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Belly Com Antenna Shadowing

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:15 am    Post subject: Belly Com Antenna Shadowing Reply with quote

I'm getting ready to mount my bent-whip com antenna on the belly of my
RV-9A (tricycle gear). I would like to mount it near the main landing
gear weldment forward of the spar where the bottom skin is thicker and
where I can easily reach the BNC connector during flight. Can anyone
give me an idea how much shadowing will occur from the gear leg?


Daniel Snow
RV-9A, Electrical

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Joined: 09 Apr 2006
Posts: 69
Location: Charlotte, NC

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 6:10 am    Post subject: Re: Belly Com Antenna Shadowing Reply with quote

It works fine in that location.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 6:44 am    Post subject: Belly Com Antenna Shadowing Reply with quote


I just ordered a bent whip antenna to mount on the belly of the RV-9 I am
building. I am considering mounting it on the other side of the fuselage so
that the co-pilot can reach it. Why? I thought that if I ever have a radio
failure and have to switch to hand held then I will just ask the co-pilot to
hook up the radio rather than me doing it while trying to fly and navigate.
If I don't have a co-pilot at that moment then I guess I will get to
practice my "lost comm." procedures. I remember during my initial flight
training many years ago my instructor would yank the microphone out of my
hand and tell me, "The Wright brothers invented the airplane not Marconi,
FLY the Plane".

Mike Ice
RV-9, Electrical


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 10:12 am    Post subject: Belly Com Antenna Shadowing Reply with quote

Why not run coax to a bulkhead jack on the panel so either one of you
can reach it with a patch cord from the handheld?

Regarding antenna location, I doubt you'll notice shadowing from the
gear legs. I have done my RV-6A this way and it's not an operational
issue. I abandoned wingtip antennas due to shadowing and a subsequent
turtledeck location due to severe RF in the cockpit (headphones) due
to _lack of_ shadowing. I could not ameliorate that problem with
ferrites on the headset cabling, so I gave up and moved the comm whip
to the belly between the gear legs where it apparently belongs Wink.

You will likely experience front-end overload when close to another
transmitter- signals will sound garbled- but that's not shadowing and
should not depend much on antenna location anyway.



On 12/4/06, Michael T. Ice <aurbo(at)> wrote:


I just ordered a bent whip antenna to mount on the belly of the RV-9 I am
building. I am considering mounting it on the other side of the fuselage so
that the co-pilot can reach it. Why? I thought that if I ever have a radio
failure and have to switch to hand held then I will just ask the co-pilot to
hook up the radio rather than me doing it while trying to fly and navigate.
If I don't have a co-pilot at that moment then I guess I will get to
practice my "lost comm." procedures. I remember during my initial flight
training many years ago my instructor would yank the microphone out of my
hand and tell me, "The Wright brothers invented the airplane not Marconi,
FLY the Plane".

Mike Ice
RV-9, Electrical


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Joined: 08 Nov 2007
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:17 am    Post subject: Re: Belly Com Antenna Shadowing Reply with quote

I have installed a bent whip antenna in my RV-7A located centrally about 20cm behind the main gear legs and I have had a lot of trouble with it. I have had trouble with stations close to me and contacting FIS. I am looking for suggestions. I want to move it either forward or rearwards. Rearwards will put it behind the steps which I think are interfering with the signal. I am also going to mount a straight antenna on top of the aircraft fuselage and connect one to the main com and the other to a through panel 50 ohm bnc connector so that I can connect my handheld to it without fiddling about. I look forward to hearing any suggestions on belly locations.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:30 am    Post subject: Belly Com Antenna Shadowing Reply with quote

At 02:17 AM 11/8/2007 -0800, you wrote:



I have installed a bent whip antenna in my RV-7A located centrally about
20cm behind the main gear legs and I have had a lot of trouble with it. I
have had trouble with stations close to me and contacting FIS. I am
looking for suggestions. I want to move it either forward or
rearwards. Rearwards will put it behind the steps which I think are
interfering with the signal. I am also going to mount a straight antenna
on top of the aircraft fuselage and connect one to the main com and the
other to a through panel 50 ohm bnc connector so that I can connect my
handheld to it without fiddling about. I look forward to hearing any
suggestions on belly locations.

I would explore other reasons first. It is exceedingly
difficult to "shadow" a VHF comm antenna so severely
as to attenuate your signals that bad. Those steps
will have some influence . . . but it would take
a carefully controlled setup on the antenna range
to quantify it.

Make sure the SWR is good on the antenna as-installed
and that the transmitter's power output and modulation
are up to snuff. I've seen deeper "shadows" due to
local surroundings. I presume you're only having trouble
on the ground. Does the hand-held with rubber-duck antenna
work good when the panel mounted radio and belly antenna
does not?

Bob . . .

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 6:53 pm    Post subject: Belly Com Antenna Shadowing Reply with quote


You might consider waiting before you drill another footprint in the
bottom of the airplane.

My experince is that a Lower bent whip, near the middle of the
wing/fuselage is an ideal location.

Is it possible that you are fighting a bad antenna/antenna ground, or
(more likely) a bad coax/coax connector/Rack mount connector....

An interfence with the gear would seem reasonable for a whip mounted
within an INCH of a gear leg.

I am picturing your installation is a foot from each gear leg...???...
Keep lookn', before you start drillin'.


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