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Tach or Tach Cable Problem

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:34 pm    Post subject: Tach or Tach Cable Problem Reply with quote

Saturday, I went on a 250 mile out and back trip to visit the Naval Air museum at Pensacola. A very nice trip, by the way. The only downside is that you can't land at NAS Pensacola, so you need either a rental car or a taxi. It hurt to pay $48 bucks to rent a little bitty car for a total of 6 hours and 24 miles.

Anyway, during the early part of the flight I noticed the tachometer was unsteady although the engine note was unchanged and the MP never varied. Later (after things warmed up?), the tach was just fine. It seems pretty clear that something is wrong with in the tachometer, tach cable, or tach drive. My bet is that the problem is in the cable or the tachometer.

How do I identify the real source of the problem?

Kyle Boatright
RV-6 N46KB

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:44 pm    Post subject: Tach or Tach Cable Problem Reply with quote

In a message dated 11/1/06 8:36:20 PM Eastern Standard Time,
kboatright1(at) writes:

It seems pretty clear that something is wrong with in the tachometer, tach
cable, or tach drive. My bet is that the problem is in the cable or the

How do I identify the real source of the problem?

Kyle Boatright
RV-6 N46KB


It is very easy to do a basic maintenance action and then see what happens.
The maintenance action is to remove the connections at both ends of the Tach
cable. Then pull out the drive cable. Make up a small fitting that will
allow you to use a standard grease gun filled with MolyGrease and squirt grease
into the engine end until it comes out the Tach end. Then replace the drive
It is a good idea that you have help doing this so you will know when the
cable is full. And as you push the drive cable back in, the helper can
catch/clean up the grease as it is pushed out.
Also, check on the feed of the Tach cable. Make sure there are no sharp
bends and that it is secured, so it does not flop around.
"Chop'd Liver"

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