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Wiring portable transceiver through audio panel?

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:10 pm    Post subject: Wiring portable transceiver through audio panel? Reply with quote

On 9/1/2015 1:39 PM, Andy Elliott wrote:

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The wood/fiberglass aircraft I bought has a single NAV-COM (KX-155A) and a single embedded comm antenna.� It also has an 2002-vintage PS Engineering PMA-7000B audio panel.� I would like to add another comm radio to the aircraft and was considering something like the Yaesu FTA-550.� This radio has provision for a headset connector and for 10�0.5V power input.
I was wondering if it is possible to splice the headset connections from the portable into the audio panel as COM2, and get �normal� comm radio functionality, specifically

1.� Can the mike output from the audio panel drive the portable?
The portable should accept any typical aviation mic level input (assuming it has mic/PTT/headset jacks). Normally, an audio panel 'feeds through' the mic signal to the transmitter selected by the audio panel's transmit selector switch. So, yes.

2.� Can the stick mounted PTT, through the audio panel, key the portable?
Assuming that the portable has 'standard' headset and mic/PTT jacks (either full size or miniature), then any external PTT should key the portable. (Transmit select switch should route PTT in addition to mic signal to the correct radio.)

3.� Can the portable headset output be used as input to the audio panel?
Should be the same level & impedance range as any other radio's headset output, so, yes.

4.� What might be a recommended way to get the 10V feed for the portable?
Check with the mfgr 1st; it's possible that the radio will accept a typical 14v input from the a/c power buss. If it won't, then the mfgr should have a 14V-10V adapter to power the radio from ship's power.

And if it is possible, what kind of special connections/modifications might need to be made?
If it's a typical aviation handheld transceiver, all you should need is plugs/wiring to connect the mic, PTT, headset, and power jacks to the audio panel's ins/outs and to the ship's power buss.

Andy Elliott, CL:480-695-9568
N729LS, GP-4


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