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Hotshots and Rules

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:27 am    Post subject: Hotshots and Rules Reply with quote

In reference to all of the editorials on the Oshkosh accident, I would like
to change the subject slightly.

Many people have expressed concern for the pilot of the TBM accident
aircraft at Oshkosh. Since I don't know him, I might say he may have been
like a lot of other hotshot pilots I have met. Big airplane has the right
of way, if you are in a smaller airplane you better get out of the way
before you are run over.

Many people want more rules and if Air Adventure was run by the Army, then
the rules would end up like: no more than 3 aircraft on the taxiway at a
time, 3 minute separation between takeoffs and mandatory wingwalkers for
all aircraft. When you tell the Army that is unworkable, their answer
would be, then don't come to Oshkosh!

Rules sometimes make sense, but when the rule is designed to overcome a
poor attitude and lack of good judgement then they become obnoxious. No
one has yet made a rule for those who refuse to follow them and I know some
pilots that are quite proud of their ability to violate the rules and get
away with it.

In my opinion the culprit of this accident was a "poor attitude." Poor
attitude towards safety, rights of others and the generally acceptable
rules and procedures. I believe we have enough rules that if followed
would have prevented the accident.

As my Uncle a long time USAF Pilot and Wing Safety Officer once told me,
"the rules are written in blood! Those who do not follow them will rewrite
them." I think the TBM pilot just rewrote one.

RV 6

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 8:08 am    Post subject: Hotshots and Rules Reply with quote

<QUOTE>I might say he may have been
like a lot of other hotshot pilots I have met. Big airplane has the right
of way, if you are in a smaller airplane you better get out of the way
before you are run over.<END QUOTE>

I usually try to keep my replies of a reasonable and polite tone. I admit,
though, this one needs all the restraint I have.

Bob, how you can put together a personality profile without ever meeting,
seeing, or hearing about the TBM pilot before this accident mystifies me.
You outdo Dr. Phil. At least he is looking at the people he's analyzing.

I've been in the airplane flying business for over 30 years and have
associated (and flown) with little airplane guys, military pilots, airline
pilots, and just about every "subspecie" of all those categories. I've
found little difference in the groups: each has good proficient, safe
consciencious individuals and each has the other kind. I've never been able
to say "XXX pilots are hotshots and therefore less than me." which is what
you are implying.

I will refrain from trying to place you in any category, although it's

Olen Goodwin
do not archive


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 8:31 am    Post subject: Re: Hotshots and Rules Reply with quote

interesting read, and I can understand how somebody can jump to the conclusion that the TBM pilot was a hot heat. Personally I don't think so, but then again I'm not the one to judge that. I come across peope every day that have the perverbial hot head mentality. I am currently flying a little fly in the sky as compaired to the other aircraft I'm in contact with every day, literally every day because I fly every day generally. About 4 weeks ago I was doing touch and goes by myself, usually with the wife on my daily flies, and on final for the flight a Cessna Citation was on final and I of course work things out so he landed and I followed right behind, high and long on the landing. After I was down I put the fox away and went to pick up the wife at the FBO, she was flabergasted by the pilot of the Citation, seems he got the red carpet treatment, literally, my wife said the guy in the FBO said that they had to be prepaired to wipe this guys feet off and clean his airplane inside and out right on the spot. They are instructed never to speak to this guy unless spoken to first and when doing so you can't look in his eyes. Wow! is all I could say to myself. I don't like to make judgement on anybody, but people like this do bother me. I had somebody on the freeway two days ago in a fancy car and suit. He tried to pull in front of me, I said to myself, hay you rich son of a gun, who do you think you are? Then I thought hey wait a minute I make over 300k a year, hay buddy get in line.

The reality is, you don't know who might be in that little airplane, could be the biggest jerk, or a nice guy. Same goes for the guy in that big airplane, could be the biggest jerk, or a nice guy.

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