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Please let it go

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Kevin Bonds

Joined: 09 Jan 2006
Posts: 171
Location: Nashville, Tn

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:27 pm    Post subject: Please let it go Reply with quote

Good lord! Am I in the Twilight Zone? None of this makes any sense to me.
The guy was trying to protect the anonymity of a fellow builder. I'm sure he
knew the information would come out sooner or later, but didn't want to be
the one to "out" him, so to speak. What exactly is the problem with that?
Why give him grief over it in the first place? It sounds as if you are
trying to imply that he had an ulterior motive (other than the one he has
already stated) for doing so. I'm sorry to add to the string of ridiculous
emails on the subject, but this has gone on for days and enough is enough. I
am NOT objecting on the basis of the volume of emails, I am objecting on the
basis that I don't like seeing people ridiculed for such trivial reasons.
Seems like everyone is walking around with chips on their sholders. I
thought the homebuilding community was supposed to be a place for comradery
and support. Am I wrong? Or is this just at function of the internet? Would
you guys act this way in a personal setting?

Ps. The above questions are rhetorical, please DON'T answer them.

Kevin Bonds

Nashville TN
601XL Plans building.

do not archive DO NOT ARCHIVE


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Nashville, TN
Plans-building Zenith CH601XL w/Corvair Power
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:10 pm    Post subject: Please let it go Reply with quote


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Joined: 21 Mar 2007
Posts: 64

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:08 pm    Post subject: Please let it go Reply with quote

Kevin--My guess is that a lot more people feel exactly
the way you do about this, than the alternative. We
just don't say it as eloquently. Well said.

Do Not Archive
--- kevinbonds <kevinbonds(at)> wrote:


Good lord! Am I in the Twilight Zone? None of this
makes any sense to me.
The guy was trying to protect the anonymity of a
fellow builder. I'm sure he
knew the information would come out sooner or later,
but didn't want to be
the one to "out" him, so to speak. What exactly is
the problem with that?
Why give him grief over it in the first place? It
sounds as if you are
trying to imply that he had an ulterior motive
(other than the one he has
already stated) for doing so. I'm sorry to add to
the string of ridiculous
emails on the subject, but this has gone on for days
and enough is enough. I
am NOT objecting on the basis of the volume of
emails, I am objecting on the
basis that I don't like seeing people ridiculed for
such trivial reasons.
Seems like everyone is walking around with chips on
their sholders. I
thought the homebuilding community was supposed to
be a place for comradery
and support. Am I wrong? Or is this just at function
of the internet? Would
you guys act this way in a personal setting?

Ps. The above questions are rhetorical, please DON'T
answer them.

Kevin Bonds

Nashville TN

601XL Plans building.

do not archive DO NOT ARCHIVE


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