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flight to MV

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Joined: 29 May 2006
Posts: 1494
Location: Jordan Valley, Or

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2007 3:19 pm    Post subject: flight to MV Reply with quote

I just finished the totals for the flight to Monument Valley via Deming New Mexico, from South Eastern Oregon.

My flight was 2495.3 miles long, using 122.2 gallons of fuel (at) $458.09 taking 39.1 hours of flying. Top speed of 106 MPH, slowest as seen on my GPS was 33 MPH. Maximum altitude was 10,107. This altitude was not intended, but the result of violent up and down drafts. We actually needed to maintain about 9000 feet to clear the mountain tops, but the winds were quite interesting to say the least.

There were two areas after I left Arty at Wells, Nv. that I thought that I was going to have to taxi over the hwy passes rather than fly. I approached a Mt Pass between Wells, NV and Elko at about 2500 feet above the Mt Pass elevation. The closer I got, the bigger the down draft. Losing about 500 feet a minute. When I got to the point that I would have to abort the attempt, the down would stop and I would get some lift again. It is a bit interesting to be at full throttle, holding as much up elevator as you dare and still be sinking at 500 feet a min.

I have to say that with only one exception, every one that I met on the trip was an outstanding individual and very helpful in the extreme. I really expected that most of the GA pilots and FBO's would have a bit of an attitude regarding us and our planes. I did not find that to be so. Of course Arty charmed every one that we met. Making things much easier. We really didn't meet any strangers at all.

As far as the trip itself goes, it was interesting to say the least. If I were to do it again I would wait until the weather was a lot more settled. There were a lot of days that we got to fly very little due to the natural restrictions of the planes. 62 MPH with a headwind can be very tiring. I hate it when the bugs are on the trailing edge of my wing. It appeared to me that we had headwinds most of the way, but the Thunder storms were the worst. On the way back especially the storms would start popping by 10:00am. On the days that we could fly, we made excellent time.

As for the Firestar itself, it was great. The toll on my plane from the trip, is a bit of damage to the gap seal on the aileron tubes where the Warp drive prop pulse hits the tubes, I lost some rivets in the enclosure due to the violent pounding that we took is some of the areas. ( a tool kit levitated over my shoulder to land in my lap on one of them) Also for what ever reason I seemed to have a prop blade rotate a bit. Now to be honest, I did set them before the trip, and I did torque them to specifications, and they did not vibrate until I left Wells,Nev. I also seem to have some problem with my remote antenna after Wells also. I of course had the antenna that comes with the unit, so it was a non event. I changed my plugs here after arrival and found that one of the rear plugs was fouled, and the others were coated with the lead from the AV gas to the point that the gap was significantly reduced. I had a total of 65 hours on the plugs. I could have cleaned them and reused them again if necessary. Of course I did not.

I am very glad that I took the time to install my heater before I left. Wells Nev had a morning temp of 24 degrees. Arty may be able to take that kind of stuff, but I for one, prefer comfort to basic. I did find after I got home and went flying with John H and W that after taking off the rear wrap around part of the enclosure that I lost about 8 MPH by having it on. I couldn't have done without it on the trip though, I needed something to hold my stuff in the plane.
Larry, Oregon

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John Hauck

Joined: 09 Jan 2006
Posts: 4639
Location: Titus, Alabama (hauck's holler)

PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 1:58 pm    Post subject: flight to MV Reply with quote

Hi Gang:

Landed and refueled at Kit Carson Airport, Burlington, CO, a few
minutes ago. Wind 180, steady at 25 gusting to 35. After skirting a
pararie (sp) thunderstorm, I decided to hit this field that I refueled
at on the 2004 flight to Alaska.

Have had a good time and flown 53+ hours so far. Forget how many
miles. I lot of this time was pure pleasure flying with the gang.

Wanted to make Neosho, MO, tonight, but doubt very seriously if I
will. I am getting hit pretty hard with a quartering headwind. Not
what I expected or wanted today.

Spent the night at Walden Country Airport, CO, elevation 8,250 feet.
Was a little chilly when I went to bed in my tent at 2030. Woke up
during the night with some cold spots in a sleeping bag I had never
had that problem before. The condensation on the tent walls from my
breath had frozen inside the tent. Was the only moisture in the
air. Wink

Pretty hot, tired, and boring about now. Will press on after I rest a

All in all has been a tremendous flight. Always great to see my old
friends at MV and make new ones.

Take care,

john h
mkIII (2,600+ hours)
912ULS (73+ hours)

PS: Larry C - would have called last night, but cell phone bats were
low. Did not want to get caught with no cell phone capability. I did
get a call from John W before I got out of the plane at Walden County.

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John Hauck
hauck's holler
Titus, Alabama
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