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Starting on instrument panel and looking for advice

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 3:41 pm    Post subject: Starting on instrument panel and looking for advice Reply with quote

Hi Dave,

It is hard to do an apples to apples comparison between any EFIS and a panel using individual instruments. This is because you would probably not include all the functions on the discrete panel as the EFIS provides. Still, even if you only have a few high quality steam gauges the Dynon will cost a lot less and take a lot less space on the panel.

I think the biggest advantage of using a Dynon or similar device is that you get complete instrument flying capability (albeit not quite enough to qualify as sufficient for IFR) in a single low cost light weight package. I am not sure how to figure out a panel for actual IFR operation, but since I will be exercising Sport Pilot privileges that is not an issue for me.

I am curious if anyone has found an optimum choice for radios for one of our planes. I would want enough to operate in class C or B airspace with minimum equipment. That would certainly include communications, transponder, encoding altimeter (an EFIS output) and some sort of navigation which might include both GPS and VOR/LOC/GS. I think Garmin makes a multifunction radio with most of these functions, but I don't know who else does.

XL fuselage

At 03:37 PM 10/23/2006, you wrote:
[quote]Has anyone actually priced out the cost of round gauges verses a Dynon system? I know that it depends on what instruments you use, but something approximate.


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 4:41 pm    Post subject: Starting on instrument panel and looking for advice Reply with quote


Even though I am quite a ways from needing instruments and radios I always like to keep an eye out for what's out there and what works and doesn't work. I talked to the guy that owns Val Avionics in Salem and I will probably go with his com radio. Maybe a King transponder and ACK encoder. I've owned 3 different Garmin GPS's and figured I would get another one, but there are others out there that look as good. That one's still up in the air. He said he would prewire them and so that it is basically a hook up for me. He also has some suggestions on antennas for metal aircraft. The instruments are a different story. I had initially planned on using round gauges and haven't really priced things both ways. That's what I have always flown with, but the Dynon sure seems to be popular. I'd like to be able to make a decision on what I will use for sure pretty soon so that can be one more thing out of the way.

Dave in Salem

[quote] ---

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