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copper dipole

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:49 pm    Post subject: copper dipole Reply with quote

Anyone answer me this one. Having spent ages soldering co-ax onto
the copper tape supplied by the factory, I've just broked the tape in
half! Would a piece of copper wire be of similar efficacy as t he
copper tape - it would certainly be easier to solder to. I'm
guessing its the length of the dipole that's important rather that
width or section - true or false.


G-GIDY (running out of jobs to do)

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:51 pm    Post subject: copper dipole Reply with quote


--> <europa(at)>

Anyone answer me this one. Having spent ages soldering co-ax onto
the copper tape supplied by the factory, I've just broked the
tape in
half! Would a piece of copper wire be of similar efficacy as t he
copper tape - it would certainly be easier to solder to. I'm
guessing its the length of the dipole that's important rather that
width or section - true or false.


The length is the main factor determining the operating frequency of the
antenna, while the width of the conductors determines the range of
frequencies over which the antenna works. Since the aviation band is rather
wide (as a percentage of the frequency), it is desirable to use wider
conductors. It is no problem to repair a break in the copper tape with a
piece of wire soldered across the break, however. It is definitely
mandatory to fix the coax securely to the airframe prior to soldering to the
copper tape, so any movement of the coax will not transmit stress to the
solder joints and the fragile copper tape.

Dave DeFord

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:58 pm    Post subject: copper dipole Reply with quote

Ferg / David
Thanks for the responses - I'll try my soldering iron first


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:49 pm    Post subject: copper dipole Reply with quote


FYI Aircraft Spruce has a reel of copper strapping material for $ 19.90. For the work you may need to go through, it may be easier to buy it. Also, as was mentioned, the advantage of strapping is that it is a bit more broad band than wire would be. I assume that the manufacturers do it that way to provide more error in the event that you do not tune the antenna. If you have a good Standing Wave bridge and can tune it, as long as you are below 2.5 - 3 to 1 at the extreme ends of the spectrum and close to flat at the most commonly used frequencies you will be transmitting on, wire would work just as well as strapping.

Jim Puglise A-283, Punta Gorda, FL

at con [quote][b]

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:45 am    Post subject: copper dipole Reply with quote

Jim just on the note of Standing wave bridges, I have one for AM CB radios as commonly used truckers etc, used it every time
I replaced an aerial on my car and mates cars to correctly "tune" the aerial.I had been thinking of using it to tune my aerial but
wasnt sure if it was the correct one or not, any thoughts

[quote] --

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:43 am    Post subject: copper dipole Reply with quote


Hard to tell. Some of them will work from HF to VHF, some will not. Obviously, the best bet would be to use a VHF specific bridge if you can get ahold of one. I would Google your bridge and see what the manufacturer's specifications are.


[quote]-------------- Original message --------------
From: "craig bastin" <craigb(at)>
Jim just on the note of Standing wave bridges, I have one for AM CB radios as commonly used truckers etc, used it every time
I replaced an aerial on my car and mates cars to correctly "tune" the aerial.I had been thinking of using it to tune my aerial but
wasnt sure if it was the correct one or not, any thoughts

[quote] --

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Joined: 04 May 2007
Posts: 870

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:02 am    Post subject: Re: copper dipole Reply with quote

Most consumer-type (Ha!) SWR bridges work from 1-30 MHz.
Airband VHF carrier will not excite the bridge to a full scale forward
reading, making the reverse direction reading uncalibratible.

Look for a ham vhf meter - a bridge that works at 144 MHz will do fine
at 120.

I am not sure what "copper strapping" is. Strapping implies mechanical
strength for binding something. Sounds heavy. RST antennas and what
the factory supplies is very thin copper foil. This raises an other issue
learned by many people the hard way: Copper foil has a very different
thermal contraction rate than fiberglass. Therefore if you glue the foil
directly to the glass and pass through a summer and a winter season,
you will most likely find that the foil has torn. What I did was to encase
the foil antenna in wax paper and then glass the wax paper envelope
to the fuselage.

Good Luck

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Ira N224XS
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