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Charging Dual Batteries

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:25 am    Post subject: Charging Dual Batteries Reply with quote

Am I missing something? It seems to me that, on Z19, if you have
anything feeding from the engine battery buss, the engine battery will
slowly be discharged unless you close the contactor. It appears that it
will not be hooked to the alternator and charged unless the engine
battery contactor is closed.
Somebody please 'splain this to me??
What would be the operating technique if it doesn't charge? Close the
contactor periodically? If so how often and for how long??

Bill B

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 6:26 am    Post subject: Charging Dual Batteries Reply with quote

I don't think you're missing anything -
I'm using the essentially the Z19 architecture and plan to keep both
contactors closed all the time for normal operations, so both batteries
are charged by the alternator.
My procedure for alternator failure is: E-Bus Switch ON, both Masters
OFF. This isolates the batteries and lets them independently power the
items connected to their hot busses.

Dennis Glaeser

Am I missing something? It seems to me that, on Z19, if you have
anything feeding from the engine battery buss, the engine battery will
slowly be discharged unless you close the contactor. It appears that it

will not be hooked to the alternator and charged unless the engine
battery contactor is closed.
Somebody please 'splain this to me??
What would be the operating technique if it doesn't charge? Close the
contactor periodically? If so how often and for how long??

Bill B

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 6:41 am    Post subject: Charging Dual Batteries Reply with quote

At 08:27 AM 1/31/2007 -0500, you wrote:



Am I missing something? It seems to me that, on Z19, if you have anything
feeding from the engine battery buss, the engine battery will slowly be
discharged unless you close the contactor. It appears that it will not be
hooked to the alternator and charged unless the engine battery contactor
is closed.
Somebody please 'splain this to me??
What would be the operating technique if it doesn't charge? Close the
contactor periodically? If so how often and for how long??

Any time an alternator is running and the
low voltage warning light is out, then
ALL battery contactors on ALL architectures
are closed.

Only when engine driven power sources are
not available does one go to Plan-B. The
details of this plan varies depending on the
specific architecture. When the low voltage
light comes on, you then move to a pre-planned
activity that maximizes utilization of a
scarce but hopefully well quantified resource -
energy in the battery(ies).

Your time aloft in the endurance mode is calculated
and then perhaps demonstrated under Plan-B which
will probably call for all battery contactors to
be open in for the en route phase of flight with
perhaps some closure of contactors during the approach
to landing phase . . . depending on what conveniences
can be added without jeopardizing a comfortable
arrival with the earth.

Bob . . .

( IF one aspires to be "world class", )
( what ever you do must be exercised )
( EVERY day . . . )
( R. L. Nuckolls III )

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