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factory built RVs (wasRe: unbelievable!!!)

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 8:34 am    Post subject: factory built RVs (wasRe: unbelievable!!!) Reply with quote

OK, here's my 2 pennies. This subject is much like religion and
politics. We're only going to get opinions, not facts.

The FAA has blessed 'builder assistance centers', where a customer can
go and get 'expert' guidance and training ...... and a whole lot of
help. Lets face it, after you've drilled, deburred, and set 100 rivets
.... you've ceased learning and are now in repetitive mode.

Does it matter if you had contracted help on the rest of the 25,000

Does it matter if you've done some wiring, but contracted to have the
panel done???

Does it matter if you just bought your engine instead of building one up

Does it matter if you bought your strobes instead of building them

I could go on, but I think the answer is no, it doesn't matter.

The sticking point seems to be the builders Repairmans Certificate. I
think that if the 'absent builder' can supply definitive data that the
FAA will accept, then the problem doesn't reside with us, but with the FAA.

The builder that participates in a Builder Assistance Center has to
gather enough knowledge and participation, and pictures etc. to satisfy
the FAA guy on the other side of the counter no matter the depth of his

As to the point that a 'builder' that doesn't have the experience to
properly do his conditional inspection is gonna crash and burn .... I
know a lot of guys that built their own airplane and do a really lousy
job of maintenenace ..... and inspecting ..... but they're still here to
cause amazement in their fellow aviators.
do not archive

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:34 am    Post subject: factory built RVs (wasRe: unbelievable!!!) Reply with quote

I think you are missing another ingredient to the 51% rule. We are
permitted to build for our education and entertainment. For any other
purpose, such as making money, a Type certificate and production
certificate are needed. I could care less about the Repairman
certificate, I already hold an A&P/IA certificate. Just because I'm
busy with other things, I can't hire someone to build an RV-10 for me
and meet the 51% rule. You still have to show that 51% of the tasks
were done under the Amateur, home-built intent. I also don't believe
that you learn all there is to know about riveting after 100
rivets(unless they were 100 different kinds of rivets). I'm sure there
are skills you learn elsewhere in the aircraft than just what you got
out of doing the tail. I'd bet those rivets done later in the project
are also much more workman-like than your first 20-50.

On 2/13/07, linn Walters <pitts_pilot(at)> wrote:

OK, here's my 2 pennies. This subject is much like religion and
politics. We're only going to get opinions, not facts.

The FAA has blessed 'builder assistance centers', where a customer can
go and get 'expert' guidance and training ...... and a whole lot of
help. Lets face it, after you've drilled, deburred, and set 100 rivets
..... you've ceased learning and are now in repetitive mode.

Does it matter if you had contracted help on the rest of the 25,000

Does it matter if you've done some wiring, but contracted to have the
panel done???

Does it matter if you just bought your engine instead of building one up

Does it matter if you bought your strobes instead of building them

I could go on, but I think the answer is no, it doesn't matter.

The sticking point seems to be the builders Repairmans Certificate. I
think that if the 'absent builder' can supply definitive data that the
FAA will accept, then the problem doesn't reside with us, but with the FAA.

The builder that participates in a Builder Assistance Center has to
gather enough knowledge and participation, and pictures etc. to satisfy
the FAA guy on the other side of the counter no matter the depth of his

As to the point that a 'builder' that doesn't have the experience to
properly do his conditional inspection is gonna crash and burn .... I
know a lot of guys that built their own airplane and do a really lousy
job of maintenenace ..... and inspecting ..... but they're still here to
cause amazement in their fellow aviators.
do not archive

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:48 am    Post subject: factory built RVs (wasRe: unbelievable!!!) Reply with quote

100 rivets did nothing for me. I took the Sportair class with Dan Checkoway.
Dan was great in giving tips and guidance to improve my process and
technique, much like builder assists do, but that is a foundation.. I assure
you my technique needs to vary depending on where I am working on the plane,
there is a reason for different bucking bars, etc.. no, 100 rivets does
nothing for the builder, I don't even think 1000 does why? the process of
setting everything together in the plane is not repitition if it was there
would be no benefit to this forum. There are those almost done asking for
guidance at certain points.
I think the issue here is forgeting the purpose of building a plane. You
want 100 rivets? take a sportair class get your quota and buy a used plane,
why ruin it for everyone else?

Do not archive

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:48 pm    Post subject: factory built RVs (wasRe: unbelievable!!!) Reply with quote

No argument, Kelly. However, if you remove the Repairmans Certificate
from the equation, then there is little difference from a group of guys
(we'll use 10 good friends ..... at the start) building the airplane in
ones garage and selling the plane ..... and a group of 'employees'
(could be the same 10 friends) at a Builder Assistance Center building
an airplane and then selling it.

The FAA has already come down on one company (name and airplane escapes
me right now) that were building to order. Definitely a no-no. TC and
PC required. The difference is that a builder assistance center
requires your presence ...... and you take home an unfinished
kit/part/subassembly .... whatever.

My take on the 51% rule is that it's changed over the years. But it's
still rather neulous, and loosely defined. 51% of the tasks MIGHT just
boil down to the basics. Aluminum cutting, aluminum forming, riveting
(which might contain the drilling and deburring ops), hardware, wiring,
and painting.

When I built my Pitts, there was not such thing as a quick-build kit.
And now there's no pre-cover or pre-closeout inspections.

As for the 100 rivets .... I just picked out a number. But you're right
.... the last 100 sure look a lot better than the first 100 ..... but
you haven't learned anything more except finesse .... which does come
from practice.

My whole point is that I'd rather have somebody 'get away' with building
a plane for income (and exploit the system) than have the FAA become the
'builder police'.
do not archive

Kelly McMullen wrote:


I think you are missing another ingredient to the 51% rule. We are
permitted to build for our education and entertainment. For any other
purpose, such as making money, a Type certificate and production
certificate are needed. I could care less about the Repairman
certificate, I already hold an A&P/IA certificate. Just because I'm
busy with other things, I can't hire someone to build an RV-10 for me
and meet the 51% rule. You still have to show that 51% of the tasks
were done under the Amateur, home-built intent. I also don't believe
that you learn all there is to know about riveting after 100
rivets(unless they were 100 different kinds of rivets). I'm sure there
are skills you learn elsewhere in the aircraft than just what you got
out of doing the tail. I'd bet those rivets done later in the project
are also much more workman-like than your first 20-50.

On 2/13/07, linn Walters <pitts_pilot(at)> wrote:

> <pitts_pilot(at)>
> OK, here's my 2 pennies. This subject is much like religion and
> politics. We're only going to get opinions, not facts.
> The FAA has blessed 'builder assistance centers', where a customer can
> go and get 'expert' guidance and training ...... and a whole lot of
> help. Lets face it, after you've drilled, deburred, and set 100 rivets
> ..... you've ceased learning and are now in repetitive mode.
> Does it matter if you had contracted help on the rest of the 25,000
> rivets???
> Does it matter if you've done some wiring, but contracted to have the
> panel done???
> Does it matter if you just bought your engine instead of building one up
> yourself????
> Does it matter if you bought your strobes instead of building them
> yourself???
> I could go on, but I think the answer is no, it doesn't matter.
> The sticking point seems to be the builders Repairmans Certificate. I
> think that if the 'absent builder' can supply definitive data that the
> FAA will accept, then the problem doesn't reside with us, but with
> the FAA.
> The builder that participates in a Builder Assistance Center has to
> gather enough knowledge and participation, and pictures etc. to satisfy
> the FAA guy on the other side of the counter no matter the depth of his
> involvement.
> As to the point that a 'builder' that doesn't have the experience to
> properly do his conditional inspection is gonna crash and burn .... I
> know a lot of guys that built their own airplane and do a really lousy
> job of maintenenace ..... and inspecting ..... but they're still here to
> cause amazement in their fellow aviators.
> Linn
> do not archive

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 2:07 pm    Post subject: factory built RVs (wasRe: unbelievable!!!) Reply with quote

Enter the "Two Weeks to Taxi" program.

Do not archive.

Jesse Saint
Saint Aviation, Inc.
Cell: 352-427-0285
Fax: 815-377-3694


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 6:10 pm    Post subject: factory built RVs (wasRe: unbelievable!!!) Reply with quote

Jesse Saint wrote:

Enter the "Two Weeks to Taxi" program.

...which falls under the "FAA blessed 'builder assistance centers'".
The FAA has physically inspected the operation at the Glasair Aviation
facility and approved the TWT program.

I've personally talked to a Sportsman builder that lives nearby that
went through the program. It is a VERY busy program, but there is no
question in his mind (or in mine after talking to him) that the builder
does more than 51% of the operations required by the FAA, and it is well
documented so there should not be any problem obtaining the repairman

I was seriously considering the TWT program at one time, and did a lot
of personal research on it. There may be some "questionable" builder
assist centers out there, but I don't think the TWT program is one of them.


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:20 pm    Post subject: factory built RVs (wasRe: unbelievable!!!) Reply with quote

My point exactly. Thanks. I think it's a great program and a fantastic
example of the best of both worlds. Yes, the builder builds enough to
safely be the builder/maintainer of the airplane. Not only this, but he is
taught things in the program that he might not be taught elsewhere that will
benefit him in maintenance. This opens the world of experimental aviation
to more people than those who have the 2,000 hours to put into a build
project, and it makes them much safer, IMHO, than many of the Cessna drivers
out there who don't know a bolt from a rivet or a cylinder from a sump. For
those who want to know, that is exactly what Saint Aviation is doing with
the -10. We are working on the blessing part now.

Do not archive.

Jesse Saint
Saint Aviation, Inc.
Cell: 352-427-0285
Fax: 815-377-3694


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 7:08 am    Post subject: factory built RVs (wasRe: unbelievable!!!) Reply with quote

That is good news. If you have time, let us know when you have
signoff by the feds and how the process went. I've said it before, I at
least respect the intentions that you have in doing this as part of your
mission. But turnkey is turnkey regardless of intentions. It is very
good to hear you are working with the feds.



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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:57 am    Post subject: factory built RVs (wasRe: unbelievable!!!) Reply with quote

Let me say up front, I think the 51% rule is good and needs to
continue as is so those of us who WANT to build a good airplane can
continue to do so. Perhaps the key to all this is what reasonable
level of Federal oversight can be tolerated without damaging the
industry, but keeping the bad players from totally ruining it as
stated by others (insurance rates, etc.). Most aircraft experimenters
come into the process with an idea (I hope) of what is expected and a
willingness to get their hands dirty. By putting in the sweat equity,
they deserve the benefits of ownership of their creations such as a
fine machine no spam-can company has been willing to take the time and
money to develop for the last several years and reduced future
maintenance costs. However, I think there is a segment of the
population out there that looks at the offerings in the experimental /
kitplane market and just drool, but they have NO desire or time to put
in the sweat equity needed to get the benefits. That's where the shady
operations are getting customers and where the FAA and the 51%
committee should focus its efforts.

The FAA is somewhat in a quandary, it has a mandate to promote
aviation while at the same time protect the safety of the general
public. Sometimes those two mandates conflict with each other. I think
we can all agree we don't want to see crapily built aircraft out
there, but keeping those airplanes out of the air may result in
over-regulation that'll kill off a significant portion of the
industry. Perhaps a re-shuffling of the regulations might come out
that keeps the 51% rule intact for the true builder working for his
own education and recreation with the goal of long-term ownership of
his creation. Also, let's look at "builder assist". If the guy who
bought the kit is actually getting his hands dirty, but having someone
looking over the shoulder and helping with rivet bucking etc., he
probably should qualify for an "Experimental �Amateur-Built"
airworthiness certificate and then a repairman's cert after the
project is done. This seems to me is what Jesse's working on and
getting the Feds to review. The "pros" doing the help is what maybe
the Feds need to review, maybe something similar to a repair station

What needs to be addressed is what I mentioned in the first paragraph,
that segment of the market who wants to circumvent the 51% rule. Here
I suggest a new category for airworthiness that will satisfy the
market and help the FAA in performing its two prime mandates. Why
can't rules be set-up that would allow a kitplane owner "Joe
Sixbanger" to buy a kit from someone like Van's, drop-ship it to,
let's say "Bud's Airplane Shop", and "Bud's" crew of aviation
professionals build the ship for a fee and get it ready for DAR review
and delivery to "Joe"? This would qualify for that new category �
"Experimental � Commercial Built". And in order to qualify for
"Commercial Build" cert., the shop would have to comply with a set of
regulations that maybe falls somewhere in between Production Cert
under part 21 and a repair station. But, "Joe" in no way qualifies for
a repairman's cert., the airplane would need inspection just like any
TC ship. In order to eliminate the danger behind something like the
subject aircraft that started this thread, when the DAR reviews the
build, he also reviews any deviations from the published kit specs
supplied by the original designer and will only sign off if "Bud's"
shows that there is legitimate engineering justification behind the
modifications. This proposal doesn't require any change nor has any
affect on the real home-builder.

I'm afraid trying to eliminate the "hired-guns", will end up hurting
the entire homebuilt aviation industry. The market is there for the
hired-gun, so maybe we should embrace it. Afterall, more good quality
kitplanes flying will only help the insurance pool too.

Kevin Hovis.
RV-10 in the future�.
On 2/14/07, RV Builder (Michael Sausen) <rvbuilder(at)> wrote:

That is good news. If you have time, let us know when you have
signoff by the feds and how the process went. I've said it before, I at
least respect the intentions that you have in doing this as part of your
mission. But turnkey is turnkey regardless of intentions. It is very
good to hear you are working with the feds.



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Deems Davis

Joined: 09 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:32 am    Post subject: factory built RVs (wasRe: unbelievable!!!) Reply with quote

I think that we're making this too complicated, it's clear to me what
the purpose and intent if the 51% rule is.
I believe it to be a generous rule. i.e. it could have been 100% or 75%
or ?
It's also clear to me that the 3 week to taxi programs notwithstanding
the FAA's review/tacit approval go way beyond the purpose and intent of
the 51% rule. there is NO WAY that in 504 hours (3 sleepless weeks) you
can build and debug a safe airplane.
Judging what is 51% is clearly discretionary. IMO that should be left up
to the DAR.
If there is a dispute it could be appealed, just like a medical review
Seems to me we have the regulations we just need to enable an
enforcement of them.

IF someone believes that there is a need for an additional Category of
certificating, let them petition for it separately similar to the LSA.
Don't screw up the existing Experimental class by bastardizing it to
accommodate a segment of the market that wants to fit in between the
price/performance of fully certified aircraft and run under the guise of
being Experimental. These people have more time than money. Let them
spend their money wisely and let the insurance underwriters price the
risk accordingly as the history develops.

Deems Davis # 406
Finishing - ( A Misnomer ! )

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Joined: 13 Jul 2006
Posts: 1149
Location: Aurora, Oregon "Home of VANS"

PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:26 pm    Post subject: factory built RVs (wasRe: unbelievable!!!) Reply with quote

Kevin, an excellent assessment but one where you presented a conflict.
"Let's have no more new restrictive regulations; Let's create some new
regulations for hired guns". For anyone who has not already deleted the
read on this topic, you will need to understand exactly what led to the
Federal order of review on the 51% rule. Regulations by their nature
are RESTRICTIVE. They neither encourage nor promote General Aviation
except for the possible exception of increasing operational safety.

A Florida gun slinger was jealous of Rick Schramech (of Nevada)
inventing a computer conceived, Lancair IV on steroids (The Epic), which
could carry 6 POB and use a recycled and mothballed PT-6 powerplant from
the former Beech Starship. Rick successfully obtained Oregon Lottery
dollars, similar to the same source of dollars that VAN used to move
from Forest Grove, OR to Aurora, OR and expand his operations for all of
us. Dr. Carl Cadwell, a Pacific NW builder and operator of a Lancair
IVP, plucked down the money (more than a million)and brought a team of
friends over to build the dreamship in the Epic LT facility in Bend, OR.
They thoroughly documented that it was an OBAM project and fully
compliant with the existing 51% rule. The jealous Kit Manufacturer in
Florida could see where this was going - he called attorneys, he called
politicians, he called the EAA and the FAA.

Techniques have improved, fast build kits have become a way of
completion. This is no longer a fabric and wood industry or a steel tube
and simple VFR putter. The list of 51% tasks and those things not
considered became Obsolete. Wannabe Builders with money have motivation
to fly. Builders with experience and desire for money want to build for
profit. No it is not for their education, enjoyment or flying.
Electronic Gee Whiz and composite construction along with feature
comforts have left Spam Can manufacturers scrambling.

The regulations exist today. Produce more than one, get a Production
Certificate. Make the second, third and beyond, get a TC. Subject it to
production testing, spend millions, invest years, hope people will spend
the exorbitant inflated cost - then wait for the market to respond. And
oh how it does. The problem has become so perverse that Schrameck has
built a major production facility in Canada, a country whose lawyers
have not yet totally distorted this pursuit. The Carnahan lawsuit
shocked manufacturers. The Lycoming crankcase lawsuit has not helped.

In the US of A, you can operate under the radar screen and twist the
intent all you want. Get attention, even with one single builder, Dr.
Cadwell and the rest is where we are going next week and next month.
IMHO, I don't think we need more or new regs. I think as long as the
dynamic for gain is present we need to tighten the ability of DARs to
grant airworthiness certificates to the violators. Ethics, honesty and
intent get distorted due to the large sums a gunslinger can make.

I think the OBAM rules should be for single individuals and can identify
those who are making multiple copies for gain. Now at this juncture in
time it is the manufacturers of kits who are the majority on the
committee who will determine Chapter 2 - stay tuned.

Oh by the way. Dr. Cadwell is selling his pristine Lancair IVP, won his
lawsuit, got his Epic approved under OBAM and is thrilled with the rules
that allow him to "Live his Dream". Live your's too, build it yourself.

John Cox


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