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Where to put the fuel flow sensor

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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 8:34 pm    Post subject: Where to put the fuel flow sensor Reply with quote

I have a Superior IO 360 in my RV 7A with a Precision EX ( Silver Hawk) injection system.� I do not have a purge valve.�
We are using a Dynon D 120 engine monitor.�I�asked Superior about the placement of the fuel flow sensor.�
They�recommended that I ask Dynon for their�recommendation.��I prefer to place the sensor between the electric fuel
pump and the firewall just aft of the heater vents.� There has been some�discussion about placement after the mechanical
pump to reduce any possible restriction on the inflow side of the mechanical pump.� The Dynon�represenative said that it
probably would make�very little difference and he had heard of no problems.� Placing the sensor aft�of the firewall simplifies
the�installation�considerably.� Does anyone have any experience with placement aft of the firewall?�

� �I prefer to�

� �
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PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 4:44 am    Post subject: Where to put the fuel flow sensor Reply with quote

I have the fuel flow sensor mounted in my left wing root, after the gascolator. My fuel boost pump is mounted in the center console beneath the selector valve. I wanted my boost pump as close to the tanks as possible. Haven't had any problems yet with the flowscan between the pumps. 220hrs

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PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 5:29 am    Post subject: Where to put the fuel flow sensor Reply with quote


Does that mean that you're only getting fuel flow from one wing?


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PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 5:47 am    Post subject: Where to put the fuel flow sensor Reply with quote

... Chris,

� Does that mean that you're only getting fuel flow from one wing?...

No, The Flowscan is installed after the Fuel selector valve and gascolator. It's located in the area between the wing root rib, and the fuselage. Change is good. See what�s different about Windows Live Hotmail. Check it out! [quote][b]

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PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 6:14 am    Post subject: Where to put the fuel flow sensor Reply with quote

That adds a little to my confusion....

If I understand your setup correctly, fuel comes in to the fuse from both wings, to the selector, to the gascolator, then back out to the wing for the flowscan, then back through to the engine....?


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PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 7:03 am    Post subject: Where to put the fuel flow sensor Reply with quote

Just FYI ... Don Rivera at Airflow Performance recommends installing it
after the fuel controller and before the flow divider. This is on the feed
line that is often routed vertically between two cylinders. The FlowScan
goes inline and is then covered in firesleeve. It is a simple installation,
adds no restrictions on the suction side of any pump, and has proved to be
a very reliable approach according to what Don has passed on to me (and
others who have asked). It is what I intend to do, for what *THAT* is worth!

-- Dwight

do not archive (since this info is already there)

On Wed May 16 10:13:56 2007, Ralph E. Capen wrote :
[quote]That adds a little to my confusion....

If I understand your setup correctly, fuel comes in to the fuse from both wings, to the selector, to the gascolator, then back out to the wing for the flowscan, then back through to the engine....?


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PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 7:36 am    Post subject: Where to put the fuel flow sensor Reply with quote


I've done mine the way Don has recommended also - I was confused by Chris' configuration.....



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PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 8:19 pm    Post subject: Where to put the fuel flow sensor Reply with quote


Did you just mount the sensor by parting the line from the contoller
before it goes up between cyls 1 and 3 or did you
re route the line and attach the sensor to the baffling etc. A
picture or more complete description would really be helpful.

thanks Dave
On May 16, 2007, at 8:22 AM, Dwight Frye wrote:


Just FYI ... Don Rivera at Airflow Performance recommends
installing it
after the fuel controller and before the flow divider. This is on
the feed
line that is often routed vertically between two cylinders. The
goes inline and is then covered in firesleeve. It is a simple
adds no restrictions on the suction side of any pump, and has
proved to be
a very reliable approach according to what Don has passed on to me
others who have asked). It is what I intend to do, for what *THAT*
is worth!

-- Dwight

do not archive (since this info is already there)

On Wed May 16 10:13:56 2007, Ralph E. Capen wrote :

> That adds a little to my confusion....
> If I understand your setup correctly, fuel comes in to the fuse
> from both wings, to the selector, to the gascolator, then back out
> to the wing for the flowscan, then back through to the engine....?
> --

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PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 3:56 am    Post subject: Where to put the fuel flow sensor Reply with quote

I'd like to see the pictures too - to compare to my planned fuel line routing.....


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PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 4:38 am    Post subject: Where to put the fuel flow sensor Reply with quote

That's the sequence but the gascolator is also in the wing root. The fuel pump sits under the selector valve, putting it close to the tanks and getting it off the sidewall where I didn't like the looks. The Andair gascolator is in the wing root and is the lowest point in my fuel system. Being in the wing root it doesn't get heat soaked. It has a 70 micron filter built in that should keep debris from the flowscan also in the wing root. After the Flowscan the line comes back into the fuselage and out the firewall. I have a carburator, Not F.I.
I have considered moving my Floscan and plumbing it between the engine driven pump and Carb to put it on the pressure side of the pump. But to answer your original question it has worked flawlessly mounted prior to the engine driven pump.


>>>If I understand your setup correctly, fuel comes in to the fuse from both wings,
to the selector, to the gascolator, then back out to the wing for the flowscan,
� then back through to the engine....?<<<

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PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 5:21 am    Post subject: Where to put the fuel flow sensor Reply with quote

Understood - thanks for the explanation...better yet - it works too!


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PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 9:33 am    Post subject: Where to put the fuel flow sensor Reply with quote

Sorry ... note that I said it is what I *intend* to do. So it is still
my plan, but not something I've done. Therefore, no pictures (yet).

That being said what has been recommended by Don is that it does go inline
on that feed line. Unless I mis-understood Don didn't recommend re-routing
the line nor mounting to the baffle. This will mean a break in that line,
and what I plan to do is cut the existing hose, shorten it to accomidate
the fuel sensor, and add new fittings on the cut ends to fit the FlowScan.
Since I built the hose to begin with (working with Don at API) I hope
I can add the needed fittings myself as well. Smile

If you have questions, Don is the pro. Contact him at Airflow Performance
and see what he says. My experience is that Don (and API in general) is
extremely responsive to questions, and is _extremely_ helpful.

-- Dwight

On Thu May 17 00:17:58 2007, Dave Cudney wrote :


Did you just mount the sensor by parting the line from the contoller
before it goes up between cyls 1 and 3 or did you
re route the line and attach the sensor to the baffling etc. A
picture or more complete description would really be helpful.

thanks Dave
On May 16, 2007, at 8:22 AM, Dwight Frye wrote:

> Just FYI ... Don Rivera at Airflow Performance recommends
> installing it
> after the fuel controller and before the flow divider. This is on
> the feed
> line that is often routed vertically between two cylinders. The
> FlowScan
> goes inline and is then covered in firesleeve. It is a simple
> installation,
> adds no restrictions on the suction side of any pump, and has
> proved to be
> a very reliable approach according to what Don has passed on to me
> (and
> others who have asked). It is what I intend to do, for what *THAT*
> is worth!
> -- Dwight
> do not archive (since this info is already there)
> On Wed May 16 10:13:56 2007, Ralph E. Capen wrote :
>> That adds a little to my confusion....
>> If I understand your setup correctly, fuel comes in to the fuse
>> from both wings, to the selector, to the gascolator, then back out
>> to the wing for the flowscan, then back through to the engine....?
>> --

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