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structeral epoxy questions

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:41 am    Post subject: structeral epoxy questions Reply with quote

Hi all, I'm about to start working on my Kitfox 4 project wings and have some questions about the epoxy. I got 2 cans of each of the Scotch weld 2216 B/A adhesive, but they are as old as the kit (1994). I mixed some up and left it on a piece of plywood and stuck a 16 penny nail in it. When it harded, I tried to bend the nail out of it sideways, and all that happened was the nail bent. Even though it seems good, I suppose I should get new adhesive. Any thoughts on a good adhesive besides Scotch weld and any ideas on getting accurate mix ratios of the two parts of the glue would help me. I see some of these glues can be pumped through a small double caulk gun and it comes out mixed, anybody use that stuff? Thanks, Jim Chuk Avids,� Kitfox 4



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Lynn Matteson

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:42 am    Post subject: structeral epoxy questions Reply with quote

Hi Jim-
When I got my 3-previous-owners kit, I smelled the structural
adhesive, and it smelled strong of ammonia, which I heard/read was
the death knell of this product. This product was 10 years old at the
time, so I "chuked" it....bad pun intended. I ordered Hysol 9460
locally I recall...1pound each of hardener and
epoxy. They got to me in less than 24 hours.
I mix mine using the gram scales that were formerly used in my other
life....NO, NO, NO...not seriously. What I do is set the scales up
with a clear plastic yogurt lid on the side where the adhesive is to
be placed, then set the scales to zero. Then using the desired amount
of each, measure the exact amount of each by weight. Measuring each
by volume doesn't work for me...too imprecise. But whatever method
you chose to weigh or eyeball, the beauty of mixing on the
CLEAR...not translucent...plastic or glass is that you can see when
the mix is absolutely all mixed by looking at the underside of the
glass or'll be all grey with no white or black streaks
One guy told me he mixed the stuff by putting one part of the black
on the "mixing board" and then adding the white until the mix was
grey. I can't imagine he ever got two batches mixed the same but he
says he did. I'm too anal to do it this way. And I'm too damned cheap
to buy the double tube stuff...what happens when you get to the end,
toss the stuff left in the tube when the plunger is all the way in?

Lynn Matteson
Kitfox IV Speedster
Jabiru 2200
Status: flying w/530 hrs

On Jun 14, 2008, at 10:38 AM, Jim_and_Lucy Chuk wrote:

Hi all, I'm about to start working on my Kitfox 4 project wings
and have some questions about the epoxy. I got 2 cans of each of
the Scotch weld 2216 B/A adhesive, but they are as old as the kit
(1994). I mixed some up and left it on a piece of plywood and
stuck a 16 penny nail in it. When it harded, I tried to bend the
nail out of it sideways, and all that happened was the nail bent.
Even though it seems good, I suppose I should get new adhesive.
Any thoughts on a good adhesive besides Scotch weld and any ideas
on getting accurate mix ratios of the two parts of the glue would
help me. I see some of these glues can be pumped through a small
double caulk gun and it comes out mixed, anybody use that stuff?
Thanks, Jim Chuk Avids, Kitfox 4

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Tom Jones

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:01 pm    Post subject: Re: structeral epoxy questions Reply with quote

Jim Chuck
Having used both the 3M and Hysol, I highly recommend the Hysol. It is much easier to work with. It doesn't sag like the 3m.

To make factory like fillets put the mixed hysol in a sturdy ziplock bag and cut a small piece of a corner so you can use it like a cake decorator to apply.

Hysol is mixed 50/50 by volume so real easy to portion out too.

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Tom Jones
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Tom Jones

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:43 am    Post subject: Re: structeral epoxy questions Reply with quote

I should add another hysol or 3m tip. You can position it and smooth it out nicely with a gloved finger dipped in alcohol.

And don't throw out the old 3m. While you don't want to use it on your wings it is handy to have around for use on things other than airplane.

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Tom Jones
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Float Flyr

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 7:19 am    Post subject: structeral epoxy questions Reply with quote

Assuming the operative word here is “structural” then the only way to go is with metered resins (resin to cloth by weight) or Pre-Preg and vacuum bagging. It also helps to have an ultrasonic tester to check your work. Past that which resins you use depends on what works best for you.



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Noel Loveys
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 7:41 pm    Post subject: structeral epoxy questions Reply with quote

Thanks Tom for the tip. And also thanks to all of you others that replied to my question. One last question, has anyone used Aeropoxy structural adhesive? I see it is a 1 to 1 mix also. Thanks again,� Jim Chuk Avids, kitfox 4 Mn

[quote] Subject: Kitfox-List: Re: structeral epoxy questions
From: nahsikhs(at)
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2008 05:43:08 -0700
To: kitfox-list(at)

--> Kitfox-List message posted by: "Tom Jones" <nahsikhs(at)>

I should add another hysol or 3m tip. You can position it and smooth it out nicely with a gloved finger dipped in alcohol.

And don't throw out the old 3m. While you don't want to use it on your wings it is handy to have around for use on things other than airplane.

Tom Jones
Classic IV
503 Rotax, 72 inch Two blade Warp
Ellensburg, WA

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