gmcjetpilot(at) Guest
Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:01 am Post subject: Turn on ALT before engine start? (Yes) |
Quote: | From: "Bill Denton" <bdenton(at) (bdenton(at)>
In an airplane equipped with a Continental 0-200, would you want to
turn on the ALT switch before engine start, or after?
If it's a certified plane do what the AFM, AOM or check list call for.
Most AFM's tell you to turn the MASTER switch on together before
start and off together after start, and they even make it easy for you
with a single split switch.
I agree it probably does not matter. My opinion is given the choice,
turn the battery and ALT on at the same time before start. That
way you will not forget. There really is no advantage in making
multiple steps for yourself. Its a single engine plane not a B737.
Less is more. Once on (bat/alt) together, once off together.
I assume this is a factory plane (Cessna) and not an experimental.
If it's an experimental with an internally regulated (ND) Nippon Denso
alternator, I highly, highly recommend turning the "ALT" on before
engine start and leave the ALT on until the engine shut downs. ND's
are designed to turn themselves on and off as needed. Forcing it
while spinning is not necessary and even counter productive.
Cheers George
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