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Installing Audio Jacks

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:28 am    Post subject: Installing Audio Jacks Reply with quote

I am installing the Intercom in my RV and I remember reading in this forum that, when installing the audio jacks on the panel or any other aluminium surface of the cockpit, one shall isolate the jacks from the metal surface with plastic or rubber insulating washers.
However, in the Flightcom instructions they only recommend (and include washers to) isolation of the Microphone jack and not in the Headphone jack.
They even show in the schematic drawing the Headphone jack locally grounded.

Is this correct? If yes, why?



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PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 12:26 pm    Post subject: Installing Audio Jacks Reply with quote

At 07:25 PM 10/26/2008 +0000, you wrote:

I am installing the Intercom in my RV and I remember reading in this forum
that, when installing the audio jacks on the panel or any other aluminium
surface of the cockpit, one shall isolate the jacks from the metal surface
with plastic or rubber insulating washers.

However, in the Flightcom instructions they only recommend (and include
washers to) isolation of the Microphone jack and not in the Headphone jack.

They even show in the schematic drawing the Headphone jack locally grounded.

Is this correct? If yes, why?

It's a good idea if not a necessary thing to isolate
small signal systems from airframe ground . . .


Bob . . .

( . . . a long habit of not thinking )
( a thing wrong, gives it a superficial )
( appearance of being right . . . )
( )
( -Thomas Paine 1776- )

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 12:49 pm    Post subject: Installing Audio Jacks Reply with quote

Carlos Trigo wrote:

I am installing the Intercom in my RV and I remember reading in this
forum that, when installing the audio jacks on the panel or any other
aluminium surface of the cockpit, one shall isolate the jacks from the
metal surface with plastic or rubber insulating washers.

However, in the Flightcom instructions they only recommend (and
include washers to) isolation of the Microphone jack and not in the
Headphone jack.

They even show in the schematic drawing the Headphone jack locally

Is this correct? If yes, why?


The non-physics-based answer is probably: ground loop induced noise on
the input (mic) side gets amplified; the output side is less likely to
cause problems.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 12:56 pm    Post subject: Installing Audio Jacks Reply with quote


I really didn’t find anything about my question in the link you provided, although it is your book’s chapter about Audio Systems.

Can you please be more specific about what you think about not insulating the Headphone jack?
And if I isolate it, to where exactly should I connect the ground lug of the Headphone jack?


[quote] --

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 5:56 am    Post subject: Installing Audio Jacks Reply with quote

At 08:53 PM 10/26/2008 +0000, you wrote:


I really didn t find anything about my question in the link you provided,
although it is your book s chapter about Audio Systems.

My apologies, I thought I'd touched on signal grounds
in that chapter . . .

In complex machines where there is a mix of power (100 ma and
up) and signal systems (milliamperes and down) it is useful to
make some effort to isolate these systems from each other as
much as practical.

This starts with single point grounding so that no potential
victim (in this case headphones) has it's desired signal (ATC
talking to you) polluted with undesired signals (alternator
whine) because the power and signal ground paths are shared
along some portion of the airframe.

The underlying thought here is that "ground is not ground"
for all systems when you simply tie the ground wires to the
vehicle structure. At Cessna way back when, we simply tied
mic and headset jacks to airframe ground at the lower edge
of the panel. As loads in the airplane went up and generators
were replaced with alternators, there was the occasional situation
where alternator noise was heard by folks at the other end of
your transmission . . . or you could hear alternator whine
in your headsets.

NONE of the noise mitigating techniques (isolation washers,
single point grounds, shielded wires, etc) are absolute
guarantees against having to wrestle with a noise issue. These
are easy to accomplish, prophylactic measures that have been
shown to be useful in the past and when implemented in total
one can expect eliminating 99.9% of all potential noise
propagation paths . . . therefore we recommend that they be
implemented as standard practice.

Bob . . .


Can you please be more specific about what you think about not insulating
the Headphone jack?

And if I isolate it, to where exactly should I connect the ground lug of
the Headphone jack?


> --

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:42 pm    Post subject: Installing Audio Jacks Reply with quote

Many thanks Bob
Now I got the whole picture!! Obviously I will isolate the headphone jacks as well…

Now, isolating the headphone jacks from the airframe, where should I connect its ground lugs to?
Shall I run a dedicated wire from each jack ground lug?
Shall this wire go to the firewall single point ground, or to pin 13 (mic return) or pin 1 (ground) of the Intercom?

By the way (and forgive me for asking so many questions), since I am using shielded wire to connect Mic and Headphone jacks to the Intercom, on which side should I connect the shield mesh to ground, the jack or the Intercom?


[quote] --

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 4:20 pm    Post subject: Installing Audio Jacks Reply with quote

At 10:38 PM 10/27/2008 +0000, you wrote:

Many thanks Bob

Now I got the whole picture!! Obviously I will isolate the headphone jacks
as well&

Now, isolating the headphone jacks from the airframe, where should I
connect its ground lugs to?

back to ground at the same device that drives the
headphones (iso amp, intercom?). See . . .

. . . in every schematic, I show the signal ground for EACH
headset and EACH microphone jack returned to ground on the
device that gets the signal wires.
Shall I run a dedicated wire from each jack ground lug?

For headsets, I use single shielded (shielded pair for
stereo) and often use the shield itself as the ground
return. This way all the conductors stay together. Mic
jacks can be a shielded trio (or shielded pair with
ground being the signal ground for the mic jack. Either
way works fine.
Shall this wire go to the firewall single point ground, or to pin 13 (mic
return) or pin 1 (ground) of the Intercom?

To the device that needs or delivers signals to the other

The next audio isolation amp under design will have LOTS
of extra ground pins to accommodate minimum-risk wiring
techniques without having to splice a half dozen grounds
before dropping them into a single pin. These grounds
never go to an airframe ground like g1 thru g5 unless
specifically called out on the diagram.

Bob . . .

By the way (and forgive me for asking so many questions), since I am using
shielded wire to connect Mic and Headphone jacks to the Intercom, on which
side should I connect the shield mesh to ground, the jack or the Intercom?

At the intercom end only unless you're using that
ground as part of the signal path.

Bob . . .

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