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801 Elevator Extension

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:46 pm    Post subject: 801 Elevator Extension Reply with quote

I don't want to get anything started, but what's this about an elevator extension? I've heard here and there that 801's run out of elevator on landing. I don't know if it's true or not since mine's not done yet. I got my tail this year. Are the newest tails different than the previous ones. Would someone fill me in please?

Dave in Salem

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 5:29 am    Post subject: 801 Elevator Extension Reply with quote

Zenith added about 6" on each end of the 801 stabilizer about May 2004. I decided to go that route even though I had my stab already done. I made the first one as a test for Zenith. I never flew with the shorter stab, so have no comparison. Zenith also up graded their demo to the new size. The reason given for the change was that most builders were using larger engines with more weight.
Tom Faulkner


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 6:25 am    Post subject: 801 Elevator Extension Reply with quote

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the information. I was getting one part mixed up with the other. I was thinking that the elevator itself was extended back. Like the nose to the trailing edge, where the trim tab goes, was made longer. Is running out of elevator on landing a "real" issue. Seems like if it is, it would hamper any really short landings. What's your experience?


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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:17 am    Post subject: 801 Elevator Extension Reply with quote

As someone who has flown the short and long elevators with and without VGs, I feel I may have something to add to the discussion. The plane flys fine with all of the versions. I found I was able to fly slower, stabilized approaches as the elevator became more effective. With the small tail I found the plane sensitive in pitch at very slow speeds which made it difficult to stabilize a very slow approach. I am now able to fly short final at 45 mph. Before I was 50 mph or so.

Even with the large tail with VGs I still cannot raise the nose with power. When the nose comes up the 801 will fly. The tail is just not in the prop wash.

If the original tail is rated as 100. The original tail with VGs is probably 125. The larger tail is probably 130. The larger tail with VGs is probably 140. Realize this is a subjective rating system and I cannot back it up with data. Well, I take that back. At the Valdez May day fly-in competition with the original tail I was able to take off in 130'. With the bigger tail with VGs I got off in 113.5'

I still run out of trim at slow approaches speeds. I'm contemplating adding VG to the top to try to increase the effectiveness of the trim tab.

One more word to the wise. Do not fly approaches with full flaps when there is a significant crosswind!!! Keep the flaps up and the 801 handles crosswinds very well.

Bill Wilcox
275 Hrs
Valdez, Ak
Performing condition inspection
Where did all this oily dirt come from???

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:03 pm    Post subject: 801 Elevator Extension Reply with quote


What is the "real" indicated stall speed on your plane?


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