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Further updates - Mod 73

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:42 am    Post subject: Further updates - Mod 73 Reply with quote

Hello, Richard (who asked a specific question),

There was so much repeated/repeated/repeated mail on this morning’s forum digest that I cannot be bothered to look for your actual question.
138kb for 43 simple messages shows that the rules of the forum are not being obeyed!

The answer is that aircraft 10 – which had its TP6’s centred on the plywood rib, before the instruction manual was changed, has 20 mm showing inboard of the rib.

The other 2 aircraft have between 25 and 30 mm.

To have 50 mm showing would be a considerable concern to me.

Update for everyone

Francis Donaldson rang me this morning to ask how I was getting on; I referred him to my first update. Now I have three further points:

1 Francis asked about pip pin length – I did not know the answer when he called, but I can now confirm that, for 76 and 265, the pip pins require a 6.5 mm drill (not 1/4 as in the Europa mod instruction) to open up the lay-up over the bottom hole. I actually found it easier to open up from inside the new pip pin recess (shining a torch through from the “top” surface hole) using a much smaller bit, and then progressively enlarge the hole to the correct size; a small round file helps. The pip pins for 76 and 265 are long enough to go through the TP6 and the new lay-up; in fact I used a 120 degree countersink bit in my fingers just to tidy up the edge left by the drill bit.

2 Aircraft 10 appears to have 1/4 diameter pip pins – and as the pip pins are not here, I cannot comment on the length at this stage.

3 There is an RV9A/WAM 120 being built in my workshop, and the engineers amongst the team (who only build on Mondays) were curious about different aircraft having different diameter TP4’s; caliper measurement has revealed that there is no difference in internal TP6 diameter, so why a/c 10’s tailplanes would not fit onto either 76 or 265’s TP4 is a mystery, which will not be solved!

Now to lay up the covers…



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