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Infinity Grip Wiring

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 1:28 pm    Post subject: Infinity Grip Wiring Reply with quote

I have just installed an Infinity Control Stick Grip in my RV-6 (a flying aircraft). The people at Infinity wired my grip to perform the following functions:
P-T-T, engine start, flaps, aux. pump on/off, auto-pilot on/off, and elevator trim. I am considering changing one of the grip functions to turning the landing lite on/off. I am currently trying to confirm which circuits need relays, exactly which type of relay, and how to wire them into the respective circuits. Taking them one at a time:

STARTER: I currently have a push-button starter in the panel and want to replace it with the switch on the grip. My current system doesn't have a relay in it (to my knowledge), and all the switches in the Infinity grip are designed to take 6 amps.
My questions: do I need a relay in this circuit and if so, which type? The S704-1? Or an equivalent? I only question the need for a relay since this starter switch circuit goes to the actual Starter Relay.

LANDING LIGHT: I'm already planning on installing a relay in this circuit. I just installed a 35W HID light from Duckworks. I'm told that this light draws about 3 amps.
My questions: I'd like confirmation that I should indeed put a relay in this circuit, and which relay it should be.

AUX. PUMP: I have a Facet Pump, which I believe is fairly standard in RV's (?). I am not planning on installing a relay at this point. It's my understanding that this pump draws about 1 amp, and I don't have a relay in my current circuit (I'm also planning on hooking the grip switch in parallel with the existing switch so either switch can be used to turn the pump on/off).
My question: am I correct in my thinking to not install a relay in this circuit?
Note: I have already installed a Ray Allen Relay and Servo for the Elevator Trim.

I tried to find any info on wiring the Infinity Grip in the Forum Archives and came up empty. I would greatly appreciate any response to this from other forum members or from Bob Nuckolls himself.

Thank you,
Jon Moore (new forum member)
Boynton Beach, Florida
(561) 632-5341 or (561) 731-1899


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