kit. So apparently things today should be better for you
new builders than for me. I'm going to check on getting
longer pipes, just because you may as well do the easy
and prudent things.

One of the best things for me this year was not having
to write huge checks at the show. I hope many of you
got to the point where you get to make your final
decisions, as it's a big relief. My big purchases
were the Precise Flight Demand conservers
for my Oxygen system. They supposedly save 3-5X the O2
over the oxysaver cannulas. The other big one was
to buy Golden Eagle Chart Case Express. I use FlightPrep
for flight planning, which is nice, and I have figured
out a way to get almost all the approach charts
updated and free monthly, but I still lacked all
the current sectionals, WAC's, and Low-Alt Enroute
charts on an updated basis. I also was missing not
having an in-flight moving map for my tablet PC.
So for $395 I bought Chart Case and it looks really
cool. I haven't used it in flight yet, but it does
include HITS, Terrain, and a few other neat things.
Not something I'd want to use for an EFIS, but for
tracking your progress on a chart it looks fairly
nice, and it keeps me from having to buy current charts
before a sudden trip. I figured worst case, I'd be
current for a year on charts, and after that I'd be
left with an out of date chart, but a nice in-flight
tracking tablet. Updates are about 1/2 the price
of the software, and stocking up on paper charts
would have cost me much more than the updates for
the tablet.

Oh, and a flying highlight... I've always felt a
little crazy about the trim speed thing on the -10
elevator. I've said it before, I think it needs
some speed reduction at high airspeeds for safety's
sake, but not at slow airspeeds...but qualified it
that NEED may be a bad word. It's something that
some people may think is needed and some not. So,
I gave Bob and Ed the opportunity to hold the trim
aft for a second while flying level. The funny
thing is, Ed immediately bought a trim speed reduction
system and Bob was planning to, after the demo.
So I now know I'm not nuts, but it's just one of
those things that's not quite bad enough to panic about
but that many builders may want to do in the interest
of safety. I love showing other builders some
of these things and letting them decide.

So, the company was great, the shows were good,
the Vendors walked away with a little bit more of my
cash, and I walked away with more people that I can
call friends after meeting people in person. And
everyone got to see more than double the number of
RV-10's as last year.

I just posted a pile of random photos, some were from
Bob during the show and some are from other people.
If you have more you want to add to it, just send them
on. I've downsized them to 800 wide so they won't
be too huge.

Also attached, I have some shots of our drenching actually fun experience that will last
with the kids for a lifetime. Wink

Tim Olson - RV-10 N104CD - Flying
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:24 am    Post subject: A fantastic flight, and Week - Long, but positive Reply with quote

Great write-up Tim. I was actually thinking about getting
better/earlier spots next year without someone like Bob having to come
in early. We can figure it out in 11 months but it's only 30 minutes
away for me and I can easily go down on the day Scholler opens and snag
spots. Maybe we can come up with some mini Paypal/reservation method so
none of us get shorted because we grabbed too many sites and then just
split it between the campers.0

I mentioned earlier that John Forsling is going to redo my exhaust for
heat muffs and also add a turndown at the end of the pipe. I have
attached a picture of one of his exhausts with the turndown. I also
attached an exhaust modification that John Cox was talking about that
helps to smooth the airflow around the exhaust as it exits the cowl. I
told Forsling about it but I'm not sure if he got over to see it. Deems
or someone was going to send him the pictures though.

Lastly to the trim speed issue, I think I posted this before also but
these guys make an automatic trim speed adjustment that can be set to a
specific airspeed. I am also going to use their flap positioning system
with the automatic trim compensation.



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