flysrv10(at) Guest
Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 5:23 am Post subject: G530W, Trutrak and GRT Update |
Since the write-up, GRT has updated the software to 29e (Beta Version
and not published yet) and the Glide-slope needle shows on GPS LPV
On May 2, 2007, at 5:52 PM, Rob Kermanj wrote:
Quote: |
I recently started making successful GPS/LPA approaches and wanted
to offer the procedure for those who have this set up or are
thinking about it.
Since the 530W is new, there are no documentations on what to do
and how to set up the GPS to talk to IIVSGV. There is also no
documentations regarding the messages you get on the IIVSGV while
flying this type of approach. It took me many phone calls, several
approaches and much head-scratching to arrive at this procedure.
So here is what worked for me:
Wire up the three units as recommended by GRT including the ARINC
panel switch.
Power up the Garmin while holding the ENTER button. Once the unit
is up, rotate the big knob on the right hand side to get to the
ARINC page. Set up the output to 429 Gamma, the speed LOW and
Step 1: While being Vectored to Final (full approach is also the
same in concept) set your GRT to Heading and Altitude Select and
fly as the controllers tell you. Once you have arrived at the
final altitude for the approach, set the ALT button on the IIVSGV
to altitude hold, which means pressing the ALT button once to see
the number 0 above it. This step is important as I will explain
Step 2: Throw the ARINC Panel Switch to control the IIVSGV from
G530W. Now, press the ALT button once more and verify that you
have GPSV-HLD in the window. This means that the altitude is being
held by G530W (I imagine).
Once the final approach course is intercepted, the autopilot will
show GPSV-ARM and it will follow the published course to FAF.
Once you pass the FAF, the auto pilot will show GPSV- and a DOWN
ARROW meaning that you are on your way to runway threshold.
If during Step 2, you do not press ALT button to get 0 in the ALT
window and simply switch over to G530 control, you will get GPSV-
FLG and the autopilot will do strange things. In my case, it
sometimes climbs and sometimes descends. This does not make sense
to me and I am hoping someone will verify this and post their
Also, at this time, GRT does not show a glide-slope needle for LPV
approaches. This, in my opinion is a serious short coming as you
have no idea where you are on the glide-slope in real IFR weather.
GRT is working on it.
Hope this helps.
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