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the fellowship of the list

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:03 pm    Post subject: the fellowship of the list Reply with quote

Bob et al,

For me, the issue is not time vs money. Of equal importance are quality and

When I look at my buddies' airplanes I realize that my electrical system is
far better than theirs! And it's not just "my plane's better than yours",
but mine is the "best-I-know-how-to-do" with failure tolerance built in.

When they are having electrical issues, I'm not! When they are suffering
from EMI, I'm not! When their batteries are whipped, mine's not! And, when
they are scratching their heads wondering what's causing a certain problem,
I'm not!

I know just what I've got, how it is supposed to work, how it might fail,
and what to do about it when and if it does! Now that is a great confidence
builder and I have only one man to thank for it, Bob Nuckolls!

I tell everyone that will listen about the Aeroelectric Connection and this
site. I show them all the neat and wonderfull electrical thingies built into
my plane. They nod their heads in obvious approval and admiration and go on
doing what they've always done Surprised(

Well, it's just not for everyone, is it? We are the lucky few. The chosen
ones! We get to benefit from the wisdom and tutelage of the master. We enjoy
the fellowship of the list. It's beautiful really.

Rodney in Tennessee
Unabashed Nuckollhead

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 6:41 pm    Post subject: the fellowship of the list Reply with quote

At 08:01 PM 1/29/2007 -0500, you wrote:


Bob et al,

For me, the issue is not time vs money. Of equal importance are quality
and understanding!

When I look at my buddies' airplanes I realize that my electrical system
is far better than theirs! And it's not just "my plane's better than
yours", but mine is the "best-I-know-how-to-do" with failure tolerance
built in.

When they are having electrical issues, I'm not! When they are suffering
from EMI, I'm not! When their batteries are whipped, mine's not! And, when
they are scratching their heads wondering what's causing a certain
problem, I'm not!

I know just what I've got, how it is supposed to work, how it might fail,
and what to do about it when and if it does! Now that is a great
confidence builder and I have only one man to thank for it, Bob Nuckolls!

I tell everyone that will listen about the Aeroelectric Connection and
this site. I show them all the neat and wonderfull electrical thingies
built into my plane. They nod their heads in obvious approval and
admiration and go on doing what they've always done Surprised(

Well, it's just not for everyone, is it? We are the lucky few. The chosen
ones! We get to benefit from the wisdom and tutelage of the master. We
enjoy the fellowship of the list. It's beautiful really.

Careful my friend. Do you suffer from sleepless nights
'cause yer head is busy considering a problem? Would you
rather buy a new tool than go to a ball game? Are the drawers
and shelves in your shop stuffed with junque you picked up
at garage sales and industrial surplus stores? You may be
a victim of "the disease" . . . now if some kid in your
family or perhaps the neighborhood is really lucky, he/she
may "catch the disease" from you. If that happens, you'll
find yourself compelled to take on yet another "project" in
an already too-full schedule.

I'll suggest that few projects offer greater opportunity
for satisfaction and excitement than to see someone
come thorough a door you've opened and then watch them
run way out ahead of you.

I visited my most cherished teacher in California a few
years after I graduated from high school and he left Boeing
for AeroJet General. I'll never forget the disappointment on
his face when I confessed to having bailed on college.
I don't think anyone had higher hopes for me than did he.
I've been ever mindful of that look on his face and vowed
to make sure his faith and efforts on my behalf were not wasted.
Of all the people who I might wish to visit with today, it
would be him. He succumbed to cancer a few years after I saw
him last. He is gone but never forgotten.

It's my observation that the terminal phase of "the disease"
is to become fondly remembered as friend and teacher. The
longer the terminal phase lasts the better . . . so start soon.

( IF one aspires to be "world class", )
( what ever you do must be exercised )
( EVERY day . . . )
( R. L. Nuckolls III )

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:56 am    Post subject: the fellowship of the list Reply with quote

Do you suffer from sleepless nights 'cause yer head is busy considering a

Not really. But I do put myself to sleep building airplanes in my mind! I
try to work through an upcoming task or problem as far as I can by
visualizing each step as I lay in bed. The next thing I know, the alarm
clock is going off, it's 5:30AM and time to go out to the garage and DO it!
It's better than Ambien!

"Would you rather buy a new tool than go to a ball game?<

Oh heck yeah! I've never understood the attraction of sports, so this one is
a no brainer. My friends marvel at my 'lectric tool kit(s). "You're so
organized!" Well, if I didn't keep the tools all together, I wouldn't be
able to find them when I need them at 5:30AM Surprised)

Are the drawers and shelves in your shop stuffed with junque you picked up
at garage sales and industrial surplus stores?<

Well, my WIFE calls it junk, but YOU don't have too Surprised(

You may be a victim of "the disease"<


Quote: if some kid in your family or perhaps the neighborhood is really
lucky, he/she
may "catch the disease" from you. If that happens, you'll find yourself

compelled to take on yet another "project" in an already too-full schedule.<

Actually, that sounds kinda cool! I love to teach and folks say I'm really
good at it. Last summer I held ground school (I'm not a CFI) every Saturday
for 10 weeks to help the guys at the flight park study for their Sport Pilot
tickets. The trucker that I told my wife wasn't going to make it is the
first to complete his check ride and get his ticket! He approached me right
after his check ride and, in a humble and appreciative way, thanked me for
helping him achieve his dream. It was great!
Rodney in Tennessee
Unabashed Nuckollhead

Turn searches into helpful donations. Make your search count.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:57 am    Post subject: the fellowship of the list Reply with quote

At 06:52 AM 1/30/2007 -0500, you wrote:


Actually, that sounds kinda cool! I love to teach and folks say I'm really
good at it. Last summer I held ground school (I'm not a CFI) every
Saturday for 10 weeks to help the guys at the flight park study for their
Sport Pilot tickets. The trucker that I told my wife wasn't going to make
it is the first to complete his check ride and get his ticket! He
approached me right after his check ride and, in a humble and appreciative
way, thanked me for helping him achieve his dream. It was great!
Rodney in Tennessee
Unabashed Nuckollhead

Welcome to the community of teachers.
Bob . . .

( IF one aspires to be "world class", )
( what ever you do must be exercised )
( EVERY day . . . )
( R. L. Nuckolls III )

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:39 am    Post subject: the fellowship of the list Reply with quote

May I go one step further, and ask all of you who had a great teacher
sometime in your past to please go THANK that teacher for what you
learned. I did that last year with 2 of my best friends in high
school. We all 3 decided that Mr. Palm had been the greatest teacher
in our lives and that we needed to find him and thank him.

For me that involved flying to Frankfurt, Germany, and driving 2
hours south to Karlsruhe. He was now in a wheelchair but was so
excited to see us after 35 years, it brought tears to his eyes. I
suggest he won't have to *think* that maybe he made a difference in
someone's life; he will *know* he did.

Photos of "then" and "now". As you can see, you're always still a
kid to your teacher:

With the Internet, Google, and online white pages, it's now much
easier to find people from your distant past.

Dave Morris

At 06:54 AM 1/30/2007, you wrote:


At 06:52 AM 1/30/2007 -0500, you wrote:

>Actually, that sounds kinda cool! I love to teach and folks say I'm
>really good at it. Last summer I held ground school (I'm not a CFI)
>every Saturday for 10 weeks to help the guys at the flight park
>study for their Sport Pilot tickets. The trucker that I told my
>wife wasn't going to make it is the first to complete his check
>ride and get his ticket! He approached me right after his check
>ride and, in a humble and appreciative way, thanked me for helping
>him achieve his dream. It was great!
>Rodney in Tennessee
>Unabashed Nuckollhead

Welcome to the community of teachers.
Bob . . .

( IF one aspires to be "world class", )
( what ever you do must be exercised )
( EVERY day . . . )
( R. L. Nuckolls III )

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:53 am    Post subject: the fellowship of the list Reply with quote

While everyone else calls it the junk of life that is collected, I call
it the treasures, and each treasure has its story on how it was found,
scavenged or otherwise taken from its original intended use and put on
the shelf just in case I need it someday!
We should start a 12 step program on this....


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 8:11 am    Post subject: the fellowship of the list Reply with quote

At 08:36 AM 1/30/2007 -0600, you wrote:


May I go one step further, and ask all of you who had a great teacher
sometime in your past to please go THANK that teacher for what you
learned. I did that last year with 2 of my best friends in high
school. We all 3 decided that Mr. Palm had been the greatest teacher in
our lives and that we needed to find him and thank him.

Point well taken sir . . . and I'm pleased that you were
able to get the job done. I mentioned earlier that my most cherished
teacher died a few months before I relocated him after
a long period of isolation. There were many things
I would have wished to share with him . . . not the least
of which was my appreciation for how he influenced my

I attempted to assuage my guilt for ignoring him so
long by relating my story to his widow. I've not thought
about this for years and it took some digging to find
the file which I'll share with my friends here on the

Please use this posting as a demonstration and strong
suggestion that if you have a story to share with
a cherished teacher, don't put it off lest the only
interested listener become his/her survivors. The
risks of total disconnection grow day by day. Get
it done SOON.

Bob . . .

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Joined: 10 Jan 2006
Posts: 1705
Location: Sun Lakes AZ

PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 8:53 pm    Post subject: the fellowship of the list Reply with quote

I had a super math teacher two years in high school. I went back twenty
years later and ran into him. I told him sincerely that he was the best
math teacher I ever had. It was obvious it made his day.
Dave N6030X wrote:


May I go one step further, and ask all of you who had a great teacher
sometime in your past to please go THANK that teacher for what you
learned. I did that last year with 2 of my best friends in high
school. We all 3 decided that Mr. Palm had been the greatest teacher
in our lives and that we needed to find him and thank him.

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Kelly McMullen
A&P/IA, EAA Tech Counselor # 5286
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:35 am    Post subject: the fellowship of the list Reply with quote

At 09:51 PM 1/30/2007 -0700, you wrote:


I had a super math teacher two years in high school. I went back twenty
years later and ran into him. I told him sincerely that he was the best
math teacher I ever had. It was obvious it made his day.

Dr. Dee has been teaching at the college level for
a relatively short time but even now, she will occasionally
come home cruising 6-inches off the floor. She'll then
relate some experience with a past student who has taken
the time to express their appreciation and enthusiasm
for what they acquired in her class.

This ladies and gentlemen is a return on investment
that every teacher appreciates above all else. If you'd
like to see their energy and resolve sustained so that
good work is continued, your feedback is an important
constituent in the nutrients needed for personal
new-growth. I was exceedingly fortunate to realize
the benefits I received from my teachers early on.
For some of us, the realizations may come much later.
The 'net's research tools are pretty powerful for finding
people. Go find your best teachers and stroke them a
'bit. You'll both feel better for it.

Bob . . .

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