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M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:36 pm    Post subject: M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock Reply with quote

Diagnosis is somewhat correct. The oil leaks from the oil tank past the oil pump shut off valve and down into the sump. You could make a very simple oil drain tube from the front sump drain into a clean gallon or 2 gallon container with a sealed cap or lid. Attach a flexible hose to the sump drain through a hole which you can drill in the bottom of the cowling. Then open the sump drain after you fly and the excess oil will drain into the container. Pour the excess oil that drained into the container back into the oil tank before you fly the next time.

The correct repair is to have the oil pump overhauled by M14P, Inc./Carl and Jill. The external oil shut off works very well. But as you said, is expensive to install. Actually, the external oil shut off is a "band-aide" to the problem, which is the oil pump.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:46 pm    Post subject: M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock Reply with quote

Stu, that is because of the engines lower oil sump. That is the same general location where your engine oil drain on the front itself is located.

What you should be doing is to run the engine at about 60-70% or so for at least 30 seconds before engine shut down. This allows the pump for the sump to scavenge all the oil out and feed it back to the tank where the dip stick is. Then bring the engine back to idle and turn off the mags. As you do this, during and NOT after, open the throttle all the way. This sucks in cool air and helps to set the rings. Or at least that is what people say anyway regarding the throttle issue. It IS in the Russian check list, so it must do SOMETHING!

As the engine sits not running..... The oil will creep down from the tank, reverse feed through the oil pump, through a worn ball check valve that is supposed to prevent this, and will work it's way to the lowest point in the engine again... Which is of course the lower sump.

Now your dipstick reads lower... About 2 liters or so lower.. And will go lower still as the cylinders start filling up.

Start the engine again, the oil is pumped back to the main tank, and the oil level magically goes back up. This is what is happening and it is fairly normal. The oil in the cylinders will stream out the exhaust pipes as you pull the engine through before starting, which of course you are doing.... Right?

By the way, once the sump fills all the way up, the next thing is that oil will start going into your cylinders, and also coming out the exhaust valves and running out the exhaust pipes. This is what we have been talking about vis-�-vis a "Hydraulic Lock" recently however in that case the exhaust valve is closed and the oil fills the combustion chamber and goes no where when you rotate the engine and bring the piston up. Read the previous posts.

The "fix" for your problem is the same fix as has been described for the Hyd Lock issues.

Best Regards and Welcome Aboard!

Mark Bitterlich


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:48 pm    Post subject: M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock Reply with quote

The fix is even more simple than you think. Just fly it more. My plane does
the same thing, but if I fly it once a week or more it doesn't do it. Your
plane is simply begging for more attention. Smile

Personally I would rebuild the pump or buy one rather than a band aid fix.
If the check valve is wearing out, how far behind is the rest of the pump.

And Congrats on buying a Yak, you made the best choice. Smile

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:50 pm    Post subject: M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock Reply with quote


1) Do you have a drain kit?
As to the oil reading low when cold then coming back up. Ok somebody with more knowledge can give you a better answer, but Cliff Coy once reminded me not to trus oil level in Main tank when plane had been sitting and is cold once it runs and warms up it is liable to come up. The why I can no longer recall.

Stephen Fox
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On Oct 23, 2008, at 5:22 PM, Stu wrote:

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:52 pm    Post subject: M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock Reply with quote

Stu, like an idiot I did not read your whole post.

My personal opinion.

I would not put another check valve in the line to the pump.

I would consider putting a mechanical VALVE in there that you can turn
on and off MANUALLY.

Yes, you can fix the ball check valve in the pump, but it is going to
start leaking again sooner or later, they all do. The manual valve
stops this problem dead in it's tracks. The only problem is if you
forget to turn it on before starting the engine. Put an interupter
switch on there that prevents the starter button from working (easy) and
you are 90% safe from being stupid and toasting an engine.

Excess oil into the bottom of the engine does not hurt a thing, unless
you fail to get it out of the cylinders and intakes manifolds before the
next start. Then it can ruin the engine. I've lost GALLONS out the
exhaust ... Didn't hurt a thing.



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PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 2:07 pm    Post subject: M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock Reply with quote

The Kimball shut off valve kit has an electrical interface to the start circuit and is a electro-mechanical mechanism. If anything fails in the starting circuit, the valve will not open and thus the engine will not start. Also machined out of billet aluminum. The Kimball's always make quality stuff though.

"Fully CNC machined oil shut off valve. Equipped with cable connector and Starter interrupt micro switch (not shown). Female 3/4 NPT threads in and out for connection to oil system. Cable not included."


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 2:11 pm    Post subject: M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock Reply with quote

Here's the link to all of the M14 stuff from Jim Kimball Enterprises. Look at the bottom of the list of stuff for the entire Clean Kit. Their item number is M14P-24.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 2:17 pm    Post subject: M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock Reply with quote

Unless you run out of air and get out to prop the darn thing. It'll
start right up.

Don't get me wrong. I want it, I will wire it that way as well, but
there always seems to be some way to screw up no matter what you do.



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PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 2:19 pm    Post subject: M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock Reply with quote

By the way, now if someone would JUST take the time to make up a few
hoses and fittings for this valve so that all you had to do was to pull
out the old and install the new .... One could make some money, exactly
as in spark plug wire kits!

Yes... I'm lazy. But then.. So are a lot of other people!



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Joined: 23 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 4:55 am    Post subject: Re: M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock Reply with quote

Thanks guys. To answer some of the questions...

Have intake drains, open after every flight. When starting cold, pull through about 20 blades with drains open. The pull through usually produces oil from the stbd exhaust stack also, sometimes a lot. I suppose the hydraulic lock occurs randomly when the No. 6 cylinder just happens to be in the compression stroke...oil has nowhere to go.

On shutdown I run it up to 70% for about 20 seconds then close the throttle and mags off. Haven't opened the throttle during the wind down (after mags off) in the past, will give that a try. P.S. For the most part I've found that if the Russians did it, there was a good reason.

Great to see the different opinions on a fix...they all sound practical. I'm inclined to do research on cost, timing, hassle etc. Will post what I come up with.

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Stewart Nicholson
Yak 52 N122GC
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 6:18 am    Post subject: M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock Reply with quote

One other thing you can do is take out the oil check valve and clean it. A
lot of times that will stop this (or slow) this problem down to a mire
Installing the Kimball oil cutoff personally scares me and I do not have one
for that reason. Have not met a failsafe system yet that could or would not
eventually fail especially if it involves electrons (queertrons) running
around protecting my rosie pink.
Installing the intake drains and opening them after every flight helps too.
And I highly recommend that mod. Not fail safe either. Sometimes you still
have to bite the bullet and drop the chin cowl to pull the lower three spark
plugs when it becomes difficult to pull a blade.anyway As my grandfather
used to pound into my head when I helped on his farm during the summers and
breaks, never force it or else you get an unwanted reward.
Drilling a hole in the chin cowl, putting a plastic hose through it and
plugging it into the sump drain then letting it drain into a clean bucket is
an option. Also adds to the I forgot to close it factor if for some reason
the thing falls off and the usual neophyte passer by asks the inevitable
stupid question to distract you from your pre-flight. Now you have an open
avenue to dump the rest of your oil over the side too. Besides, me
personally, I like to minimize the number of new holes in my airplane.
Installing a Darton clean kit is another way of pumping most of the oil out
of your lower 8 rocker arm boxes and the sump. Much more expensive and again
adds a gotcha factor with all those weird little hoses running all over the
place just waiting for a gremlin to loosen a clamp or pull one off usually
at the most in opportune time.
The fact that with sitting you are seeing half of your oil in the tank drain
down into your engine ultimately your sump means the check valve is not
fully sealing. It is a metal to metal seal. Simply the thing gets groodued
up overtime or develops a rough surface and does not completely close
completely allowing the oil to leak past. Yes there could be other problems
affecting the oil pump but doubtful. Deal with the obvious before chasing
the Zebras. If you have good oil pressure and the only problem is that when
she sits she fills up the sump and empties about half the oil out of the
reservoir then it is the check valve until proven otherwise. Clean the
danged thing and see what happens. It is a pain in the ass to pull the
entire oil pump to ship it off to be overhauled when all you really have to
do is pull the check valve out of the back of the oil pump and clean it.
If you do not know where it is order an M-14 engine parts book from West
London Aeroclub Russian Engineering at They also have posters of the
M-14 P engine cut outs so you can see the blow up of the section you want to
tear apart and hopefully reassemble correctly. Not real expensive for the
book and the posters but the shipping to the US is a bitch.
My overall point is the Russians put that valve there for a reason and made
it fairly simple to pull and clean verses putting all the other fail safe
stuff (a nice 4 letter word) into the system so the operator (pilot) really
could embarrass himself and hurt a valuable piece of equipment.
Hope this farther clears your otherwise muddy water or errr ...full sump.


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Joined: 23 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 7:01 am    Post subject: Re: M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock Reply with quote

Thanks Doc. Your idea of removing and cleaning the check valve is appealing. Anybody done this lately?

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Stewart Nicholson
Yak 52 N122GC
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 7:02 am    Post subject: M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock Reply with quote

The oil check valve is a common culprit, becoming grooved around the seat.
It is quick to remove, and you can get a machine shop to polish / cut it
straight and re-install. I have a spare one for this purpose that we share
between a couple Yaks - if one starts leaking down too much oil we swap the
valve, take the "faulty" one in and get it fixed then return to spare


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 7:11 am    Post subject: M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock Reply with quote

The problem is not necessarily the check valve Doc is talking about. I have personally tried this and it really doesn't cure the problem unless of course the spring which pushes against the valve is broken or incorrectly seated. A bad spring will cause the valve not to shut off. The problem is internal within the oil pump. I don't think you can repair this in the field. Carl and Jill discovered this while repairing oil pumps. There is another shut off valve within the oil pump. If you want to truly correct the problem, talk to Carl/Jill first, then remove the oil pump and have them overhaul it.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:08 am    Post subject: M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock Reply with quote

I had the same thing with my Yak so I removed the oil pump sent it to Jill.
I think It is better, But when It sets over 2 weeks or longer it leaks. Just
need to fly it more.


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 4:11 am    Post subject: M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock Reply with quote

Hit delete now.....

Ok, I warned you.

I've had the kimbal oil shut off valve and the oil sump drain pump for over
350 hours on my M14P. I love it, period, end of story. Used properly,
there is zero chance of a hydraulic lock. It has the starter interupt if
the valve is closed. and if you remove all the oil from your engine after
shutting off the oil valve, there is no oil to drain into the Cyl, therefore
no lock.

Now, I've heard of danger of the starter interupt not working while the
valve is closed and electrically, don't see how that will happen. But I'll
grant you it might be possibility. However, when ever I start an engine I
look for oil pressure once the engine is running, no pressure I immediately
shut down the engine. We do this for cessnas, pipers, etc, why is this any

I guess you could "accidently" shut the oil valve in flight, but then again
if you did that, you really shouldn't be flying.

The only real issue I see with the system is the half second it takes to get
oil pressure into the engine and that could be fixed with a pre-oiler. But
I've not seen (even in winter) it take more than a second to get oil
pressure, so while I might do a pre-oiler in the future, it is not a

The nice thing the system does (besides preventing Hydraulic Lock, is
prevent oil from coming out the intake drains and the exhaust onto the
hanger floor or ramp.

Your mileage may varry, void where prohibited.

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Joined: 31 May 2007
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Location: Phoenix, AZ

PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 5:17 am    Post subject: Re: M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock Reply with quote

1) Oil migration may reduce or go away during winter.

2) Try changing your oil, and to something heavier?

3) When I installed Bill Blackwells oil filter kit my oil migration reduced significantly.

4) If you have an insurance policy from it may help also..., heck its worth checking at least.


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 5:00 am    Post subject: M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock Reply with quote

4) If you have an insurance policy from it may
help also..., heck its worth checking at least.

Have you no shame Tj? :>O)

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:28 pm    Post subject: M14P Missing Oil & Hydraulic Lock Reply with quote

Quick question. Where did you get the oil lines to mate with the valve,
the tank and the engine?

On the oil sump drain pump kit... Did you have to remove the cover off
the oil sump drain cover, or fixture and have it drilled and tapped to
accept the fitting, or did it come complete and you just bolted it on?


Mark Bitterlich


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