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Strange Flying characteristics of new to me Mark III clasi

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 2:36 pm    Post subject: Strange Flying characteristics of new to me Mark III clasi Reply with quote

John H thank you for your reply, but I am still left with a specific question:

If you were test flying someone's Mk 3 Classic, and you found that it was 2X or 3X as difficult to roll the aircraft to the right as opposed to rolling it the left, and if the roll rate to the right was 1/2 as fast as the roll rate to the left, what would you suspect as the cause of this condition?

Bill Berle  - safety & performance upgrade for light aircraft           - winning proposals for non-profit and for-profit entities

On Tue, 6/13/17, John Hauck <jhauck(at)> wrote:

Subject: RE: Re: Strange Flying characteristics of new to me Mark III clasic
To: kolb-list(at)
Date: Tuesday, June 13, 2017, 3:18 PM

Hauck" <jhauck(at)>

If the aircraft was mine and I had all
those problems, I'd start from scratch, insure the aircraft
was built correctly, had not been modified (especially the
control system), and everything was rigged as specified in
the plans and instructions.  I would insure I was
starting my journey from a standard beginning.

Once I got it back to standard
configuration, then I would test fly it, insuring I did the
test flight alone, not with a passenger on board.  If I
wasn't an experienced MKIII pilot, I'd find one that was to
do my test flying.  He would know what to expect from
the MKIII in flight. 

If I still encountered the same
problems, I'd put the standard (large) rudder trim tab on
temporarily.  It can be attached with Gorilla Tape to
test fly.  Sometimes the rudder trim tab will correct
adverse roll problems, when your mind is telling you that it
is aileron or wing incidence problems.

Always change only one thing at a
time.  After each change, test fly to see what that
change has affected.

I would not change thrust line in any
way, unless it has been modified.  Then I would change
it back to what it should be per the instructions.  The
thrust lines on Kolb aircraft, all models, are correct the
way they were designed and fabricated.  Incorrect
thrust lines would not affect the aircrafts flight
characteristic as described unless you mounted the engine

I would not try to trim the aircraft
with flap(s).

Aileron trim tabs are effective for
slight roll problems, not the problems you all describe.

I test flew the latest model MKIII
Extra.  It demonstrated similar characteristics. 
Wanted to fly straight if it was allowed to roll 10 to 15
degrees to the right.  Was a terrible, unnatural
feeling.  Took a Hell of a lot of left stick to fly it
straight and level, but was happy flying rolled right. 
This flight was without a rudder trim tab.  We
installed the large rudder trim tab, test flew, and the
problem was gone.  Hard for me to grasp, but it

These are my thoughts and
experiences.  It is the way I would do it.  I am
not recommending anyone else try this at home.

John h
Fayetteville, NC


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John Hauck

Joined: 09 Jan 2006
Posts: 4639
Location: Titus, Alabama (hauck's holler)

PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 2:45 pm    Post subject: Strange Flying characteristics of new to me Mark III clasi Reply with quote

In my experience it was lack of an adequate trim tab, if all else was rigged to specs and the control system had not been changed or modified.

The aircraft I was flying was much easier to roll right than left.

John h
Fayetteville, NC


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John Hauck
hauck's holler
Titus, Alabama
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