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Aeroelectric Figure Z-35. Non-Cranking (Small) Aux Battery

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:27 pm    Post subject: Aeroelectric Figure Z-35. Non-Cranking (Small) Aux Battery Reply with quote

You sure did come to the right place for peer reviews and critical thinking.  If you post I will be more than happy to review…..but I am not very talented in this area and normally do not comment unless none of the many more qualified voices speak up.  I do not have electronic ignition and thus do not have to worry about my lawn mower engine (IO-540) stopping if I screwed up my electrical system.  I did use Z13-8 and followed it closely knowing that it is tried and tested.  I have lost two alternators in my 700 hours in the airplane, one at night, and did not have any worries.  I designed and built for mission – long cross country.


From: owner-aeroelectric-list-server(at) [mailto:owner-aeroelectric-list-server(at)] On Behalf Of Charles Rogers
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2017 3:41 PM
To: aeroelectric-list(at)
Subject: Aeroelectric Figure Z-35. Non-Cranking (Small) Aux Battery and Bus


My name is Charlie and this is my first Matronics post.

I have a RV-8 with IO-360. It has a simple electrical system with one alternator and one PC-680 Battery on the firewall. My mission is daytime VFR. I am preparing to install dual electronic ignitions (Simple Digital Systems - CPI). In consideration of an alternator failure, I want each EI circuit to be independent of the other. To achieve this, I am going to add a non-cranking (small) 7 AH AGM auxiliary battery to operate one ignition. The other ignition will operate off the main battery.

In reference to Z-35, I have a few questions please.

1. Why are the wires marked with an * required to be (quote) "As short as practical. 6-inches long is ideal, 12-inches long max"?

2. In reference to the 12 AWG wire that runs from the battery contractor to the S704-1 AUX Battery Relay. What are the positives and/or negatives of placing a Schottky diode in that circuit between main battery contractor and the S704-1 AUX Battery Relay.

3. Is there a preference for which battery, Main vs Aux, powers the S704-1 AUX Battery Relay?

4. If I included a copy of my proposed wiring diagram could I get a peer review of it?

Thank you,


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