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Remembering the Thirteen Hundred

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:06 am    Post subject: Remembering the Thirteen Hundred Reply with quote


Thank you for sharing this. YOU sir have described a success
story that illustrates the reason for this list to
exist. It's not a place for pseudo-intellectual titans
to vie for supremacy. It has always been a place where the best
simple-ideas are spread out on the table and sifted for combinations
of useful invention wherein the builder UNDERSTANDS what he/she
has accomplished.

I will suggest that you have begun to repay a debt to the List . . .
to become a teacher of what you've learned. It's an interesting
instance of the value of a commodity growing - NOT because it
hidden away and hoarded but freely circulated and widely used. Instead
of being an investment in dollars that draws good interest because
of some financial task accomplished, it's an investment of ideas
that enriches the experiences of those who choose to understand
and apply them.

We can be proud of what we do here. I've mentioned it numerous times
but it's worth remembering that over 1300 folks subscribe to this
list. Only a small fraction of those individuals actively participate.
However, if they did not find value in watching these conversations
go by they would simply un-subscribe.

Your posting when taken with their numbers is a validation of
our mission. For too long I failed to accept the duty of preventing
members of the WFWIB (World Federation of Whiners and Intellectual
Blowhards) from diluting that mission. I apologize for that. We've all
expensed too much $time$ with can't-we-all-just-get-along efforts to
integrate those individuals into the mission. It won't happen

It was suggested to me some years ago that I would do well to
conduct myself at all times as if my mother were watching. As
a corollary to that idea I'll suggest that our conduct here
on the list should be mindful of the Thirteen Hundred who are
watching and to stay focused on the mission to consistently improve
upon the best we know how to do.

Bob . . .
< What is so wonderful about scientific that >
< the authority which determines whether there can be >
< debate or not does not reside in some fraternity of >
< scientists; nor is it divine. The authority rests >
< with experiment. >
< --Lawrence M. Krauss >

At 10:08 AM 12/31/2006 -0800, you wrote:

Hello to Bob and all the others,

I'm getting close to first flight and just want to take a moment to thank
Bob and all the others on this group who have taught me so much about
aviation electronics. I embarked on this great adventure in large part
because of curiosity and a desire to learn new things. I have been
rewarded by this group beyond my hopes. I enjoy this list because it
teaches me the principles underlying the simple answers.

I have had a lifetime curiosity about electronics but circumstances have
always kept me from pursuing it. Bob's Connection book is a treasure of
knowledge. There are too many examples to name, but his discussion in the
book about how to make an expanded scale voltmeter, instead of 0 - 14
volts, taught me more about electronics than I had learned in a lifetime
of casual reading. I'll probably never make one, but it's no longer a
mystery. I find that very satisfying.

Others on the list have generously and patiently taught me about LEDs and
how to include them in my instrument panel. Instead of a mysterious
source of light, I now have a basic understanding of how they work and how
they can be adapted to meet my needs. I even learned enough to teach a friend!

This list is remarkable. So many people so generously helping others is
surly an example of the best that people can be. Sure, there's an
occasional thorn among the roses, but that's just life. Take the good,
ignore the bad.

Thanks so much,
Dennis Johnson
Legacy #257, first flight in February?

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