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Kitfox With A Vair In The Air

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:24 pm    Post subject: Kitfox With A Vair In The Air Reply with quote

Norm: GREAT JOB! As far as I know you're the first flying Kitfox Corvair! I hope to be not too far behind you with my Series 7. Thanks for answering the question as to whether it's possible to balance the Vair on the KF fuselage. Is it a tri-gear or a taildragger? Any special weight & balance problems? You're not flying with several pounds of lead on your tail? The Kitfox group is gaining a new subgroup. 164 cu in. direct drive 110 horsepower. We'll all be interested to hear about your performance figures. Just in the last couple days someone posted, asking about alternatives to Rotax power. It will probably be of interest to this group that the Corvair can be acquired and completely rebuilt for approx $3000. Great work, Norm. Stay safe and fly smart. John

From: Norm <nebchmp(at)>
Date: 2007/03/25 Sun PM 02:07:01 CDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Kitfox With A Vair In The Air

After various set backs over the last two and a half years, thurs. March
the 22nd. the time seemed right for the first test hop after replacing
the Subaru EA 81 with a 164 cid non smog Corvair in my Series 5
Kitfox.. This first flight was short! About a half a patch. But I
have witnesses. Chase One and Ground Com. I got a cht warning light and
landed. The second flight was yesterday, the 23rd of Mar. It lasted
for a patch and a half. Chase Two and Ground Com were there also.
After much discussion the consensus is I need more space for the air to
exit the cowl, and a larger oil cooler. I have an eight fin installed. I
was offered one of the originals which looks more like an aircraft oil
cooler (Chase Two, found in a Junk Yard when he was interested in
Corvairs back in the seventies, he would loan it but not sell it) or a
twelve finned one he also has. More later. Norm, San Angelo Tx.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:44 pm    Post subject: Kitfox With A Vair In The Air Reply with quote

John: Thanks. I have a S5 1550 TD. There were no weight and balance
problems. The Corvair engine is slightly lighter than the EA 81 was
when I included everything that was needed to make it work. 936# CG
9.59 With the Corvair installed complete the total aircraft weighed 17
pounds less. I added strut fairings and wheel pants which brought the
weight to 936.5 CG 10.29. I could have moved the engine forward a bit
more, but not bad. I have two batteries in the tail 17.5 lbs each that
can be moved forward to the rear of the baggage bag. Let me add here.
I would tried to build it lighter if I had known how.

Today I opened up the bottom cowl to alow more airflow, and swapped out
the oilcooler.
Changed the oil and filter. If the weather permits I'll see what more I
need to do. She flys great!
Its a good match.

josandt(at) wrote:


Norm: GREAT JOB! As far as I know you're the first flying Kitfox Corvair! I hope to be not too far behind you with my Series 7. Thanks for answering the question as to whether it's possible to balance the Vair on the KF fuselage. Is it a tri-gear or a taildragger? Any special weight & balance problems? You're not flying with several pounds of lead on your tail? The Kitfox group is gaining a new subgroup. 164 cu in. direct drive 110 horsepower. We'll all be interested to hear about your performance figures. Just in the last couple days someone posted, asking about alternatives to Rotax power. It will probably be of interest to this group that the Corvair can be acquired and completely rebuilt for approx $3000. Great work, Norm. Stay safe and fly smart. John

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