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Fuel tank/burn question - UPDATE

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:06 pm    Post subject: Fuel tank/burn question - UPDATE Reply with quote

Thanks for all the responses, guys. I've conclusive established that my LH tank takes 52 litres (13 gals) from EMPTY. I'm gonna check the other tank shortly. I've investigated leakage possibilities, but it doesn't seem to leak. (Topped off both, took off on good tank, flew round for a while, landed, "bad" tank still full. I'm going to have a look at the innards of the tank, but Jerry's point that burning 13 gals per hour is not unlikely on an 0.360, WOT at 2700 rpm, reassures me a bit. I'm considering all suggestions that were made, and ruling 'em out one by one. I appreciate all the help, and the many offers of fuel caps. Thanks y'all

Andrew Fairfax (NZ)

PS John, the "sucking of the caps off, in flight, means just what it sounds like. I think the "low pressure" explanation makes sense - with old (dry) caps, they don't "spread" properly, are not secure, and pop, they're gone. Am gonna be careful about keeping seals lubricated from now on, and yes, carry a spare. And try not to fly over people Smile

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From: owner-rv-list-server(at) [mailto:owner-rv-list-server(at)] On Behalf Of Denis Walsh
Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2009 11:46 AM
To: rv-list(at)
Subject: Re: Fuel tank/burn questions

first of all my money is with Doug's Imperial answer.

As to cap sucking. My six has blown (had sucked) off a couple tank caps over the years. I now carry a spare with me. In my case they were left loose, either by the fueler or by me.

The good news is that in coordinated flight and reasonable attitudes and speeds, the fuel quits drooling after only a half gallon or so.

I should add that I have also fliight checked another fascinating condition, which is having the fuel cap slightly cocked in the receptacle, but latched snug. This can also result in fuel going overboard, due to the aforementioned low pressure area over the cap. Again the fuel drool stops after a short time in coordinated flight, most likely because of the fortuitous dihedral of the Van's wing.

On Apr 3, 2009, at 2:24 , Doug Gray wrote:
[quote] On Sat, 2009-04-04 at 06:08 +1000, Doug Gray wrote:

it only took 12.5 gallons.

Wait a minute - are you in New Zealand? 12.5 Imp Gallons * 1.2 => 15 USG

You might also be losing fuel - check tank & gascolator drains under pressure, perhaps through the poorly sealed caps.

Seems to me you are being punished for flirting with a Rocket!



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