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Fuel return line / Firewall seal

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:51 am    Post subject: Fuel return line / Firewall seal Reply with quote

Greetings again,

Ready to plumb the fuel system on my 701 with Rotax 912 ULS. The Home Built Help DVD makes a statement "that you have to run a return line" from the fitting on the top of the fuel manifold back to "the line running from the wing fuel tank". First, is this line necessary? Second instead of running a line all the way back could I run it to the "primer port" on the Spruce Gascolator I'm installing on the Firewall or to the line just after the gascolator and before the "fuel line" provided by Rotax to the engine pump ? Your thoughts on this please.

I have designed a firewall seal system that uses silicone cowl seal - the one with fiberglass - available from Spruce and aluminum from my scrap box. I haven't had it through taxi and or flight test but the design seems to give me the side to side and up and down travel necessary with the ability to allow the rods to move through the steering arc. Interested email me at madriver(at) (madriver(at) - if enough are interested I'll publish the pics and a narrative on this site.

Thanks Phil

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:32 pm    Post subject: Re: Fuel return line / Firewall seal Reply with quote

The fire wall seal info would be interesting, if its not too much trouble.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 11:00 am    Post subject: Fuel return line / Firewall seal Reply with quote

There is some debate about whether the return line is needed. Certainly there are 701/912s flying without it. I think most would agree that it is more needed if you intend to burn car gas as it is more susceptible to vapor lock.

Note that there is a restrictor at the start of the return line. In the factory Rotax setup you can see this in the exploded diagram labeled “Fuel lines, airbox, fuel PSI control unit”. I’m looking at the top diagram (for the 912) on page 68 of the current Lockwood catalog. The part called out as #10 or #13 has a Rotax part number of 963-820 and a description of “Pilot jet 35”.

I was looking at Quality Sport Planes’ 701 at Arlington yesterday. They have a large metal block on the cabin-side of the firewall (say 2 by 3 by � inches?). Doug Dugger says this is where their return line runs to. I’ve attached a pair of bad pictures I shot. Unfortunately I only could photograph the cabin side. I think the plug at the top caps a hole that was drilled down into the block to form the passage where the two lines on the firewall side join with the fitting from the tanks.

I don’t know who supplied this block. Did it come with the new (ring mount) Zenith FWF? Doug said the block (or something like it) was available from Spruce.

Of course the return line makes installing and calibrating a fuel flow sensor trickier.

-- Craig

From: owner-zenith701801-list-server(at) [mailto:owner-zenith701801-list-server(at)] On Behalf Of philip smith
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 9:51 AM
To: Zenith701801-List(at)
Subject: Fuel return line / Firewall seal

Greetings again,

Ready to plumb the fuel system on my 701 with Rotax 912 ULS. The Home Built Help DVD makes a statement "that you have to run a return line" from the fitting on the top of the fuel manifold back to "the line running from the wing fuel tank". First, is this line necessary? Second instead of running a line all the way back could I run it to the "primer port" on the Spruce Gascolator I'm installing on the Firewall or to the line just after the gascolator and before the "fuel line" provided by Rotax to the engine pump ? Your thoughts on this please.

I have designed a firewall seal system that uses silicone cowl seal - the one with fiberglass - available from Spruce and aluminum from my scrap box. I haven't had it through taxi and or flight test but the design seems to give me the side to side and up and down travel necessary with the ability to allow the rods to move through the steering arc. Interested email me at madriver(at) (madriver(at) - if enough are interested I'll publish the pics and a narrative on this site.

Thanks Phil

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