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Looking for a Firestar(off list)

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 10:09 am    Post subject: Looking for a Firestar(off list) Reply with quote


You made you point, why do you feel the need to rub his nose in it? How
would you feel if you had done that to a perfectly good airplane and someone
kept making posts to the world about how you screwed up. It was necessary to
keep others from not making the same mistake but please let it go.


Rick Neilsen
Redrive VW powered MKIIIc


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Joined: 22 Jan 2006
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Location: Montgomery Alabama

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:15 am    Post subject: Re: Looking for a Firestar(off list) Reply with quote

Thanks for your comment. Believe me the plane was not perfectly good. He had rapped the chafing tape around the perimeter of the tail feathers as well as other parts and glued it to the surfaces. He then glued the fabric to the chafing tape. That is not good. He then neglected to put surface tape on the exterior along the high spots. I also refered to this as chafing tape as it is there to keep the fabric from being chafed through.

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Joined: 10 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:30 pm    Post subject: Re: Looking for a Firestar(off list) Reply with quote

neilsenrmf(at) wrote:

You made you point, why do you feel the need to rub his nose in it? How
would you feel if you had done that to a perfectly good airplane and someone
kept making posts to the world about how you screwed up. It was necessary to
keep others from not making the same mistake but please let it go.

I asked the question as ANY potiental buyer of that airplane is going to ask... I talked about it again because some others pointed out that firebug was in error in what he described, Firebug still defended what he had done as being correct... I posted again not to rub his nose in it, but to generate more discussion on the matter and maybe we could all learn more from this.

If I made a mistake, I would admint it and try to learn enough from people on the list so that I would make the same mistake again. So it was brought up a couple times, big deal. The way Firebug verbally assaulted me in a very nasty way for questioning why he did that tells a lot about the kind of man he is. Given Firebugs response to a legitimate question about an airplane he is selling, I would never buy an airplane, or do any type of business with him.

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"NO FEAR" - If you have no fear you did not go as fast as you could have !!!

Kolb MK-III Xtra, 912-S
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:58 pm    Post subject: Looking for a Firestar(off list) Reply with quote

I agree. He had reasons for removing the fabric, and it's his
aircraft -- you don't need to jump all over him for it.
Let's keep the List friendly and cooperative -- not abrasive or

On Jan 23, 2006, at 3:30 PM, JetPilot wrote:


neilsenrmf(at) wrote:
> Mike
> You made you point, why do you feel the need to rub his nose in
> it? How
> would you feel if you had done that to a perfectly good airplane
> and someone
> kept making posts to the world about how you screwed up. It was
> necessary to
> keep others from not making the same mistake but please let it go.
I asked the question as ANY potiental buyer of that airplane is
going to ask... I talked about it again because some others pointed
out that firebug was in error in what he described, Firebug still
defended what he had done as being correct... I posted again not
to rub his nose in it, but to generate more discussion on the
matter and maybe we could all learn more from this.

If I made a mistake, I would admint it and try to learn enough from
people on the list so that I would make the same mistake again. So
it was brought up a couple times, big deal. The way Firebug
verbally assaulted me in a very nasty way for questioning why he
did that tells a lot about the kind of man he is. Given Firebugs
response to a legitimate question about an airplane he is selling,
I would never buy an airplane, or do any type of business with him.

NO FEAR - If you have no fear you did not go as fast as you could
have !!!

Read this topic online here:

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 3:06 pm    Post subject: Re: Looking for a Firestar(off list) Reply with quote

kinnepix(at) wrote:
I agree. He had reasons for removing the fabric, and it's his
aircraft -- you don't need to jump all over him for it.

I did not jump all over Firebug, although I did ask Firebug a hard question about an airplane he is selling as number of people did. Any buyer interested in that airplane is going to question that. So lets see here, I asked a question and you accuse me of jumping all over firebug. The only on that posted a mean, attacking post here was firebug and you ignore it( see below) Something is clearly wrong with your judgement and thinking kinnepix(at)

Firebug wrote:
TO JETPILOT: There are always a few like you on every board talking when you should shut up. You do not know what you are talking about. I would hate to fly anything you have built. Yes there are areas under the fabric where you put chafing tape. There are also areas on the surface you put it, sometimes it is refered to as surface tape. Its function on the surface is to keep the fabric from being rubbed through, chafed when it is struck at a high point on the airframe. He had NONE of this, that is a sign of a poorly built plane in my opinion. The high spots are going to be hit period. You put surface or chafing tape on the high spots to double the thickness of the fabric. LOOK at a factory built Cub if you don't believe me. You DO NOT rap chafing tape all the way around the frame of the rudder, horizontal stabilizer, elevator etc and THEN glue the fabric to the chafing tape. The fabric is glued to the structure of the rudder, elevator, horizintal stabilizer etc. He had chafi!
ng tape glued all the way around the perimeter of the tail feathers. Can you understand that do I need to draw you a picture? He also did the same thing to the rest of the airframe. What do you fly? I find it hard to believe it is a jet.

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"NO FEAR" - If you have no fear you did not go as fast as you could have !!!

Kolb MK-III Xtra, 912-S

Last edited by JetPilot on Mon Jan 23, 2006 3:40 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 3:28 pm    Post subject: Looking for a Firestar(off list) Reply with quote


Don't y'all think it would be a good idea to drop this thread as it will
lead to a no good end. I feel this ole horse has been whipped enough.

Jim Hauck
On 1/23/2006 5:56:15 PM, kolb-list(at) wrote:

I agree. He had reasons for removing the fabric, and
it's his
aircraft -- you don't need to jump all over him for it.
Let's keep the List friendly and cooperative -- not abrasive or

On Jan 23, 2006, at 3:30 PM, JetPilot wrote:

> neilsenrmf(at) wrote:
>> Mike
>> You made you point, why do you feel the need to rub his nose in
>> it? How
>> would you feel if you had done that to a perfectly good airplane
>> and someone
>> kept making posts to the world about how you screwed up. It was
>> necessary to
>> keep others from not making the same mistake but please let it go.
> I asked the question as ANY potiental buyer of that airplane is
> going to ask... I talked about it again because some others pointed
> out that firebug was in error in what he described, Firebug still
> defended what he had done as being correct... I posted again not
> to rub his nose in it,

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Joined: 22 Jan 2006
Posts: 36
Location: Montgomery Alabama

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 3:34 pm    Post subject: Re: Looking for a Firestar(off list) Reply with quote

I am over it.

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Joined: 10 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 3:49 pm    Post subject: Re: Looking for a Firestar(off list) Reply with quote

firebug wrote:
I am over it.

Firebug, you come into the list and on your second day here post the meanest, nastiest, attacking post I have ever seen here.... And all you can say is I am over it.. That just shows what kind of a man you are.

Nothing short of a very public, and sincere apology would even begin to correct this.

firebug wrote:

TO JETPILOT: There are always a few like you on every board talking when you should shut up. You do not know what you are talking about. I would hate to fly anything you have built. Yes there are areas under the fabric where you put chafing tape. There are also areas on the surface you put it, sometimes it is refered to as surface tape. Its function on the surface is to keep the fabric from being rubbed through, chafed when it is struck at a high point on the airframe. He had NONE of this, that is a sign of a poorly built plane in my opinion. The high spots are going to be hit period. You put surface or chafing tape on the high spots to double the thickness of the fabric. LOOK at a factory built Cub if you don't believe me. You DO NOT rap chafing tape all the way around the frame of the rudder, horizontal stabilizer, elevator etc and THEN glue the fabric to the chafing tape. The fabric is glued to the structure of the rudder, elevator, horizintal stabilizer etc. He had chafi!
ng tape glued all the way around the perimeter of the tail feathers. Can you understand that do I need to draw you a picture? He also did the same thing to the rest of the airframe. What do you fly? I find it hard to believe it is a jet.

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"NO FEAR" - If you have no fear you did not go as fast as you could have !!!

Kolb MK-III Xtra, 912-S
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Joined: 22 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 4:11 pm    Post subject: Re: Looking for a Firestar(off list) Reply with quote

JetPilot: I suggest you go back and read your posts and maybe you will see why I was offended and deffended myself. When provoked I will strike back quickly. I make my living saving lives and have done so many times. Believe me I do have compassion but not when I am on the receiveing end of remarks such as yours. You meant nothing more but to degrade me with what you said. I am easy to get along with until someone makes remarks like yours. I am not the only one that thinks you meant to cut me by what you said on this forum. From what I have read most agree with me about that. I suggest you look at Jerb's post, the one dirrectly after your first one, he asked the same questions you did without trying to make me look like an idiot. If you have a habit of making degrading posts like the ones to me I am surprised mine is the worst one you have read. I promise everyone on this forum, if ya'll could have seen the cover job you would not have flown the plane. The rest of the build was fine, better than fine. As I stated earlier, I bought the plane over the internet without personally inspecting it. I will never do that again. It was 1200 miles from me and looked fine in the photos. Bad mistake. I WILL NOT POST AGAIN CONCERNING JETPILOT.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 4:21 pm    Post subject: Looking for a Firestar(off list) Reply with quote

Stop it already, you are such a whiner.

Please , you started all this. Be a man and let it go.

do not archive

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 4:37 pm    Post subject: Re: Looking for a Firestar(off list) Reply with quote

wcm(at) wrote:

Stop it already, you are such a whiner.

When someone comes into the list and on their second day posts a nasty persontal attack as firebug did, that is totally wrong and uncalled for.

The fact that you support this, and tell me to quietly take firebugs abuse, shows me that something seriously wrong with your judgement and thinking. The fact that you are now posting a personal attack tells me that you are in the same class as firebug. Totally against the spirit of this forum and uncalled for on both of your parts.

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"NO FEAR" - If you have no fear you did not go as fast as you could have !!!

Kolb MK-III Xtra, 912-S
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Dave Pelletier

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:46 am    Post subject: Looking for a Firestar(off list) Reply with quote

To Matt Dralle:


Maybe it would be good to incorporate some sort of "squelch" button on
here so we could just automatically delete messages from people who are
using the list to bicker at one another. I for one, am tired of this.


Do Not Archive


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Joined: 22 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:18 am    Post subject: Re: Looking for a Firestar(off list) Reply with quote

I totally agree!

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:10 pm    Post subject: Looking for a Firestar(off list) Reply with quote

Good point, "squelch button: Now you can relate to all the poor individuals
that like a movie but not the dirty part, or maybe not the movie, just the
dirty part. I wish that were also true. I enjoy the meat of the topics here.
They is a vast amount of knowledge posted here that does, has, and will save
a lot of individuals a great amount of time, repair and injury if they heed
that wealth. I hate bickering. I get enough of it in the news paper. I also
come here to get nourished by the wisdom of others. The Kolb site is one of
the most "responded to" on the Matronics overall web site. That says a great
deal about its people; followers and leaders. I for a fact have seen
controversy between a lot of strong willed individuals on this site. Haven't
you noticed, we are a bold brave and intelligent bunch of people with very
strong views, right or wrong. I just wish we could share them with a bit
more compassion. I see the statements, and see the attackers, and I see the
hearts of both. I guess that's what make us "pilots" and not pile-its!
Everyone take a deep breath and scream. Now get your butts out and fly!
Sunday here in mid Ohio was around 50 and calm, and I flew. Awesome!

The good Ralph from Ohio
1990 Kolb KXP


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:27 pm    Post subject: Re: Looking for a Firestar(off list) Reply with quote

flht99reh(at) wrote:
Now get your butts out and fly!
Sunday here in mid Ohio was around 50 and calm, and I flew. Awesome!

Now there is a wise man. It must be cabin fever, a little flying and all this nastyness would be forgotten Smile

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"NO FEAR" - If you have no fear you did not go as fast as you could have !!!

Kolb MK-III Xtra, 912-S
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