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Longeron shaping

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Michael Valentine

Joined: 09 Jan 2006
Posts: 108

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 10:13 am    Post subject: Longeron shaping Reply with quote

Listers -

On the 601XL fuse, there are two longerons that meet on the bottom skin - 6b2-1 and 6b2-3. 6b2-3 is the heavy extruded one and it is pre-bent. The guide calls for installing 6b2-1 and then butting 6b2-3 up against it. 6b2-3 then overhangs the front of the skin and gets trimmed. The guide says to trim off the overhanging end. QUESTION - is there any reason I can't trim off the "butt" end? The pre-bent shape of the longeron only matches the skin if I trim the "butt" end - if I butt it up against 6b2-1 and trim the overhang as the guide says to do, the shape is wrong. So, does anyone who has done this step have any reasons as to why simply trimming the "butt" end would not be fine?

Thanks, Michael in NH

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:41 am    Post subject: Longeron shaping Reply with quote


I don't recall trimming either end and my pictorial guide doesn't mention a need for trimming. Howsomever, IMHO it doesn't matter which end you trim (or both if need be), as long as the shape of the bottom skin is followed. I imagine that ZAC intended the longeron curve to match the skin curve with the rear end butted to the rear longeron. But, as we have all discovered, ZAC's intentions are not always met by their execution.

Jay in Dallas
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"Michael Valentine" <mgvalentine(at)> wrote:

Listers -

On the 601XL fuse, there are two longerons that meet on the bottom skin -
6b2-1 and 6b2-3. 6b2-3 is the heavy extruded one and it is pre-bent. The
guide calls for installing 6b2-1 and then butting 6b2-3 up against it.
6b2-3 then overhangs the front of the skin and gets trimmed. The guide says
to trim off the overhanging end. QUESTION - is there any reason I can't
trim off the "butt" end? The pre-bent shape of the longeron only matches
the skin if I trim the "butt" end - if I butt it up against 6b2-1 and trim
the overhang as the guide says to do, the shape is wrong. So, does anyone
who has done this step have any reasons as to why simply trimming the "butt"
end would not be fine?

Thanks, Michael in NH

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Joined: 18 Jan 2006
Posts: 29

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 12:51 pm    Post subject: Longeron shaping Reply with quote

I just finished trimming and installing these longerons a week ago. In my manual is says to install the rear longeron (6B2-1), and then lay the front longeron on top of the skin and move it fore and aft until the shape along the side of the bottom skin match the bend in the longeron (6B2-3) and then trim the front to the front edge of the skin and the rear to meet the rear longeron (6B2-1). Thats what I did and ended up trimming an inch off the front and a couple inches off the back end of each.


Michael Valentine <mgvalentine(at)> wrote:[quote] Listers -

On the 601XL fuse, there are two longerons that meet on the bottom skin - 6b2-1 and 6b2-3. 6b2-3 is the heavy extruded one and it is pre-bent. The guide calls for installing 6b2-1 and then butting 6b2-3 up against it. 6b2-3 then overhangs Be a PS3 game guru.
Get your game face on with [url=*]the latest PS3 news and previews at Yahoo! Games.[/url] [quote][b]

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Zenith 601XL, tail done, working on wings
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 12:53 pm    Post subject: Longeron shaping Reply with quote

I fitted mine to the front firewall first and then when I had all my angles right, I had 101 mm at the rear. I found that there was no need to trim anything. I checked the shape and it matched perfectly. I am scratch building, but I did buy those upper longerons. We were having trouble finding someone who would send the right length raw material. We were coming up 40 mm short, plus it is much harder forming the thicker .125 angle. I was really happy with the factory longerons.

Larry Husky

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:02 pm    Post subject: Longeron shaping Reply with quote

Well, I guess I should have read more, I thought we were talking about the top longerons.

Yes, I had to trim about an inch from the front. Butted them to the rear lower longerons and then trimmed the front. Worked great.

Larry Husky

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