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Setting the wing incidence on the Lightning

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:00 pm    Post subject: Setting the wing incidence on the Lightning Reply with quote

One other comment I intended to make and it had to do with your statement: "I would recommend
paying close attention to setting the wing and stab incidence." Wow, you hit another home run with that statement - so very true. And it was also kind of prophetic.� Just yesterday morning before I flew back to Virginia, Nick and I designed a simple tool to do just that. Nick or Mark will fabricate the tool for their use before the next Lightning gets its wing incidence set. Before now they were just lining the wing up with the wing outline on the fuselage. Sometimes it was right, but sometimes it would be slightly off resulting in a roll one way or the other. The recommended fix was to lower the flap slightly on the heavy wing side. With this new tool it should be easier and much more accurate to set the incidence.
What is the tool? Imagine an "L" shaped tool with the long part of the "L" being about as long as the cord of the wing. Then along the long part of the "L" you insert (weld or glue) two fixed points that rest on the wing and define the incidence of the wing. Don't laugh, but a rough drawing is below. Now, level the fuselage and then place a level on the long part of the "L" and adjust until it is level and then set the wing at that incidence. Be sure to place the tool at the same point on each wing (such as 1 foot out from the butt) when using the tool. This is a similar method I used when setting the incidence on the Pitts I built many years ago.
Blue Skies,

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Joined: 03 Sep 2006
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Location: New Holland, PA

PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:15 pm    Post subject: Setting the wing incidence on the Lightning Reply with quote


I used the same type of tool when setting the incidence on my giant scale RC airplanes!

It was made out of wood and each stem being a long threaded rod with a nut threaded in to the bottom that touches the wing and a “T” nut in the board.

Then I could adjust the rods to suit whatever airfoil I was setting up.

Of course the wing cords where 40-45% of the size of the Lightning.

Slap a digital level on top and it worked like a charm.


From: owner-lightning-list-server(at) [mailto:owner-lightning-list-server(at)] On Behalf Of N1BZRich(at)
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 11:00 PM
To: lightning-list(at)
Subject: Setting the wing incidence on the Lightning


One other comment I intended to make and it had to do with your statement: "I would recommend
paying close attention to setting the wing and stab incidence." Wow, you hit another home run with that statement - so very true. And it was also kind of prophetic. Just yesterday morning before I flew back to Virginia, Nick and I designed a simple tool to do just that. Nick or Mark will fabricate the tool for their use before the next Lightning gets its wing incidence set. Before now they were just lining the wing up with the wing outline on the fuselage. Sometimes it was right, but sometimes it would be slightly off resulting in a roll one way or the other. The recommended fix was to lower the flap slightly on the heavy wing side. With this new tool it should be easier and much more accurate to set the incidence.

What is the tool? Imagine an "L" shaped tool with the long part of the "L" being about as long as the cord of the wing. Then along the long part of the "L" you insert (weld or glue) two fixed points that rest on the wing and define the incidence of the wing. Don't laugh, but a rough drawing is below. Now, level the fuselage and then place a level on the long part of the "L" and adjust until it is level and then set the wing at that incidence. Be sure to place the tool at the same point on each wing (such as 1 foot out from the butt) when using the tool. This is a similar method I used when setting the incidence on the Pitts I built many years ago.

Blue Skies,



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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:35 am    Post subject: Setting the wing incidence on the Lightning Reply with quote

One thing that I had thought about doing when I was still living in
Shelbyville was to make a scale model lightning. I have a copy of the wing
planform, but Nick probably has a better one. I think that a scratch built
Lightning R/C model would be a lot of fun to make and fly and thought that
it'd make a great addition at Sun-n-Fun or Oshkosh to put beside a real
plane! Just a thought for you R/Cers out there. Brian W.


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Joined: 03 Sep 2006
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Location: New Holland, PA

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:27 am    Post subject: Setting the wing incidence on the Lightning Reply with quote

There is a company called Experimental Aircraft Models,

They do this sort of thing and sell it to the RC community.

Some of their kits are composite and quite realistic!

I just sent them and email to see if they have any interest.

Great idea...


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:08 am    Post subject: Setting the wing incidence on the Lightning Reply with quote

Jim, I, too, am an ex-model builder. I started on ten-cent Comet stick and tissue kits when I was a Cub Scout, and progressed up through Giant R/C models as building skills and budget permitted. I ended up writing a few articles for the modeling mags, and selling plans for 1/4 - 1/2 size aircraft. The aerodynamics are the same - the parts are just a little smaller. In fact, the incidence meter I built was a scaled up version of the ones I used on model aircraft. It only took an hour to throw it together in the shop. It was not built to be beautiful or to last a hundred years. I have it out on loan, or I would include a photo.

I attached a couple photos of large scale model hombuilts, in case you are interested.

[quote] ---

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