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Questions on the CH-801

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:16 am    Post subject: Questions on the CH-801 Reply with quote

Hi all,

I have been lurking on the Group/List for a while; I mostly listen, and I
have just about decided to build an 801.

I still have a few questions, most of which will be asked to Zenithair, but
I would like to get the fields' opinion on a few less publicized points of
the 801. Please feel free to add those you find relevant or pertinent.

- Does the 801 suffer from the same "oil canning" syndrome that is so
apparent on the 701?

- Does the nose wheel really make the rudder heavy and "weird" as I hear of
its design?

- What's a realistic cruising speed figure at 2 or 3000'? I hear that the
factory's 105 mph is a bit optimistic and at altitude.

- What would you consider the minimum runway requirement for safe operation
at gross and a 30�C (86�F) no wind condition?

My farm strip is 800' long, with a clearway of 500 extra feet at one end
that could be dressed as runway, although I'd better fit floats for winter,
'cause that patch gets a little soaked with rain.

- I'll build a small Hangar; just enough for the plane, but since I'll be
building in it, is the "span x length and a little extra room for
workbench/power tools" enough to build an 801, or should I go with the next
size hangar? I was thinking something like Miracletruss or Perka; I also
like the kit concept for the hangar, so it really doesn't cost more than the
plane Smile

Thanks for your patience

Fly safely!...

Antonio Pereira


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Joined: 30 Dec 2008
Posts: 2
Location: Cary, NC

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:08 pm    Post subject: Re: Questions on the CH-801 Reply with quote

Hi Antonio,

I know you are hoping for an answer based on personal experience from someone knowledgeable, but since that hasn't happened yet, how about second hand from another lurker who's still looking? Last year, I had several email exchanges with a fellow who has an 801 with a 200 Hp Sube conversion. He was extremely pleased with the configuration and put it as he could loiter at 60mph, economy cruise between 70 and 80 and at 90-100, fuel consumption increased dramatically. His best trip mpg was about 10mpg at about 80 mph. Based on what I was told, it's not what I'd call an efficient cross country machine but I still love the plane for the no-apologies approach to performing a specific task exceedingly well - move lots of stuff out of small strips effectively. Perhaps others have differing experience with different configurations?

I was also fortunate enough to get a ride from a very generous fellow in his GORGEOUS 601, which I think has the same form of nose strut assembly as the 801 and I noted a strange rudder feel. I don't know if it's what you are alluding to, but it felt to me like the rudder did not want to recenter automatically after a displacement. My thought was that it may be due to the link to the nose wheel which had a large pant on the plane that extended well forward of the pivot point and I wondered if the prop-wash played a role, pushing the displaced nose wheel and pant and linked rudder aside. I mentioned this to the fellow with the 801 and he remarked that on his 801 rudder self-centers just fine and he wondered if there may be a rigging issue at play. I don't know, and as I said, I'm unfortunately still but a lurker and the 601 owner handled the plane superbly, so clearly it's not an impediment to skillful handling.

Don't know if this answers any of your questions definitively, but maybe others with more experience or info can add more.

Best of luck,

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