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Heads-up on a double sided adhesive product

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:36 am    Post subject: Heads-up on a double sided adhesive product Reply with quote

At 11:11 AM 3/8/2006 -0500, you wrote:


I glue them to the underside of the hood of my van. If they
stay put for over a year, I call 'em good for flight

Bob . . .

And if they come loose, the drivers behind you have an interesting time...?

No, there's a tether on the block to keep it from falling out.



Good hint. I'll check this product out. I just used a combo of Scotch
double-sided foam tape and a perimeter fillet of GOOP to mount Bosch-style
ice cube relays to aluminum plate. The bond seems quite sturdy, but it
took overnight to achieve.

The GOOP/Sho-Goo/E-6000 products are pretty robust but
as you've noted, they're a solvent based adhesive that takes
TIME to reach full strength. If you're mounting something as
light as a relay, a simple spot of E-6000 will do it. I've
tested this. We also used the E-6000 to attach bond studs.
The stud shown was installed with JB Weld. It pass the pull
tests fine. E-6000 worked too and was easier to use.

I'm working on a new source for bond studs. I'll try this
thermoset adhesive on them when I get the samples.

Bob . . .

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 12:23 pm    Post subject: Heads-up on a double sided adhesive product Reply with quote

Bob -

You have no idea how useful those studs are/were for our wiring. We used
E-6000 and the worked like a charm. Still could use a dozen of them to
replace the nylon-zip tie kind. We shaved off the double sided tape on the
nylon kind and used E-6000, but they are not as robust as the studs. Let
the list know when you get the studs.

John Schroeder
Lancair ES - Painting complete

The stud shown was installed with JB Weld. It pass the pull
tests fine. E-6000 worked too and was easier to use.

I'm working on a new source for bond studs. I'll try this
thermoset adhesive on them when I get the samples.

Bob . . .

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