Joined: 10 Jan 2006 Posts: 87
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 7:22 am Post subject: E-mag/P-Mag Please Explain! (auto vs A/C plugs) |
Enjoyed your info and directions to web sites to gain more
info.............but..........enough with the condecending put down side
shots at those of us not as schooled as you. I usually just delete at the
first sign of war words........but ............this time I am glad I
finished your story line. So please in the future just the facts and turn in
your parent/child persona for the more dignified adult role.
Having been a life long, now retired public school teacher, I am very
thicked skinned and can take what ever cheap shot you want to throw my way!
Frank at SGU and SLC
Quote: | From: <gmcjetpilot(at)yahoo.com>
Reply-To: rv-list(at)matronics.com
To: rv-list(at)matronics.com
Subject: Re: E-mag/P-Mag Please Explain! (auto vs A/C plugs)
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 04:18:31 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: E-mag/P-Mag P L E A S E E X P L A I N
From: "Condon, Philip M." <pcondon(at)mitre.org>
>Whoa.....strong words! How cay one know this when the E/P MAG
>units are so new ? Please put some more words around the
>descriptor word you choose. Certainly, fully describing the
>of each and why one unit is superior to another is appropriate
>here...right ??
Wow Philip, you are pretty demanding for some one who is asking for
free advice. Let me be abrupt with you. Do you know ANYTHING about
electronic ignition? Did you bother looking at the archives for info on
the P/E-mag? I am going out on a limb and guess no? If I said CDI or
Induction Ignition would that mean anything to you?
There was an EAA sport aviation article a few months back, suggest
you read it. I also would visit all the web sites of each manufacture.
Electroair: http://www.electroair.net/
Lightspeed: http://www.lightspeedengineering.com/
P/E-mag: http://emagair.com/E-MAG_product_page.htm
Aeorsparks: http://www.aerosparks.com/home.htm
Now let me give you the facts of EI life. All ignitions are similar
however with fear you will challenge me and call me a lier, I agree
with Dick Martin 100%. The Lightspeed Plasma III is likely the
highest performance and has the most performance features.
Folks, who KNOW way more than you about engine performance
pick the Lightspeed. And your comment to this as, SO?
Now there are subtle differences between EI brands. I would explain
why the Lightspeed is considered to be a higher performance EI,
but not sure you would understand. Leave it to say its a MS-CDI
(multi spark - capacitance discharge ignition).
Bottom line is they all will give hotter longer (fatter) spark than
a magneto, can advance timing based on manifold pressure and
RPM and should be more reliable with no points to wear.
The other ignitions, such as E/P-mag and Electroair are induction
ignitions. Look up the difference.
if you look at coils, electroair uses two LARGE coils compared
to the single coil in the E/P-mag. Because E/P-mag has a
*form factor* design that is all-in-one. Therefor it must make
some compromises in coil size. Common sense would say
that the E/P-mag spark will be less. Indeed E/P-mag does
not promote itself as a "performance ignition" but a low cost
easier to install ignition. In their FAQ there was a statement
to this affect and they do not publish performance specs. I
am not saying the E/P-mag is not good, just that is has
smaller coils than electroair for example. Make your own
conclusion, but lets be real. If you are an average every
day pilot 3% may be good enough and if you race you
need 4%. I don't know the differences but at lean mixtures
and high altitude the Lightspeed should burn the mixture
better, and it also has features no other ignition has, such
as cockpit controlled vairable timing and read out, as well
as RPM/MAP read outs.
The big claim to fame for the E/P-mag is more compact
installtion with out sattalite components and the self
powered feature, that allows dual EI with not need to
consider a small AUX battery.
Last fact, there has been no real heads-up comparison
between Brands. Leave it to say that they all will give much
better performance than a MAG. I guess you will now ask
show me or prove it. Again you need to research it, but you
can expect, smoother operation and gain efficiency and
performance. How much efficiency you receive is based on
how you fly. In cruise at altitude, EI is very efficient, primarily
not only from the much hotter longer spark but the advance
timing at low power settings. As I guess? you know Mags
have fixed timing.
As far as auto PLUGS or aviaition PLUGS. I prefer Aviation
plugs. They are more massive and rugged and known to
work well. Auto plugs have been shown to be fine for some
builders however there have been some anomalies. COST?
Penutes. In the big picture auto plugs will NOT be any factor
in you big picture. At first $3.00 sounds great VS. $16.00;
However aviaition plugs can last 1000 or 2000 hours. Most
auto plugs, needed or not are replaced as soon as every
oil change to a few 100 hours. Last is performance. An
EXPERT in aviation ignition who I talked to that knows more
about ignition than you ever will, found increased performance
using aviation plugs verses auto plugs. One pilot-builder also
found that his engine was stronger with aviation plugs when
he switched between Av and Auto and than back again.
Again no heads up comparison. Trust me.
I am NOT saying autoplugs are not good; however you may
have NO choice depending on what brand EI you buy.
(electroair and E/P-mag are the only ones offering a plug
option from the factory.)
As said Autolite UREM 37BY's are only $16.00ea & may last
2 to 5 times longer, so autoplugs are not a huge factor when
you think of fuel, oil and all the other cost. For some reason
autoplugs are replaced more by their pilot/owners; however
some have reported to run theirs up to 700 hours of more.
I don't know of what the high time auto plug is, but aviation
plugs can go to TBO. Aviation plugs are replaced more
for being dropped than wear. Also hold a Aviation plug.
TWO large electrodes on the side, vs. an autoplugs single
electrode which caps or covers the center, shadowing the
spark. Also the aviation plug has a metal outer case that
is more rugged and my provide better heat transfer and
cooling. All conjector but based on observation of the obvious.
Last is the autoplug adapters, another thing to buy. Just
my preference to go aviation plug if able. Take it or leave it.
LAST read and understand every word and graph of the
Cafe Foundation electronic ignition research articles.
After you read the research, check the archives, read the EAA
article and manufacture web sites (better call or write each one
with spacific questions) get back to us, Phil. Dick by the way
has one of the fastest RV-8's around and has competed in
racing so I think you should consider his comments a little
more than So?
Cheers George
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